All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed an issue when intercepting method with same signature aside from type params.
- Compatible with Castle.Core 4.4.0
- Unexpected interceptor is chosen when attribute is applied to any of the derived classes. #26
- Implemented an abstract
- Marked CLS Compliant
- updated the Ninject package reference from 3.3.0-beta1 to 3.3.0.
- Support .NET Standard 2.0
- Added overloads to configure which methods are intercepted
- Dynamic proxy does not wrap proxies again with another proxy
- All kind of interceptions do not intercept
methods by default unless they are overridden - Inject
instead of getting it from the kernel on each request
- .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0 and Silverlight
- Dynamic Advices are not cached and reused
- Interface Proxies allow to intercept "System.Object" methods (ToString, GetHashCode, Equals) now.
- AsyncInterceptor as base class for interceptors that support interception of async methods.
can now be used afterOnActivation()
syntax.- Proxies can now implement additional interfaces.
is nowIntercept<T>(params Type[] additionalInterfaces)
- #26: Wrong interceptor is chosen when multiple bindings exist for same service type
- Don't crash if there's a special method that is less than 4 characters long, some obvuscated code has this
- #15: Methods from derived classes can be invoked without getting an Interface not found exception
- Support for out and ref values on the intercepted methods
- Interface Proxies are created for bound interfaces rather than a class proxy for its implementation.
- No web builds. All builds are have not reference to web anymore
- Fixing multithreading issue with advice registry. Updating nuget. Fixing fluent assertions build task.
- An AmbiguousMatchExcpetion was trown for classes that have multiple properties with the same name.