diff --git a/website/docs/d/memorydb_user.html.markdown b/website/docs/d/memorydb_user.html.markdown
index d48455d3dde..0656d5023b8 100644
--- a/website/docs/d/memorydb_user.html.markdown
+++ b/website/docs/d/memorydb_user.html.markdown
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ This data source exports the following attributes in addition to the arguments a
* `access_string` - Access permissions string used for this user.
* `arn` - ARN of the user.
* `authentication_mode` - Denotes the user's authentication properties.
- * `password_count` - (Optional) Number of passwords belonging to the user if `type` is set to `password`.
+ * `password_count` - Number of passwords belonging to the user if `type` is set to `password`.
* `type` - Type of authentication configured.
* `minimum_engine_version` - Minimum engine version supported for the user.
* `tags` - Map of tags assigned to the user.