A basic chatting application made completely in Java. Chatify is the full-stack application, where the front-end is developed with JavaFX framework and the back-end is made to leverage database management by JDBC. Chatify's database is done on PostgreSQL and hosted with AWS.
Features in Chatify:
- Supports both CLI and GUI
- Login/Signup and Account Setting
- Display all available chat rooms
- Join/Create a room
- Display all available users in one specific room
- Real-time conversation
- Encrypted password for security
- Clone this project repository
- Create .env file in the demo folder (main folder of the project workspace) containing:
- "url": your hosted database service domain
- "user": your username in your hosted database server
- "pass": your password in your hosted database server
- To run Chatify, go to src/main/
- For GUI: Execute the file "LoginApplication.java" in "com.example.demo" package.
- For CLI: Execute the file "Main.java" in "backend" package.
- Dotenv
Developed by
- Nick Nguyen : [email protected]
- Cole Kemp : [email protected]
Chatify was developed as a final project for our CSE205 class at Arizona State University.