Updated HTML entities replace code
Fixed list alignment bug in iOS12
Improved Paragraph layout
Improved List Item layout
Added paragraph sample
Fixed a typo issue with paragraph class
Fixed bug in GONMarkupParserUtils
GONMarkupParserUtils optimisation
Fixed sample Podfile
Fixed a bug on NSParagraphStyle mutability
Fixed a bug on lists heading alignment
Fixed a bug on lists, with subitems not aligned
Added support for strong tag (yoohoo \o/)
Fixed (again -_-) new line character bug on lists
Fixed new line character bug on lists
Fixed bug #21
Fixed warning #18
Fixed bug #15
Fixed bug #12
Fixed import problems with cocoa Pods 0.39
Added color attribute to font markup
Added UIButton+GONMarkupParser category
Updated HTML chars tables
Updated HTML chars tables
Fixed a bug in anchor support
Added anchor support
Added support for underline and strikethrough color
Added support for underline / strikethrough text
Initial release