ISOTPlib is a flexible C library designed to make implementing the ISO-TP CAN communication layer a breeze. It can be used for raw data transfer, but it is designed to be used as an abstraction layer between a CAN interface and the UDS FlexDiag library. Unlike other libraries, this one is not designed to deal with loops, arbitration IDs, timers, or CAN drivers - instead only taking care of what ISO-TP is actually responsible for.
- Simple operation: Simply register callbacks at setup, pass in recieved CAN frames, and check for frames to send and you're good to send and recieve transmissions!
- No dynamic memory allocation required: The library is designed to be used with statically allocated buffers, but dynamic buffer sizes can be used if desired.
- Non-intrusive scope: ISOTPlib does not handle CAN IDs, CAN interfaces, or data processing. It also has no loop. It simply handles incoming frames and generates outgoing frames by request to facilitate single/multi-frame transfers.
- Concurrent Sessions: The struct-based design allows for an unlimited number of sessions.
- Error Detection: Missed continuous frame and timeout callbacks
- Customizable Padding: Each instance can have outgoing frames padded with a custom byte or sent at actual length depending on recievers requirements.
- Reliability: Statically allocated memory and clear code design patterns
- FlexDiag: Easily tie into the powerful UDS-based framework of FlexDiag
- Platform-agnostic: Codebase compatible with embedded/Arduino/Desktop and independent of CAN interfaces or libraries
- Automotive Diagnostics
- Create a
and initialize it withisotp_session_init(...)
- Register desired callbacks
- When a CAN message is recieved, call
isotp_session_can_rx(isotp_session_t* session, const uint8_t* frame_data, const size_t frame_length)
- To send a CAN message, call
size_t isotp_session_can_tx(isotp_session_t* session, uint8_t* frame_data, const size_t frame_size, uint32_t* requested_separation_uS)
- To support separation time, don't check again for the provided
has elapsed
- To support separation time, don't check again for the provided
- Done!
- Don't forget to call
isotp_session_idle(isotp_session_t* session)
in your recieved data callback to release the session, even if you didn't respond. - If you'd like, you can change protocol options (padding byte, padding enabled, etc) in the session's
- Don't forget to call