- Responsive design
- Fluid Layouts
- Media Queries
- Responsive Images
- Correct units
- Desktop first vs. Mobile first
- Maintainable & Scalable code
- Clean
- Easy to understand
- Growth
- Reusable
- How to organize files
- How to name classes
- Web performance
- Less HTTP requests
- Less images
- Compress images
- Less code
- Compress code
- Use a CSS Preprocessor
Cascade: Process of combining different stylesheets and resolving conflicts between different CSS rules and declarations when more than one rule applies to a certain element.
CSS could come from three sources
- Author
- User
- Browser (user-agent)
Computing specificity
- Universal selector * has specificity (0, 0, 0, 0)
- Rely on specificity rather than order of the code
- When using external stylesheets, always put your author stylesheets last
- pseudo classes count as a class
- If you intent to use :hover, ensure that the selector with the :hover has higher specificity than the one without the :hover
- Percent value is not a unit like
so does not get processed in the "Computed" stage - Even undeclared properties need to have a value eg. padding in the following example
- use parent's computedfont-size
as referencelength
- use parent's computedwidth
as reference
- use parent's computedfont-size
as referencelengths
- use current element's computedfont-size
as reference
s always use the root font size as reference
- Each property has an initial value, used if nothing is declared and if there is no inheritance
- Browsers specify a root font-size for each page, usually 16px
- Percentages and relative values are always converted to pixels
- Passes some specific properties from parents to children
- Properties related to text are inherited
- Computed value (eg. 24px) is what gets inherited, not declared value (eg. 150%)
keyword forces inheritance on a propertyinitial
keyword forces resets a property to its initial value
Definition: Algorithm that calculates the boxes and determines the layout of the boxes for each element in the render tree in order to determine the final layout of the page
This includes
- Dimensions of the boxes
- Box type: inline, block etc.
- Positioning scheme: floats, positioning
- Stacking contexts
- Other elements in the render tree (children, siblings)
- Viewport size, dimensions of images
Box Model
- total width = left border + left padding + width + right padding + right border
- total height = top border + top padding + width + bottom padding + bottom border
- Stacking context: the following affect the stacking context
value different from 1transform
- Because of these, stacking order may not work as expected
Think about the layout of web app before writing code
- Component driven design: modular building blocks
- Held together by the layout of the page
- Reusable across a project and between different projects
- Independent, allowing us to use them anywhere on the page
Build your layout in HTML and CSS with a consistent naming scheme
- BEM naming scheme:
- Block - standalone components that can be reused. Could be nested inside one another
- Element - part of a block that has no meaning of its own
- Modifier - A different version of a block or an element
- BEM naming scheme:
Create a logical architecture for your CSS with files and folders
- 7-1 pattern
- 7 different folders for partial Sass files and 1 main Sass file to import all other files into a compiled CSS stylesheet
- You don't need to use all 7 folders- it depends on the size of your project
- 7 different folders for partial Sass files and 1 main Sass file to import all other files into a compiled CSS stylesheet
- 7-1 pattern