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Advanced CSS and SASS

Chapter 3 - How CSS Works

Three pillars to write good HTML/CSS

- Responsive design
  - Fluid Layouts
  - Media Queries
  - Responsive Images
  - Correct units
  - Desktop first vs. Mobile first

- Maintainable & Scalable code
  - Clean
  - Easy to understand
  - Growth
  - Reusable
  - How to organize files
  - How to name classes

- Web performance
  - Less HTTP requests
  - Less images
  - Compress images
  - Less code
  - Compress code
  - Use a CSS Preprocessor

What happens when you load a webpage on a browser

  • flowchart

  • terminology

  • Cascade: Process of combining different stylesheets and resolving conflicts between different CSS rules and declarations when more than one rule applies to a certain element.


  • CSS could come from three sources

    • Author
    • User
    • Browser (user-agent)
  • cascade

  • Computing specificity

    • specificity
    • Universal selector * has specificity (0, 0, 0, 0)
    • Rely on specificity rather than order of the code
    • When using external stylesheets, always put your author stylesheets last
    • pseudo classes count as a class
    • If you intent to use :hover, ensure that the selector with the :hover has higher specificity than the one without the :hover

How CSS values are processed

  • Percent value is not a unit like rem, em so does not get processed in the "Computed" stage
  • Even undeclared properties need to have a value eg. padding in the following example
  • value-processing
  • value-processing
  • value-processing

How units are converted from relative to absolute

  • percentages

    • font - use parent's computed font-size as reference
    • length - use parent's computed width as reference
  • ems

    • font - use parent's computed font-size as reference
    • lengths - use current element's computed font-size as reference
  • rems always use the root font size as reference

  • relative to absolute

Things to remember

  • Each property has an initial value, used if nothing is declared and if there is no inheritance
  • Browsers specify a root font-size for each page, usually 16px
  • Percentages and relative values are always converted to pixels


  • Passes some specific properties from parents to children
  • Properties related to text are inherited
  • Computed value (eg. 24px) is what gets inherited, not declared value (eg. 150%)
  • inheritance
  • inherit keyword forces inheritance on a property
  • initial keyword forces resets a property to its initial value

Visual formatting model

  • Definition: Algorithm that calculates the boxes and determines the layout of the boxes for each element in the render tree in order to determine the final layout of the page

  • This includes

    • Dimensions of the boxes
    • Box type: inline, block etc.
    • Positioning scheme: floats, positioning
    • Stacking contexts
    • Other elements in the render tree (children, siblings)
    • Viewport size, dimensions of images
  • Box Model

    • box model
    • total width = left border + left padding + width + right padding + right border
    • total height = top border + top padding + width + bottom padding + bottom border
    • boder box
    • box types
    • positioning schemes
    • Stacking context: the following affect the stacking context
      • z-index
      • opacity value different from 1
      • transform
      • filters
      • Because of these, stacking order may not work as expected

Think - Build - Architect mindset

  • Think about the layout of web app before writing code

    • Component driven design: modular building blocks
    • Held together by the layout of the page
    • Reusable across a project and between different projects
    • Independent, allowing us to use them anywhere on the page
  • Build your layout in HTML and CSS with a consistent naming scheme

    • BEM naming scheme: block__element--modifier
    • Block - standalone components that can be reused. Could be nested inside one another
    • Element - part of a block that has no meaning of its own info, stats-box
    • Modifier - A different version of a block or an element
  • Create a logical architecture for your CSS with files and folders

    • 7-1 pattern
      • 7 different folders for partial Sass files and 1 main Sass file to import all other files into a compiled CSS stylesheet
        • base/
        • components/
        • layout/
        • pages/
        • themes/
        • abstracts/ (variables/mixins)
        • vendors/
      • You don't need to use all 7 folders- it depends on the size of your project