Cross-spectrum face recognition system using fused loss function for discriminative feature learning and ranking-based subspace hashing
This project is the implementation of the paper, by wang. H, et al (2021), which focuses on developing a robust face recognition system that operates across different imaging domains, specifically visible and thermal images. Utilizing state-of-the-art deep learning techniques, the system employs discriminative feature learning and ranking-based subspace hashing to achieve high accuracy in cross-modal face recognition tasks.
- Discriminative Feature Learning: Enhances the ability of the model to distinguish between different faces by learning discriminative features.
- Ranking-Based Subspace Hashing: Projects feature vectors into a lower-dimensional subspace, facilitating efficient and accurate face matching.
- VGGFace Pretrained Models: Used for initial feature extraction and embeddings to leverage pre-trained deep learning models.
- Streamlit Application: Provides an interactive interface for users to upload and process images, and visualize recognition results.