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After the Storm Development To-Do List

Legend: [!] Important - [L] Low - [D] Lowest/Wishlist - [M] 1.0.0 target - [?] Undecided/Tentative - [x] Done


  • [D] Distribute resources in a separate add-on used by IftU and AtS
    • Depends on the implementation of different add-on dependency tiers in mainline code
  • [M] Optimize usage of SUFs and SLFs throughout the entire campaign

Balancing [M]

  • [L] E1S3 (make it harder to win by just sitting in a map corner)
  • [L] E1S7 (increase difficulty)
  • [!] E1S11.1 (increase difficulty by making a specific side use offensive rather than defensive grouping)
  • [!] E2S10 (remove second half)
  • [!] E2S11 (increase difficulty of the second half)
  • [!] E3S7A.1 (increase gameplay fluidity)
  • [!] E3S7B (decrease amount of enemy leaders and units spawned after turn 10 for performance and difficulty concerns, increase difficulty in some other way to compensate)
  • [L] E3S10 (increase gameplay fluidity before Zhangor stage)


  • E1S9.2
    • [M] The sequence with Ivyel needs to be rewritten to make it more interesting and difficult

Units (with currently finished art)

  • [M] Ivyel (E1S9.2 appearance) needs better/more interesting stats

Pixel art/new units

  • Baseframes
    • [D] Verlissh Control Spire needs to be further differentiated from its obvious base
    • [D] Shaxthal units need to be reimagined, and look less goofy
    • [D] Mal Keshar needs his own baseframe
    • [D] Mal Kendria needs her own baseframe
    • [D] Mal Hekuba (E1S9.1, E2S10 appearances) needs his own baseframe
    • [M] Ivyel (E1S9.2 appearance) needs a new baseframe
    • [L] Mal Hekuba (E2S11 appearance) needs his own baseframe
    • [M] Chaos Dreadcrafter, a mage/engineer/medic unit with healing
  • Animations
    • [L] Basic animations for existing hero units
      • Elvish Wayfarer
      • Sylvan Warden
      • Dusk Faerie line
      • Shaxthal Warlord Elyssa
      • Guardian of Darkness Elyssa
      • Guardian of Earth Elynia
      • Guardian of Darkness Anya
    • [L] Basic animations for prominent generic units
    • [D] Full animations for all units


  • [D] Elynia mood portraits set, plus special portrait for E2S12 (injured variation)
  • [D] Mal Keshar
    • [D] [?] One or two additional mood portraits
  • Elyssa
    • [?] [D] [M] New portrait for E2S12 onwards displaying less deteriorated skin
  • [L] Horo
  • [L] Kyara
  • [!] [M] Durvan
  • [!] [M] Anya
    • [D] Mood portraits set
  • [L] Allyna
  • [!] [M] Mal Hekuba (actually pending from IftU since years)
  • [!] Mal Kendria
  • [L] Nar-hamoth
  • [!] Lady Unarye
  • [!] Arnesius (also in IftU)
  • [L] Valen
  • [L] Torancyn (also in IftU)
  • [L] Gaellis
  • [L] Inara
  • [L] Maina
  • [!] Ivyel (E2S8, E2S10 before cutscene)
  • [?] [!] Ivyel (E2S10 onwards after cutscene)
  • [!] Ergea (E3S5 onwards)
  • [L] Cron (E3S5 onwards)
  • [D] Elyssa action portrait for use as the Guardian of Darkness (E3S7A.2 onwards)
  • [!] Uria silhouette portrait (E3S8A)
  • [D] Elynia action portrait for use as the Guardian of Earth (E3S8C onwards)
  • [D] Anya action portrait for use as the Guardian of Darkness (E3S8D onwards)
  • [!] Aradellys portrait (E3S13)
  • [!] Uria (in plain view) portrait (E3S13)


  • [!] Dark hive spawn holes need to be made more visible on lair floor tiles
  • [L] More variety in dark hive tilesets
  • [L] Dark hive artifacts/engines/etc.
  • [D] Gate graphics suck

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