Setup WinRM over HTTPS and control some basic, essential settings. Also supports Puppet CA issued certificates.
can be set to either the value of the "Issued By" field of the certificate to utilise, or the path to the certificate issuer's/authority's .PEM public certificate file.
(default 5986) This is for HTTPS only.
(default 1024) As per the WinRM setting. You may need to apply Microsoft KB2842230 for this to take effect.
(default 60000) As per the WinRM setting.
(default true) Since you are HTTPS secured now, no harm in allowing Basic Auth.
(default true) Removes the HTTP listener completely from WinRM so that plaintext transport is simply not available.
Note that the following example uses the new23d-puppetpem2p12
module for the puppet_config_localcacert
# read the path to the Puppet CA's .PEM file into a variable
$ca_to_trust = $::puppet_config_localcacert
winrmSSL {$ca_to_trust:
ensure => present,
issuer => $ca_to_trust,
#port => 5986,
#maxmemorypershellmb => 1024,
#maxtimeoutms => 60000,
#auth_basic => true,
#disable_http => true