go run main.go [-minio-bucket <string>] [-minio-region <string>] [-minio-endpoint <string>] [-minio-access-key <string>] [-minio-secret-key <string>] [-s3-region <string>] [-s3-endpoint <string>] [-s3-access-key <string>] [-s3-secret-key <string>]
-minio-bucket [string]
The bucket of the MinIO server.
-minio-region [string]
The region of the MinIO server.
-minio-endpoint [string]
The endpoint of the MinIO server.
-minio-access-key [string]
The access key for the MinIO server.
-minio-secret-key [string]
The secret key for the MinIO server.
-s3-bucket [string]
The bucket of the S3 server.
-s3-region [string]
The region of the S3 server.
-s3-endpoint [string]
The endpoint of the S3 server.
-s3-access-key [string]
The access key for the S3 server.
-s3-secret-key [string]
The secret key for the S3 server.