diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b52eb42..2060493 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,8 +10,12 @@ is a usable Lisp IDE and keyboard-driven browser.
Prebuilt binary for x64 Linux: https://github.com/neomacs-project/neomacs/releases/
+Documentation: `M-x manual`. There is also an online version at https://neomacs-project.github.io/doc/toc.html
To build locally, make sure you have SBCL, quicklisp, and the Ultralisp dist (if you haven't done so, `(ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.ultralisp.org/" :prompt nil)`). Clone this repo and `https://github.com/ceramic/ceramic` under `~/quicklisp/local-projects/`. Then `(ql:quickload "neomacs")` and `(neomacs:start)`.
+To build the terminal emulator (currently Linux only), clone `https://github.com/neomacs-project/3bst` under `~/quicklisp/local-projects/` then `(ql:quickload "neomacs/term")`.
Neomacs relies on Electron which has known permission issues on some Linux distros. Try the following workaround:
1. `sudo sysctl -w kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0`
diff --git a/doc/intro.html b/doc/intro.html
index b65e8a8..8233f80 100644
--- a/doc/intro.html
+++ b/doc/intro.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
Welcome to Neomacs, the structural Lisp system!
Run command by name: execute-command (M-x)
. Quit Neomacs: kill-neomacs (C-x C-c)
. Show index of manual: M-x manual
. Describe key: M-x describe-key
Managing windows and buffers
Buffer commands: switch-to-buffer (C-x b)
, delete-buffer (C-x k)
Window commands: other-window (C-x o)
, split-window-below (C-x 2)
, split-window-right (C-x 3)
, close-window (C-x 0)
, delete-other-windows (C-x 1)
See window management commands and buffer management commands for more details.
Switch to *scratch*
buffer to play with some Lisp!
Editing files
To get started, see motion, editing commands, undo commands and clipboard commands.
Motion: forward-node (C-f)
, backward-node (C-b)
, forward-word (M-f)
, backward-word (M-b)
, forward-element-end (C-M-f)
, backward-element (C-M-b)
, next-line (C-n)
, previous-line (C-p)
, scroll-down-command (C-v)
, scroll-up-command (M-v)
Search: search-forward (C-s)
, search-backward (C-r)
Undo: undo-history (C-x u)
. Once undo history view is active, use undo-command (p)
, redo-command (n)
, previous-branch (b)
, next-branch (f)
to time travel.
Clipboard: cut-element (C-w)
, copy-element (M-w)
, paste (C-y)
, paste-pop (M-y)
, set-selection (C-space)
Hacking Lisp
Inside lisp-mode
buffers (e.g. the *scratch*
buffer): eval-last-expression (C-x C-e)
, eval-print-last-expression (C-c C-p)
. Unprintable objects are printed as presentations, which looks like this: #<OBJECT ...>. Pressing enter
on presentations opens the inspector.
Compile top-level form or file: compile-defun (C-c C-c)
, lisp-compile-file (C-c C-k)
Lookup definition of focused symbol: goto-definition (M-.)
Enable Neomacs debugger: M-x toggle-debug-on-error
. Inside the debugger, press a
to abort, press c
to continue, press v
on a stack frame to view its function definition.
Browsing Web
Open links: add-hint (M-g)
, add-hint-ctrl (M-G)
History navigation: web-go-backward (C-c b)
, web-go-forward (C-c f)
. There is also a global history accessible via list-web-history
and is used for find-url
Neomacs loads the config file (uiop:xdg-config-home "neomacs" "init.lisp")
(usually located at ~/.config/neomacs/init.lisp
on Unix-like systems) on startup if it exists. You can put Lisp code in the config file to customize Neomacs. You can also evaluate Lisp expressions in the *scratch*
buffer to try out customization, which takes effect immediately and throughout the current Neomacs session.
Example of customizing style: (set-style 'default '(:color "#f00"))
. To revert this change, evaluate (apply-theme :default)
. See Styles for more details.
Turning off funny sound effects: (setq *error-hook* 'do-nothing *quit-hook* 'do-nothing)
Example of adding key binds: (define-keys :global "s-o" 'find-file)
. See Defining keys for more details.
\ No newline at end of file
Welcome to Neomacs, the structural Lisp system!
Run command by name: execute-command (M-x)
. Quit Neomacs: kill-neomacs (C-x C-c)
. Show index of manual: M-x manual
. Describe key: M-x describe-key
Managing windows and buffers
Buffer commands: switch-to-buffer (C-x b)
, delete-buffer (C-x k)
Window commands: other-window (C-x o)
, split-window-below (C-x 2)
, split-window-right (C-x 3)
, close-window (C-x 0)
, delete-other-windows (C-x 1)
See window management commands and buffer management commands for more details.
Switch to *scratch*
buffer to play with some Lisp!
Editing files
To get started, see motion, editing commands, undo commands and clipboard commands.
Motion: forward-node (C-f)
, backward-node (C-b)
, forward-word (M-f)
, backward-word (M-b)
, forward-element-end (C-M-f)
, backward-element (C-M-b)
, next-line (C-n)
, previous-line (C-p)
, scroll-down-command (C-v)
, scroll-up-command (M-v)
Search: search-forward (C-s)
, search-backward (C-r)
Undo: undo-history (C-x u)
. Once undo history view is active, use undo-command (p)
, redo-command (n)
, previous-branch (b)
, next-branch (f)
to time travel.
Clipboard: cut-element (C-w)
, copy-element (M-w)
, paste (C-y)
, paste-pop (M-y)
, set-selection (C-space)
Hacking Lisp
Inside lisp-mode
buffers (e.g. the *scratch*
buffer): eval-last-expression (C-x C-e)
, eval-print-last-expression (C-c C-p)
. Unprintable objects are printed as presentations, which looks like this: #<OBJECT ...>. Pressing enter
on presentations opens the inspector.
Compile top-level form or file: compile-defun (C-c C-c)
, lisp-compile-file (C-c C-k)
Lookup definition of focused symbol: goto-definition (M-.)
Enable Neomacs debugger: M-x toggle-debug-on-error
. Inside the debugger, press a
to abort, press c
to continue, press v
on a stack frame to view its function definition.
Use the terminal (Linux)
M-x term
to open the terminal emulator. The terminal opens in insert mode by default, which sends most key strokes to the terminal and synchronize the cursor with the terminal. A few key strokes (e.g. C-x
and C-c
) are not sent to the terminal, to send them, use term-quote-send-key (C-q)
. To scroll back and copy contents, press C-c C-j
to turn off terminal-insert-mode
. Once you are done, press C-c C-k
to enable terminal-insert-mode
Browsing Web
Open links: add-hint (M-g)
, add-hint-ctrl (M-G)
History navigation: web-go-backward (C-c b)
, web-go-forward (C-c f)
. There is also a global history accessible via list-web-history
and is used for find-url
Neomacs loads the config file (uiop:xdg-config-home "neomacs" "init.lisp")
(usually located at ~/.config/neomacs/init.lisp
on Unix-like systems) on startup if it exists. You can put Lisp code in the config file to customize Neomacs. You can also evaluate Lisp expressions in the *scratch*
buffer to try out customization, which takes effect immediately and throughout the current Neomacs session.
Example of customizing style: (set-style 'default '(:color "#f00"))
. To revert this change, evaluate (apply-theme :default)
. See Styles for more details.
Turning off funny sound effects: (setq *error-hook* 'do-nothing *quit-hook* 'do-nothing)
Example of adding key binds: (define-keys :global "s-o" 'find-file)
. See Defining keys for more details.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/neomacs.asd b/neomacs.asd
index 2b25d9c..5f90864 100644
--- a/neomacs.asd
+++ b/neomacs.asd
@@ -72,3 +72,15 @@
:serial t
:components ((:file "asdf-bundler")
(:file "deploy")))
+(asdf:defsystem neomacs/term
+ :defsystem-depends-on (:cffi-toolchain)
+ :license "GPLv3+"
+ :components
+ ((:module "term"
+ :serial t
+ :components
+ ((:file "package")
+ (:file "term")
+ (:c-file "term-helper"))))
+ :depends-on (:neomacs :3bst))
diff --git a/term/package.lisp b/term/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff0d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/term/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(defpackage #:neomacs/term
+ (:use #:cl #:iterate #:neomacs #:named-closure))
diff --git a/term/term-helper.c b/term/term-helper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40dbb7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/term/term-helper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+__asm__(".symver forkpty,forkpty@GLIBC_2.2.5");
+void run_shell(int rows, int cols, const char *program, char* const argv[],
+ const char *term_env, pid_t* pid, int* fd)
+ struct winsize win = { rows, cols, 0, 0 };
+ *pid = forkpty(fd, NULL, NULL, &win);
+ assert(*pid >= 0);
+ if (*pid == 0) {
+ setenv("TERM", term_env, 1);
+ assert(execvp(program, argv) >= 0);
+ }
diff --git a/term/term.lisp b/term/term.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4607ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/term/term.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+(in-package #:3bst)
+;; Patch 3bst to support scrollback
+(defun tscrollup (orig n &key (term *term*))
+ (let* ((bottom (bottom term)) (n (limit n 0 (1+ (- bottom orig))))
+ (screen (screen term)))
+ (neomacs/term::insert-scrollback (aref screen orig))
+ (tclearregion 0 orig (1- (columns term)) (1- (+ orig n)) :term term)
+ (tsetdirt (+ orig n) bottom :term term)
+ (loop for i from orig to (- bottom n)
+ do (rotatef (aref screen i)
+ (aref screen (+ i n))))))
+(in-package #:neomacs/term)
+(define-mode term-mode (read-only-mode doc-mode)
+ ((for-term
+ :initform (make-instance
+ '3bst:term
+ :rows 24
+ :columns 80))
+ (pid :initarg :pid)
+ (pty :initarg :pty)
+ (thread)
+ (line-starts)
+ (scrollback-lines :initform nil)))
+(defmethod enable-aux ((mode-name (eql 'term-mode)))
+ (let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
+ (3bst:*term* (for-term buffer)))
+ (3bst::tresize (3bst:columns 3bst:*term*) (3bst:rows 3bst:*term*))
+ (3bst::treset)
+ (setf (line-starts buffer)
+ (let ((*inhibit-read-only* t))
+ (iter (for i below (3bst:rows 3bst:*term*))
+ (for node = (neomacs::make-new-line-node))
+ (insert-nodes (end-pos (document-root buffer)) node)
+ (collect node)))
+ (thread buffer)
+ (bt2:make-thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (let (*print-readably*)
+ (handler-case
+ (iter (for c = (read-char-no-hang (pty buffer)
+ nil 'eof))
+ (until (eql c 'eof))
+ (if c
+ (let ((3bst:*term* (for-term buffer))
+ (neomacs::*current-buffer* buffer))
+ (3bst:handle-input (string c)))
+ (progn
+ (when (typep buffer 'term-insert-mode)
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (when (buffer-alive-p buffer)
+ (when (find-if #'plusp
+ (3bst:dirty (for-term buffer)))
+ (redisplay-term (for-term buffer) buffer))
+ (redisplay-focus (for-term buffer) buffer))))
+ (sleep 0.05))))
+ (stream-error ()))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (when (buffer-alive-p buffer)
+ (delete-buffer buffer)))))
+ :name "Terminal listener"))))
+(defmethod selectable-p-aux ((buffer term-mode) pos)
+ (and (or (text-pos-p pos) (new-line-node-p pos))
+ (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod on-delete-buffer progn ((buffer term-mode))
+ (sb-posix:close (pty buffer))
+ (sb-posix:kill (pid buffer) sb-unix:sighup)
+ (sb-posix:waitpid (pid buffer) 0))
+(defun render-line (line)
+ (let ((stream (make-string-output-stream))
+ last-color)
+ (flet ((emit ()
+ (let ((output (get-output-stream-string stream)))
+ (when (plusp (length output))
+ (list (neomacs::make-element
+ "span"
+ :style (format nil "color:#~{~2,'0x~};"
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (c)
+ (floor
+ (* c 255)))
+ last-color))
+ :children (list output)))))))
+ (nconc
+ (iter (for c in-vector line)
+ (for color = (3bst:color-rgb (3bst:fg c)))
+ (unless (or (not last-color) (equal color last-color))
+ (nconcing (emit)))
+ (write-char (3bst:c c) stream)
+ (setq last-color color))
+ (emit)))))
+(defun redisplay-term (term buffer)
+ (let ((*inhibit-read-only* t))
+ (iter (for line in (nreverse (scrollback-lines buffer)))
+ (apply #'insert-nodes (car (line-starts buffer))
+ (make-new-line-node) line))
+ (setf (scrollback-lines buffer) nil)
+ (iter (with dirty = (3bst:dirty term))
+ (for row below (3bst:rows term))
+ (for (beg end) on (line-starts buffer))
+ (when (plusp (aref dirty row))
+ (delete-nodes (pos-right beg) end)
+ (apply #'insert-nodes
+ (pos-right beg)
+ (render-line (aref (3bst::screen term) row)))
+ (setf (aref dirty row) 0)))))
+(defun redisplay-focus (term buffer)
+ (let* ((cursor (3bst::cursor term))
+ (x (3bst::x cursor))
+ (y (3bst::y cursor))
+ (pos (pos-right (nth y (line-starts buffer)))))
+ (iter (for _ to x)
+ (setf pos (or (npos-next-until pos #'text-pos-p) pos)))
+ (setf (pos (focus buffer)) pos)))
+(defun insert-scrollback (line)
+ (push (render-line line) (scrollback-lines neomacs::*current-buffer*)))
+(cffi:defcfun ("run_shell" %run-shell) :void
+ (rows :int) (cols :int) (program :string) (argv :pointer) (term-env :string)
+ (pid :pointer) (fd :pointer))
+(defun run-shell (rows cols cmd args term-env)
+ (let* ((string-pointers (mapcar #'cffi:foreign-string-alloc args))
+ (argv-pointer (cffi:foreign-alloc
+ :pointer :null-terminated-p t
+ :initial-contents string-pointers)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (cffi:with-foreign-objects
+ ((pid-pointer :int)
+ (fd-pointer :int))
+ (setf (cffi:mem-ref pid-pointer :int) 0
+ (cffi:mem-ref fd-pointer :int) 0)
+ (%run-shell rows cols cmd argv-pointer term-env
+ pid-pointer fd-pointer)
+ (values (cffi:mem-ref pid-pointer :int)
+ (cffi:mem-ref fd-pointer :int)))
+ (mapc #'cffi:foreign-string-free string-pointers)
+ (cffi:foreign-free argv-pointer))))
+(define-mode term-insert-mode () ()
+ (:lighter "Insert")
+ (:toggler t)
+ (:documentation "Forward most keys to terminal."))
+(define-command term ()
+ "Start terminal emulator."
+ (multiple-value-bind (pid fd)
+ (run-shell 25 80 "/bin/bash" nil "st-256color")
+ (switch-to-buffer
+ (make-buffer
+ "*term*" :mode '(term-insert-mode term-mode) :pid pid
+ :pty (sb-sys:make-fd-stream fd :input t :output t
+ :dual-channel-p t)))))
+(defnclo term-send-seq-command (string) ()
+ (term-send-seq string))
+(define-keys term-mode
+ "C-c C-k" 'term-insert-mode)
+(define-keys term-insert-mode
+ 'self-insert-command 'term-forward-key
+ 'backward-delete (make-term-send-seq-command "")
+ 'backward-delete-word (make-term-send-seq-command "")
+ "enter" 'term-forward-key
+ "tab" 'term-forward-key
+ "escape" (make-term-send-seq-command "")
+ "C-q" 'term-quote-send-key
+ "C-c C-j" 'term-insert-mode)
+(iter (for i from (char-code #\a) to (char-code #\z))
+ (for char = (code-char i))
+ (unless (member char '(#\x #\c #\q))
+ (set-key (find-keymap 'term-insert-mode)
+ (format nil "C-~a" char) 'term-forward-key)
+ (set-key (find-keymap 'term-insert-mode)
+ (format nil "M-~a" char) 'term-forward-key)))
+(defun term-send-seq (string)
+ (let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
+ (3bst:*term* (for-term buffer))
+ (3bst::*write-to-child-hook*
+ (lambda (term string)
+ (declare (ignore term))
+ (write-string string (pty buffer))
+ (finish-output (pty buffer)))))
+ (3bst::tty-send string)))
+(defun term-send-key (key)
+ (let ((seq (key-sym key)))
+ (when (equal seq "Space") (setf seq " "))
+ (when (equal seq "Enter") (setf seq "
+ (when (equal seq "Tab") (setf seq " "))
+ (when (key-ctrl key)
+ (setf seq (string (code-char (1+ (- (char-code (aref seq 0))
+ (char-code #\a)))))))
+ (when (key-meta key)
+ (setf seq (str:concat "" seq)))
+ (term-send-seq seq)))
+(define-command term-forward-key
+ :mode term-mode ()
+ "Send this key to terminal."
+ (term-send-key (car (last *this-command-keys*))))
+(define-command term-quote-send-key
+ :mode term-mode ()
+ "Send the next key to terminal."
+ (term-send-key (read-key "Send to terminal: ")))
+(defsheet term-mode `(("body" :font-family "monospace")))