diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/deprecations-additions-removals-compatibility.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/deprecations-additions-removals-compatibility.adoc index 20a06a0cf..12273391f 100644 --- a/modules/ROOT/pages/deprecations-additions-removals-compatibility.adoc +++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/deprecations-additions-removals-compatibility.adoc @@ -193,6 +193,28 @@ label:updated[] GRANT READ {*} ON GRAPH * FOR (n) WHERE n.createdAt > date('2024-10-25') TO regularUsers ---- | link:{neo4j-docs-base-uri}/operations-manual/{page-version}/authentication-authorization/property-based-access-control/[Property-based access control] now supports xref:values-and-types/spatial.adoc[spatial] and xref:values-and-types/temporal.adoc[temporal] values. + + +a| +label:functionality[] +label:updated[] +[source, cypher, role="noheader"] +---- +RETURN 'val' as one, 'val' as two +UNION +RETURN 'val' as two, 'val' as one +---- + +[source, cypher, role="noheader"] +---- +RETURN 'val' as one, 'val' as two +UNION ALL +RETURN 'val' as two, 'val' as one +---- +a| + +Using differently ordered return items in a `UNION [ALL]` clause has been un-deprecated. + |===