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Hackathons |
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This page is dedicated to listing past and upcoming hackathons/other challenges.
We believe that Hackathons and community led competitions can be very helpful for connecting the neo community and developing the neo ecosystem.
Challenges are often smaller in scale compared to Hackathons, and are held multiple times a year. Participants will be provided with several problems specific to the development side of NEO, with difficulty ranging from novice up to advanced. These events have been held in major cities worldwide, but could be held either offline or online in the future.
Theme-based, large scale developer events focusing on the development of dApps on the NEO blockchain or other applications related to the community. Hackathons are often announced a few months in advance, held in a specified city, and often last from one day to an entire weekend.
Development Competitions are held online once every year. It is open to submissions from teams and individual developers all over the world. Any application using NEO smart contracts is considered. [See last year's competition]
These events are aimed for designers in the NEO community. Events will often be announced and held online. Any individual designer or team can enter the competition with their work.