diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fb2aedf..f3e7209 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -20,23 +20,6 @@ rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production And restart your application server. -## Compatibility - -This current version on github is compatible with Redmine 2.1 - 4.2. - -It has been imported from lp:redminelocalavatars -incorporating the patch for 2.1 from chrisy at [https://bugs.launchpad.net/redminelocalavatars/+bug/1069808/comments/4](https://bugs.launchpad.net/redminelocalavatars/+bug/1069808/comments/4) - -### Incompatibilities - -As reported in [issue #12](https://github.com/ncoders/redmine_local_avatars/issues/12), the plugin "mega_calendar" ist not compatible with this plugin due to an issue with the provided users_controller_path.rb file. - -### Old version on launchpad -Tested on Redmine trunk r4388 (version 1.0.3). Should be compatible with -all Redmine versions 1.0.x. - -At the moment the plugin doesn't work when running in development mode. - ## Authors * A.Chaika wrote the original version: diff --git a/init.rb b/init.rb index 4585919..295d2b4 100755 --- a/init.rb +++ b/init.rb @@ -24,23 +24,10 @@ author_url 'https://github.com/ncoders/redmine_local_avatars' description 'This plugin lets users upload avatars directly into Redmine' version '1.0.7' + requires_redmine version_or_higher: '4.1' end receiver = Object.const_defined?('ActiveSupport::Reloader') ? ActiveSupport::Reloader : ActionDispatch::Callbacks -#receiver.to_prepare do -# require_dependency 'project' -# require_dependency 'principal' -# require_dependency 'user' - -# helper_klass = ApplicationHelper.method_defined?(:avatar) ? ApplicationHelper : AvatarsHelper - -# AccountController.send(:include, LocalAvatarsPlugin::AccountControllerPatch) -# helper_klass.send(:include, LocalAvatarsPlugin::ApplicationAvatarPatch) -# MyController.send(:include, LocalAvatarsPlugin::MyControllerPatch) -# User.send(:include, LocalAvatarsPlugin::UsersAvatarPatch) -# UsersController.send(:include, LocalAvatarsPlugin::UsersControllerPatch) -# UsersHelper.send(:include, LocalAvatarsPlugin::UsersHelperPatch) -#end require File.expand_path('../lib/local_avatars', __FILE__)