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Orion Context Broker contains not one but two libraries for JSON parsing. The reason for this is that the external library that was originally selected for parsing of NGSIv1 JSON cannot distinguish between JSON value types such as String, Number, Boolean, Null but treats all values as strings. This was unacceptable for NGSIv2 and so, another external JSON library (rapidjson) was chosen. The two JSON libraries of Orion implement the necessary adaption of the external libraries to be usable by Orion.

This document describes NGSIv1 parsing details (note that NGSIv1 has been deprecated). NGSIv2 parsing details are described in a separate document.

In general, the NGSIv1 parsing logic is more complex than NGSIv2 logic. The good news is that you will probably not need to change anything in NGSIv1 parsing as this is the old version of the Orion API and the work should now concentrate in evolving NGSIv2, not NGSIv1.

The purpose of the parse step is to transform a text buffer, JSON in this case, to an instance of a class/struct in C++. The external library takes care of parsing the JSON string while the Orion library extracts the information and populates the approipriate instance of the class/struct in C++.

A very simple but illustrative example:

The following payload (for POST /v1/queryContext) ... :

  "entities": [
      "type": "Room",
      "id": "ConferenceRoom"
  "attributes": [ "temperature" ]

... would be transformed into a C++ instance of the class QueryContextRequest something like this:

QueryContextRequest* qprP = new QueryContextRequest();
EntityId*            eP   = new EntityId();

eP->id   = "ConferenceRoom";
eP->type = "Room";


This instance of QueryContextRequest is created by the jsonParse library and the service routine postQueryContext() passes it to the mongoBackend function mongoQueryContext().


Parsing process

The library jsonParse contains two overloaded functions with the name jsonParse():

  • The first one is the toplevel function that is called only once per request. See dedicated section on top-level jsonParse().
  • The second jsonParse() is invoked by the toplevel jsonParse() once per node in the parsed tree that is output from boost property_tree and it calls itself recursively following the output tree (we will use jsonParse()* from now on to distinguish this second, lower level jsonParse() from the top level jsonParse() function). See its full explanation in the dedicated section on low level jsonParse().

The concrete example used for the following image is the parsing of payload for POST /v1/updateContextRequest.

Parsing an NGSIv1 payload

PP-01: Parsing an NGSIv1 payload

  • payloadParse() calls the NGSIv1 parse function for JSON payloads (which is one of three possible parse functions to call: parsing of NGSIv1 JSON, NGSIv2 JSON and text) (step 1).
  • jsonTreat() looks up the type of the request by calling jsonRequestGet() (step 2), which returns a pointer to a JsonRequest struct that is needed to parse the payload.
    • Each type of payload needs different input to the common parsing routines. A vector of JsonRequest structs contains this information and jsonRequestGet() looks up the corresponding JsonRequest struct in the vector and returns it. More on the JsonRequest struct later.
  • Knowing the specific information for the request type, jsonTreat() calls the toplevel jsonParse(), whose responsibility is to start the parsing of the payload (step 3). jsonParse() reads in the payload into a stringstream and calls the function read_json() that takes care of the parsing of the payload and converts the payload into a property tree.
  • After that, jsonParse()* (the lower level) is invoked on the resulting tree to convert the boost property tree into an Orion structure (step 4). In fact, jsonParse()* is invoked at this point as many times as there are top level keys in the JSON to process.
    • Example: for { "a": ..., "b": ..., "c:"... }, jsonParse()* will be invoked three times (once for "a", once for "b" and once for "c").
  • jsonParse()* calls the treat() function on each node (step 5) and if the node is not a leaf, it does an recursive call to itself for each child of the node.
  • The treat() function checks for forbidden characters in the payload and then calls the specific Parse-Function for the node in question (step 6). A pointer to this specific Parse-Function is found in the struct JsonRequest, as well as the path to each node, which is how the struct is found.
  • The Parse-Function simply extracts the information from the tree node and adds it to the resulting Orion struct that is the result of the entire parse. Note that each node in the tree has its own Parse-Function and that in this image just a few selected Parse-Functions are shown. In fact, to parse this UpdateContextRequest payload, there are no less than 19 Parse-Functions (see jsonParse/jsonUpdateContextRequest.cpp).


Implementation Details

As earlier stated, jsonTreat() in src/lib/jsonParse/jsonRequest.cpp is invoked by payloadParse() in src/lib/rest/RestService.cpp. Before diving into jsonTreat(), let's take a look at the struct JsonRequest that has a very important role in the function:

typedef struct JsonRequest
  RequestType      type;          // Type of request (URI PATH translated to enum)
  std::string      method;        // HTTP Method (POST/PUT/PATCH ...)
  std::string      keyword;       // Old reminiscent from XML parsing
  JsonNode*        parseVector;   // Path and pointer to entry function for parsing
  RequestInit      init;          // pointer to function for parse initialization
  RequestCheck     check;         // pointer to	function for checking of the parse result
  RequestPresent   present;       // pointer to	function for presenting the parse result in log file
  RequestRelease   release;       // pointer to	function that frees up memory after the parse result has been used
} JsonRequest;

See also the variable jsonRequest, which is a vector of JsonRequest, in src/lib/jsonParse/jsonRequest.cpp for a full list of the supported requests with payload.

The first thing that jsonTreat() does is to call jsonRequestGet() to look up an item in the vector jsonRequest. The search criteria to look up the vector item is the RequestType (which depends on the URL PATH of the request) and the HTTP Method used.

If the combination of URL PATH and HTTP Method is not found in the JsonRequest vector (jsonRequest), then the request is not valid and an error is returned. If found, then the vector item contains all the information needed to parse the payload and build the corresponding raw structure.

Adding a new request with payload

To add a request in NGSIv1, with payload to parse, an item must be added to the vector jsonRequest.

Now, after finding the vector item for the request, jsonTreat() does the following:

  • init()
  • parse()
  • check()

release() cannot be called until the result of the parse has been used. that is, if no error has been detected. In case of errors, the release() function is called right after the call to payloadParse, as the result is garbage and cannot be used. Normally the parse works just fine and the resulting instance from the parse step is passed to mongoBackend for processing and the release function cannot be called until mongoBackend is done with its processing. The corresponding service routine calls mongoBackend and restService() calls the service routine:

std::string response = serviceV[ix].treat(ciP, components, compV, &parseData);

After returning from the service routine, the result of the parse can be released without risk.


Top-level jsonParse()

As mentioned, there are two different functions called jsonParse() in src/lib/jsonParse/jsonParse.cpp. One top level and one lower level. The top level jsonParse() is the entry function and it is visible from outside of src/lib/jsonParse/jsonParse.cpp:

std::string jsonParse
  ConnectionInfo*     ciP,          // Connection Info valid for the life span of the request
  const char*         content,      // Payload as a string
  const std::string&  requestType,  // The type of request (URL PATH)
  JsonNode*           parseVector,  // Function pointers etc for treatment of the nodes
  ParseData*          parseDataP    // Output pointer to C++ classes for the result of the the parse

This function is called by jsonTreat() in src/lib/jsonParse/jsonRequest.cpp, which in its turn in called by payloadParse() in src/lib/rest/RestService.cpp.

The purpose of the function is to initiate the parsing of the content (JSON string in the parameter content) with the help of boost::property_tree::ptree, by:

  • Get start-time for timing statistics, if requested
  • Fix escaped chars, i.e remove backslash preceding a slash: "\/" => "/"
  • Load the content in the ptree variable tree
  • Call the low-level jsonParse() for each first level node of the tree. The low-level jsonTreat() dives deeper.
  • Return Error if low-level jsonTreat() fails
  • Get end-time for timing statistics, if requested, and save diff-time for later use


Low-level jsonParse()

The low-level jsonParse is static in src/lib/jsonParse/jsonParse.cpp and only called by the high-level jsonParse() (except for the recursive calls it makes itself).

Its signature:

static std::string jsonParse
  ConnectionInfo*                           ciP,          // "Global" info about the current request
  boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type&  v,            // The node-in-the-tree
  const std::string&                        _path,        // The path to the node-in-the-tree 
  JsonNode*                                 parseVector,  // Function pointers etc for treatment of the nodes
  ParseData*                                parseDataP    // Output pointer to C++ classes for the result of the the parse

Let's describe the different parameters one by one.

ConnectionInfo* ciP

This pointer to ConnectionInfo is created by the function that MHD (libmicrohttpd) uses for the callbacks while reading the request (connectionTreat in src/lib/rest/rest.cpp). ciP contains information about the request such as:

  • HTTP Method/Verb
  • HTTP Headers
  • URI Parameters (E.g. ?a=1&b=2)
  • URI Path (E.g. /v1/queryRequest) ...
  • ... and much more. See src/lib/rest/ConnectionInfo.h

The pointer to ConnectionInfo is passed to many functions in the libraries jsonParse, jsonParseV2, rest, serviceRoutines and serviceRoutinesV2.

boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type& v

This is a reference to the currently treated node in the tree. Not much more to say about it. See the boost property_tree documentation for more information on this.

const std::string& _path

jsonParse() keeps the path to the node as a string, to know exactly which node in the tree is treated. E.g.:

  "entities": [
      "type": "Room",
      "id": "ConferenceRoom"
  "attributes": [ "temperature" ]

The node type would have the path /entities/entity/type. The middle name entity is because entities is a vector. More on this later.

JsonNode* parseVector

JsonNode is a struct defined in src/lib/jsonParse/JsonNode.h:

typedef std::string (*JsonNodeTreat)(const std::string& path, const std::string& value, ParseData* reqDataP);

typedef struct JsonNode
  std::string    path;
  JsonNodeTreat  treat;
} JsonNode;

Instances of JsonNode contain the path of a node (e.g. /entities/entity/type) and a reference to the corresponding treat-function for a node with that very path. This is how jsonTreat knows which treat-function to call for each node in the tree. As illustration, see src/lib/jsonParse/jsonQueryContextRequest.cpp, variable jsonQcrParseVector:

JsonNode jsonQcrParseVector[] =
  { "/entities",                                                           jsonNullTreat           },
  { "/entities/entity",                                                    entityId                },
  { "/entities/entity/id",                                                 entityIdId              },
  { "/entities/entity/type",                                               entityIdType            },
  { "/entities/entity/isPattern",                                          entityIdIsPattern       },

As explained, this is a vector of path-in-the-tree and corresponding treat-function and this is how the low-level jsonParse() knows which treat-function to call for each node in the tree.

This vector and the other vectors (one per type of payload) is used by the variable jsonRequest in src/lib/jsonParse/jsonRequest.cpp of type JsonRequest:

typedef struct JsonRequest
  RequestType      type;
  std::string      method;
  std::string      keyword;
  JsonNode*        parseVector;
  RequestInit      init;
  RequestCheck     check;
  RequestPresent   present;
  RequestRelease   release;
} JsonRequest;

jsonRequest is a vector of JsonRequest and it defines all payloads that are to be parsed by jsonParse, see Implementation Details for more info on jsonRequest.

The JsonRequest vector is declared in src/lib/jsonParse/jsonRequest.cpp:

static JsonRequest jsonRequest[] =
  // NGSI9
  { RegisterContext,                       "POST", "registerContextRequest",                        FUNCS(Rcr)   },
  { DiscoverContextAvailability,           "POST", "discoverContextAvailabilityRequest",            FUNCS(Dcar)  }, 

  // NGSI10
  { QueryContext,                          "POST", "queryContextRequest",                           FUNCS(Qcr)   },
  { UpdateContext,                         "POST", "updateContextRequest",                          FUNCS(Upcr)  },

The macro FUNCS() is to make the lines a bit shorter and it looks like this:

#define FUNCS(prefix) json##prefix##ParseVector, json##prefix##Init,    \
                      json##prefix##Check,       json##prefix##Present, \

I.e., all the "methods" for the parsing of a type of payload. These functions reside in one module per type of payload, such as:

  • src/lib/jsonParse/jsonQueryContextRequest.cpp
  • src/lib/jsonParse/jsonUpdateContextRequest.cpp
  • etc

The "methods" are for:

  • init(),
  • check(),
  • present(), and
  • release()

and there is one set of "methods" for each type of payload.

So, the modules called jsonXxxRequest or jsonXxxResponse (Xxx being the name of the payload, e.g. QueryContent or UpdateContent) all contain:

  • this set of methods (init(), check(), present() and release()),
  • the Parse-Vector that contains the path and treat methods for each node,
  • all treat methods for the nodes

which is the entire set of functions and variables that jsonParse() needs to convert the JSON input payload string into a C++ class instance.

Now some example of treat-methods, they are all pretty simple:

/* ****************************************************************************
* entityId -
static std::string entityId(const std::string& path, const std::string& value, ParseData* reqDataP)
  reqDataP->qcr.entityIdP = new EntityId();

  reqDataP->qcr.entityIdP->id        = "";
  reqDataP->qcr.entityIdP->type      = "";
  reqDataP->qcr.entityIdP->isPattern = "false";


  return "OK";

/* ****************************************************************************
* entityIdId -
static std::string entityIdId(const std::string& path, const std::string& value, ParseData* reqDataP)
  reqDataP->qcr.entityIdP->id = value;

  return "OK";

Also, lets have a look at the Parse-Vector where these two treat-functions reside:

/* ****************************************************************************
* qcrParseVector -
JsonNode jsonQcrParseVector[] =
  { "/entities",                                                           jsonNullTreat           },
  { "/entities/entity",                                                    entityId                },
  { "/entities/entity/id",                                                 entityIdId              },

The treat-function entityId is called when a node /entities/entity is found. entities is a vector inside the payload for QueryContextRequest:

  "entities": [
      "id": "",
      "type": "",

As vectors items have no key-name in JSON, we decided to use the singular word of the name of the vector (which is always in plural), i.e. an instance of entities is called entity. So, when the node /entities/entity is found (an item of the entities vector), the treat-function entityId() is called and it allocates room for an EntityId (class EntityId resides in the module src/lib/ngsi/EntityId.h/cpp) and pushes the EntityId pointer to the vector reqDataP->qcr.res.entityIdVector.

The treat-function entityId() also sets reqDataP->qcr.entityIdP to reference this latest instance of EntityId so that consequent treat-functions can reach it. For example, entityIdId() needs it, to set the id field of the entity, which is all entityIdId() does. Pointers of this type are needed during the parse/extraction and these pointers are the reason for the ParseData structs (see src/lib/ngsi/ParseData.h - one "XxxData" struct per payload type, with an output class instance and these help pointers).

ParseData* parseDataP

As the parsing of NGSI v1 payload is strongly centralized, and function pointers are needed, there is a need for a unique type for all types of payload. The types for storing the result of the parse (the C++ class instances are different for each type of payload) are all collected into a big struct contaning all types of payload. Then each treat-function picks which field to operate on.

A pointer to this structure is passed as parameter to low-level jsonParse().

ParseData is found in src/lib/ngsi/ParseData.h:

typedef struct ParseData
  std::string                                 errorString;
  ContextAttribute*                           lastContextAttribute;

  RegisterContextData                         rcr;
  DiscoverContextAvailabilityData             dcar;
} ParseData;

For example, parsing of an NGSI10 query operates on ParseData::qcr which is of the type QueryContextData. QueryContextData in its turn contains an instance of QueryContextRequest which is where the result of the parse is stored. But, as help variables are needed during the parse, these "XxxData structs" are used and they contain the output instance (QueryContextRequest in the case of QueryContextData) and the help variables needed for the parsing of a QueryContextRequest:

struct QueryContextData
  QueryContextRequest  res;           // Output/Result of the parse
  EntityId*            entityIdP;     // Pointer to the current EntityId
  Scope*               scopeP;        // Pointer to the	current Scope
  orion::Point*        vertexP;       // Pointer to the current Point
  int                  pointNo;       // Index of the current Point
  int                  coords;        // Number of coordinates

Each XxxData struct has a different set of help variables.
