Releases: nasa-gibs/worldview
Releases · nasa-gibs/worldview
New Feature
- Enhanced Worldview Tour #1618
Layer Updates
- Added 2 SEDAC layers: Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) layer and Impervious Surface (GMIS) layer #1627
- Added 8 new orbit tracks: ICESAT-2, MetOp-C, Sentinel 1A and 1B #1628
- Edited SEDAC titles #1632
Technical Updates
- Allow event tracks to go over date line #1620
- Added more measurements to categories #1626
- Change in-progress modal max-height to height in IE #1637
- Remove 'Explore Worldview' link when in mobile #1638
- Change order of startup stories #1640
- Add escape key commands and click outside of modal to close #1643
- Change all tour images to 396px x 396px and optimize #1647
Layer Updates
- Added AMSRU Sea Ice layer descriptions #1587
- Data download for ASMRU Sea ice concentration layers #1588
Technical Updates
- Removed relevant WDPA entries #1615
- Make Favicon Sharper #1614
- Switch sourceMetaData state key to use source description in place of id #1611
- Added measurement for protected areas #1604
- Prevent highlight of text while using slider #1599
- Larger slider handles (Draggers) #1597
- Remove alerts from tablets #1596
- Always show dateline when using tablets #1595
- Change to moveBefore/pushToBottom instead of replacing layer list #1593
- Add Snapshots support to GIF #1589
- Fix yOffset issue for timeline tick hover #1584
- Fix spacing between dual palette selection legend and image #1583
- Selenium updates #1580
- Make settings unmount before reloading new settings modal #1579
- Prevent highlighting of custom palettes #1574
- Normalize range input #1571
- Fix broken E2E tests #1567
- Reapply event-related layers on second selection #1566
- Allow A|B alert to close #1563
- Updates for Selenium in Bamboo #1561
- Update orbit track layer names in measurements #1560
- Add colormaps #1558
- Format GIF addFrame to upload to Twitter #1556
- Add Missing fa icon #1555
- Add WDPA Layer #1551
- Clarify instructions on installing cairo #1550
- Make dateline permanently visible in mobile #1549
- A|B Additions #1545
- Prevent Data Download and Comparison modes from being loaded in mobile #1544
- Worldview Snapshots Integration #1543
- Pinch zoom on event icon zooms browser #1542
- Add cssnext postcss plugin to webpack build #1536
- Fix image download size adjuster #1535
- Date advancement problem in comparison mode #1533
- Preserve Application state when permalinking events #1531
- Dual customs #1529
- Fix projection change bugs #1525
- Add data download e2e tests #1521
- Add condition to check for swipe-line node before performing window resize functions #1520
- Add status flag to prevent multiple GIFs from being creating while one is in progress #1519
- Check for dialog to be initialized prior to closing #1518
- Show/select first valid available layer measurement in product picker #1513
- Fix button Border #1509
- Migrate to Font Awesome v5 #1508
Layer Updates
- Added OMI UV Aerosol Index layer #1424
- Added CYGNSS Wind Speed layer #1425
- Added GCOM-C orbit tracks #1435
- Changed DMSP-F8 to DMSP-F08 #1377
- Added PO.DAAC tag to PO.DAAC layers #1378
- Updated layer numbers #1414
- Changed start date for OSCAR layers #1430
- Added ISS LIS Layers #1452
Technical Updates
- Deprecated worldview-options-eosdis
- Brought main configuration into worldview repository #1367
- Updated messages notifications #1373
- Webpack build enhancements #1275
- Added new A|B url parameters to Docs #1397
- Added layer parameters to utilize future layer timeline support #1391
- Added drag feature for timeline GIF animation dragger range #1254
- Made IE11 minimum site requirement #1408
- Improved site metrics #1376
- Optimized rendering of event tracks #1398
- Added unit tests in another timezone #1406
- Improved product picker #1436
- Added natural event E2E tests #1236
- Updated developing docs #1240
- Added Degrees Decimal Minutes format #1357
- Upgraded OpenLayers to v5.2.0 #1262
- Added new README image #1360
- Added .stylelintignore #1343
- Added english lang support to HTML document #1230
- Changed getCapabilities script to use urllib3 #1302
- Added notificationURL testing parameter and documentation #1353
- Added Selenium testing in docker container #1296
- Converted unit tests to use Jest #1241
- Added "wrapX" configuration parameter #1303
- Sorted satellite/sensor list in categories view #1309
Bug Fixes
- Changed nightwatch process module path from bin to module #1356
- Added libcario to docker build #1365
- Updated dependencies #1368
- Added event marker hover IE11 CustomEvent fix #1289
- Fixed toolbar spacing #1379
- Checked for button on mouseout, removed throttle #1383
- Removed additional timezone offset compensation for year zoom timeline #1294
- Updates to text and added night layers to storm and fire categories #1392
- Set html for sidebar event titles #1400
- Only update checkbox if custom palette is in effect #1393
- Fixed day of year label in timeline #1402
- Ignore stylelinting web folders other than /css #1382
- Highlight full width of long names in product picker #1409
- Removed README caret #1413
- Fixed sub-daily permalink flag #1344
- Fixed palettes while keeping event track performance #1418
- Fixed when newly added base layers can appear at bottom of stack #1417
- Fixed custom palettes in compare mode #1422
- Replaced touch device checks #1419
- Removed dates from console when animation is playing #1433
- Don't show coords until mouse is detected #1426
- Fixed infinite loop issue on certain devices #1429
- Fixed guitar pick offset in alternate timezones #1437
- Checkbox label position fixed #1233
- Fixed mobile expand #1338
- Keep layer add button red #1349
- Removed dangling apache config link #1325
- Update compare E2E tests to work with UAT/SIT bug fixes #1341
- Added vendor prefix IE11/Edge scrollbar fix for cut off layer list text #1318
- Added reverse tab (shift tab) functionality to date selector input #1308
- Fixed links in about section open in a new tab/window #1306
- Only hoist links when more than one granule is present #1317
- Renamed id to ident #1310
- Removed 'Events may not be visible at all times' notice when not in events mode #1319
- Checked that granule to remove has been selected #1321
- Fixed date input not respecting max date #1447
- Product Picker Font Fixes #1445
- Search back button in polar views #1473
- Retained search terms when modal closes then opens #1446
- Added autoFocus when not using a touch device #1474
- Added to conditonal for mouseOut to prevent undefined #1472
- Made category background images work in Edge #1475
- Added stylelint to tests and fix css lint errors #1448
- Fixed additional stylelint errors #1476
- Redid sort measurement source order #1477
- Removed layer-list resizing when add layer modal is open #1461
- Renamed exceedLength to overflow #1479
- Overrode body position to static #1485
- Fixed sub-daily check #1478
- Removed inactive tag and updated end date #1487
- Made layer add/remove faster #1483
- Used ol drag listener to update spy #1482
- Removed breadcrumb in smaller windows #1481
- Fixed IE11 scrollbars #1489
- Applied preventDefault #1490
- Added animation margin and fix spy bug #1491
- Fixed layer count in sidebar #1492
- Removed GA code from GTM upgrade #1500
- Fixed timeline forward arrow missing #1501
- Fixed timeline data bar colors not updating #1502
- Removed date key for static layers #1504