Releases: nasa-gibs/worldview
Releases · nasa-gibs/worldview
New Features
- Layer Temporal Availability Panel with layer coverage - The panel provides a visual way in which to determine the temporal availability of the layers loaded in the Layer List and to find out where the layers have temporally coincident imagery. The panel is accessible by clicking on the double chevron tab in the center of the timeline.
- Distraction Free Mode User Interface feature - Distraction free mode removes most of the Worldview interface so you can concentrate on the features of the map imagery. It is accessed from the "i" menu in the upper right corner.
New Layers
- Added 4 Suomi National Polar orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Cloud Properties layers - Cloud Effective Radius, Cloud Optical Thickness, Cloud Top Height (Day) and Cloud Top Height (Night)
Technical Updates / Bugs:
- Layer slider operates in reverse on Android tablet #2836
- prevent glitchy vector rendering onZoom #2840 #2841
v3.6.0-rc.2 (2020-04-14)
Technical Updates / Bugs:
- S-14 Data Download: dd.size.4, Download Data does show total granule size #2820
Merged pull requests:
- Update jquery per Snyk PR 2834 #2835
- Prevent keypress distraction free mode from invoking, close modals with ESC #2830
- Reset button #2827
- Stop animation playback when Product Picker is opened #2825
- updated name to ICESat #2824
- Various timeline data panel and dragger pan related UI fixes #2823
- fix spelling of January #2821
- Resolves issue with having invalid tour params. Utilize lodashGet to … #2819
- Fix missing animation widget close function #2814
v3.6.0-rc.1 (2020-04-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Mobile datepicker should show forward/backward buttons #2642
- Provide user guidance for layer selection #1394
- Ability to filter by currently active products #962
- Add invisible color to single custom palette #2772
- allow chrome e2e to fail #2739
Technical Updates / Bugs:
- No Breadcrumb or back button when mobile category is selected [layer.add.9] #1843
- Restore customs palette after closing gif or image-download #2735
External Dependency Updates:
- Bump postcss-cli from 6.1.3 to 7.1.0 #2747
- Bump react-portal from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 #2743
- Bump yargs from 14.2.0 to 15.3.0 #2738
- Bump node-ssh from 6.0.0 to 8.0.0 #2736
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 23.6.0 to 23.8.2 #2733
- Bump fetch-mock from 7.7.3 to 9.1.1 #2732
- Bump @babel/core from 7.7.2 to 7.8.7 #2731
- Bump rc-slider from 8.7.1 to 9.2.2 #2722
- Bump stylelint from 11.1.1 to 13.2.0 #2658
- Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.18.2 to 2.20.1 #2621
- Bump tar from 5.0.5 to 6.0.1 #2615
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "Added 4 amsru2 layers" - Test #2810
- updated icesat-2 orbit designations #2809
- Add info menu e2e #2806
- Enable additional linting rules #2805
- 2670 polar zoom restore #2804
- Update Featured - Precipitation.json #2796
- Add Timeline Pan on Dragger At Edge of Axis #2794
- Added 4 amsru2 layers #2793
- fixed incorrect description and typos #2790
- Add Timeline Data Availability Panel #2789
- Use python to invoke pip and add --user flag #2788
- Run npm test on pre-push hook #2786
- Allow disable preview snapshots #2785
- Fixed spacing and typos in measurements #2782
- Fix polar tour events #2779
- Fix map scale remaining visible on hover when distraction free mode is activated #2777
- Fix measure tooltip placement issue #2776
- Fix toolbar focus styles issue #2775
- Remove time zeroing from layer building date request #2773
- Added 4 VIIRS Cloud Properties layers #2771
- This resolves the view extent / zoom not being properly applied upon … #2766
- Removed IMERG Rain and Snow Rates #2764
- Product picker fixes #2752
- Apply AirBnB style guide rules #2741
- 2311 previous date not displaying fix #2726
- Distraction free mode #2721
- Replace FontAwesome with React-FontAwesome #2694
New Features
- Enhancements made to the Layer Picker to improve search and discoverability of layers. For example, providing a sample image snapshot of the layer so a user can have a sneak peek of the imagery they are adding to the map. More improvements to come in subsequent releases.
- Classification layers such as Land Cover Type, Anthropogenic Biomes, and Human Built-up and Settlement Extent amongst many more, now allow users to select and turn on/off specific classification types.
New Layers/Layer Updates
- Added 3 VIIRS/NOAA-20 Fires and Thermal Anomalies layers, Day, Night, and a combined Day and Night layer.
- Added CloudSat orbit tracks.
- The GHRSST G1SST layer was set to inactive and a notice was added to the layer description to let users know "The GHRSST Sea Surface Temperature (L4, G1SST) has been producing poor quality SST results since 9 December 2019. The imagery has been removed from 9 December 2019 to present. We advise users to consider using the GHRSST Sea Surface Temperature (L4, MUR) layer, which provides comparable data at the same spatial sampling and coverage as G1SST."
Implemented enhancements:
- End to end tests for mobile date selecting #2707
v3.5.0-rc.4 (2020-02-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Update mobile date picker state on arrow date change #2715
- 2695 measurement styles orange borders #2710
- Fix tooltip date to use utc #2709
- fixed incorrect orbit tracks #2703
- Add extra width to date tool tip #2698
- 2692 scrollbar overlap #2697
- center modal footer content #2696
- E2E mobile layer picker #2693
- change VIIRS NOAA20 start date #2688
- added descriptions for the VIIRS NOAA20 fires #2687
- preview image for viirs noaa layers #2686
- Fix main app load function #2685
v3.5.0-rc.3 (2020-02-20)
Merged pull requests:
- preview fetch script fixes, integrate into build #2683
- Renamed MODIS Albedo to White Sky Albedo #2682
- Remove unused await #2681
- 2664 layer legend disappear fix #2680
- Add ipify metrics #2679
- Fix cmr curl bulk download links #2676
- Fix tour modal footer overflow issue #2675
- Fix add layer order based on overlay length and projection from action #2672
- Add cloudsat orbits #2671
- Fix back button while searching in arctic proj #2663
- Remove initial axisWidth input for timeline axis load #2657
- Remove extra dragger container width #2655
- Update release notes script #2654
v3.5.0-rc.2 (2020-02-13)
Merged pull requests:
- Loaded lodash isEqual method to compare layer settings after prop cha… #2648
v3.5.0-rc.1 (2020-02-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- When animating to events zoom level should account for bounding boxes #496
- wrap a daily layer using the WrapX property #2641
- Classification toggle #2576
Technical Updates / Bugs:
- VIIRS Corrected Reflectance (True Color) layer imagery missing since Jan 1st 2020... #2614
- Dateline hover dates are incorrect when in a tour story #2599
- Data download not handling VIIRS layers #1939
Layer Changes:
- G1SST set to inactive and notice added to description #2628
External Dependency Updates:
- Bump moment-locales-webpack-plugin from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2 #2610
- Bump bootstrap from 4.3.1 to 4.4.1 #2607
- Bump react-image-crop from 8.4.0 to 8.5.0 #2606
- Bump react-beautiful-dnd from 12.1.1 to 12.2.0 #2603
- Bump bluebird from 3.7.1 to 3.7.2 #2594
- Bump eslint from 6.6.0 to 6.8.0 #2592
- Bump react-test-renderer from 16.11.0 to 16.12.0 #2591
- Bump browserstack-local from 1.4.2 to 1.4.4 #2590
- Bump jest from 24.9.0 to 25.1.0 #2589
- Bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.16.0 to 7.18.0 #2588
- Bump core-js from 3.3.6 to 3.6.4 #2563
- Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.6.3 to 7.8.3 #2561
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 23.0.2 to 23.6.0 #2558
- Bump file-loader from 4.2.0 to 5.0.2 #2490
- Bump immutability-helper from 2.9.1 to 3.0.1 #2409
- Bump supercluster from 6.0.2 to 7.0.0 #2406
- Bump react-copy-to-clipboard from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 #2405
Closed issues:
- 2071 #2622
- [technique question] What is the structure of this red dot. #2578
- Add VIIRS data download handlers to documentation #2386
- IE11 and Chrome intermittent loader error #1633
- Investigate NRT and science downloads for AMSRU2 Sea ice #1222
- Create a test to ensure all layers in Worldview are in Product Picker #958
- Create mapbox-styles for vector layers #559
Merged pull requests:
- Remove window location origin and path from config paths #2652
- Handle undefined tile matrices #2650
- Remove geostationary notice #2647
- Product Picker Improvements - Phase 1 #2645
- Add noaa20 fires #2640
- Remove seconds from timeline axis tooltip #2637
- 2286 timezone in temporal coverage #2635
- wrap the snapshot label #2551 #2633
- Update What's new URL and move release notes to About #2631
- Added padding modification to slightly tweak white space of GIF modal… #2630
- Fixed 404 links #2627
- Remove NI metrics #2618
- Fix formatting of the date/time that is displayed in the tooltip of a… #2616
- Revise how slider handles speed state #2609
- Add windows docker shell script #2602
- Fix data download commonly flaky e2e test #2596
- Add release notes documentation and [#2577](
New Layers/Layer Updates
- Added adjacent day wrap across the dateline for the OMPS Aerosol Index and Aerosol Index (PyroCumuloNimbus) layers.
- Removed AIRS Carbon Monoxide Total Column layer
- Removed adjacent day wrap for AIRS Level 2 Carbon Monoxide and Methane layers
- Added Web Enabled Landsat Data (WELD) layer descriptions
- Added Vectors as a category to the Featured tab
New Tour Stories
- Tour Story featuring Australia Fires December 2019 - January 2020
Technical Updates / Bugs:
- Clicking out of unacceptable date does not revert to previously selected date [date.input.6] #2580
v3.4.0-rc.2 (2020-01-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Update upload script to set permissions on images/config directories #2586
- Remove AIRS CO Total Column #2566
- Updated copyright year and add geostationary information #2560
- Australia fire tour #2559
- Add orbit daynight tags #2555
- Removed wrap on AIRS L2 CO and Methane #2553
v3.4.0-rc.1 (2020-01-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Refractoring mapLocationToState #2529
- Add snapshots wms matching support for vector layers #2360
- Remove seconds from GIF labels #2534
- Replace forked redux-location-state with up to date npm version #2505
- Prevent custom interval selector from colliding with sidebar #2500
- Have coordinates show across dateline #2499
Technical Updates / Bugs:
- npm build error #2528
- Can not drag image selection area corners freely #2446
- Dragging animation interval interval can "stick" #2390
- Map crashes when selecting Hurricane Dorian tour story from arctic projection #2356
- Style sidebar event item to allow for longer titles and prevent wrapping below icon #2299
- Projection button does not appear in IE 11 #2200
- Unable to click and use the scroll bar in Layers list (windows/edge) #2170
- When overzoomed, Last of the Wild legend is squished #1684
- Change width of palette canvas when zot is active #2516
- Don't apply margin directly to palette canvas #2504
External Dependency Updates:
- Bump react-dom from 16.11.0 to 16.12.0 #2417
Closed issues:
- [Question]What server use as middle ware #2536
Merged pull requests:
- Add scroll bar to layer info temporal scroll #2546
- Vector bug fixes #2541
- Update contribute docs #2531
- Update mockCMR docs, ECHO api links #2524
- Wrap vector layers at dateline #2523
- Make Travis happy #2522
- Image Download: Disable Worldfile when KMZ file type is selected #2517
- Anti-meridian crossing measurements fix #2513
- Allow date arrows to squash final left/right click if time difference is less than selected increment #2512
- Loosen date selector input validation to allow temporary invalid values and mouse click changes #2510
- Windows concurrency fix #2509
- fix flaky e2e test #2503
- Use concurrency in build for colormaps #2502
- Add GC dir to clean script #2497
- Added WELD Layer descriptions, added Vectors to Featured #2492
- Create gitleaks secret check action #2476
New Features
- Vector layers in Worldview! (SEDAC Reservoirs, SEDAC Dams and SEDAC Nuclear power plants layers) #2420
- Orbit tracks can now be added through the layer settings panel! #2428
New Tour Stories
Layer Updates
- Added SEDAC Vector layers #2420
- Added 4 WELD layers #2426
- Remove WELD v15 Alaska/CONUS layers #2457
- Changed OMPS AI product #2458
- Removed WELD Tree cover #2473
- Added VIIRS Clear Sky Night #2455
Technical Updates / Bug Fixes
- Updated CSS to prevent event title wrapping #2315
- Made animation panel draggable, collapsable #2322
- Updated chromedriver #2323
- Upgraded simplebar #2333
- Removed unused dependencies #2334
- Upgraded Core JS #2349
- Supercluster updated from 3.0.2 to 6.0.2 #2351
- Fixed imagery not loading after build date #2361
- Fixed production build #2375
- Fixed product picker scrolling to top on row expand #2384
- Fixed data-download endless loop on data tab click #2391
- Fixed animation dragger range selection to allow subdaily time units #2393
- Fixed anim playback hangs #2413
- Fixed threshold #2422
- Default to geographic selected projection if not specified for location pop action #2424
- Snap layer times to previous available dates to prevent unnecessary network requests #2432
- Fix drag/drop layers #2436
- Only try to show running data values for active compare mode #2440
- Fix running data tooltip in compare mode #2443
- Remove min height and width to allow looser image selection area, remove adjacent unused code #2448
- Preload sub-daily layers for animation #2450
- Make vector dialog more responsive #2451
- Fix e2e tests sit #2456
- Conditionally use default date for animations rather then time snapping #2462
- Don't update permalink before user interacts with page bug #2467
- Increase available zoom levels for arctic projection #2470
- Prevent vector click/hover on non-active vector features in compare mode #2471
- Only draw event markers and update track during deselectEvent if events tab is active #2474
- Apply vector selected style to swipe compare features #2475
- Fix vector dialog bug #2478
- Don't render sidebar contents when sidebar is collapsed #2481
- Don't show tooltips when target is not visible in sidebar scroll container #2482
Update Dependencies
- Bump stylelint from 10.1.0 to 11.1.1 #2326
- Bump postcss-loader from 2.1.6 to 3.0.0 #2327
- Bump react-redux from 6.0.1 to 7.1.1 #2329
- Bump react-draggable from 4.0.3 to 4.1.0 #2337
- Bump eslint from 6.5.1 to 6.6.0 #2338
- Bump fetch-mock from 7.5.1 to 7.7.0 #2342
- Bump yargs from 11.1.1 to 14.2.0 #2344
- Bump proj4 from 2.3.3 to 2.5.0 #2345
- Bump react from 16.9.0 to 16.11.0 #2346
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 22.20.0 to 23.0.2 #2350
- Bump uglify-js from 3.6.4 to 3.6.5 #2352
- Bump node-sass from 4.12.0 to 4.13.0 #2353
- Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.4.5 to 0.8.0 #2354
- Bump webpack-cli from 3.3.9 to 3.3.10 #2362
- Bump core-js from 3.3.4 to 3.3.6 #2366
- Bump postcss-url from 7.3.2 to 8.0.0 #2367
- Bump chromedriver from 77.0.0 to 78.0.1 #2368
- Bump geckodriver from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 #2369
- Bump file-saver from 1.3.8 to 2.0.2 #2370
- Bump react-beautiful-dnd from 11.0.5 to 12.0.0 #2372
- Bump @babel/preset-react from 7.6.3 to 7.7.0 #2380
- Bump showdown from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 #2382
- Bump fetch-mock from 7.7.0 to 7.7.3 #2387
- Bump @babel/core from 7.6.4 to 7.7.2 #2394
- Bump simplebar-react from 2.0.4 to 2.0.8 #2397
- Bump web-streams-polyfill from 1.3.2 to 2.0.6 #2398
- Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties from 7.5.5 to 7.7.0 #2401
- Bump glob from 7.1.5 to 7.1.6 #2402
- Bump react-redux from 7.1.1 to 7.1.3 #2403
- Bump uglify-js from 3.6.5 to 3.6.9 #2410
Technical Updates / Bug Fixes
- Conditionally use default date for animations rather then time snapping #2462
- Don't update permalink before user interacts with page bug #2467
- Increase available zoom levels for arctic projection #2470
- Prevent vector click/hover on non-active vector features in compare mode #2471
- Only draw event markers and update track during deselectEvent if events tab is active #2474
- Apply vector selected style to swipe compare features #2475
- Fix vector dialog bug #2478
- Don't render sidebar contents when sidebar is collapsed #2481
- Don't show tooltips when target is not visible in sidebar scroll container #2482
Layer Changes
- Removed WELD Tree cover #2473
New Features
- Vector layers in Worldview! (SEDAC Reservoirs, SEDAC Dams and SEDAC Nuclear power plants layers) #2420
- Orbit tracks can now be added through the layer settings panel! #2428
New Tour Stories
Layer Updates
Technical Updates / Bug Fixes
- Updated CSS to prevent event title wrapping #2315
- Made animation panel draggable, collapsable #2322
- Updated chromedriver #2323
- Upgraded simplebar #2333
- Removed unused dependencies #2334
- Upgraded Core JS #2349
- Supercluster updated from 3.0.2 to 6.0.2 #2351
- Fixed imagery not loading after build date #2361
- Fixed production build #2375
- Fixed product picker scrolling to top on row expand #2384
- Fixed data-download endless loop on data tab click #2391
- Fixed animation dragger range selection to allow subdaily time units #2393
- Fixed anim playback hangs #2413
- Fixed threshold #2422
- Default to geographic selected projection if not specified for location pop action #2424
- Snap layer times to previous available dates to prevent unnecessary network requests #2432
Update Dependencies
- Bump stylelint from 10.1.0 to 11.1.1 #2326
- Bump postcss-loader from 2.1.6 to 3.0.0 #2327
- Bump react-redux from 6.0.1 to 7.1.1 #2329
- Bump react-draggable from 4.0.3 to 4.1.0 #2337
- Bump eslint from 6.5.1 to 6.6.0 #2338
- Bump fetch-mock from 7.5.1 to 7.7.0 #2342
- Bump yargs from 11.1.1 to 14.2.0 #2344
- Bump proj4 from 2.3.3 to 2.5.0 #2345
- Bump react from 16.9.0 to 16.11.0 #2346
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 22.20.0 to 23.0.2 #2350
- Bump uglify-js from 3.6.4 to 3.6.5 #2352
- Bump node-sass from 4.12.0 to 4.13.0 #2353
- Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.4.5 to 0.8.0 #2354
- Bump webpack-cli from 3.3.9 to 3.3.10 #2362
- Bump core-js from 3.3.4 to 3.3.6 #2366
- Bump postcss-url from 7.3.2 to 8.0.0 #2367
- Bump chromedriver from 77.0.0 to 78.0.1 #2368
- Bump geckodriver from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 #2369
- Bump file-saver from 1.3.8 to 2.0.2 #2370
- Bump react-beautiful-dnd from 11.0.5 to 12.0.0 #2372
- Bump @babel/preset-react from 7.6.3 to 7.7.0 #2380
- Bump showdown from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 #2382
- Bump fetch-mock from 7.7.0 to 7.7.3 #2387
- Bump @babel/core from 7.6.4 to 7.7.2 #2394
- Bump simplebar-react from 2.0.4 to 2.0.8 #2397
- Bump web-streams-polyfill from 1.3.2 to 2.0.6 #2398
- Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties from 7.5.5 to 7.7.0 #2401
- Bump glob from 7.1.5 to 7.1.6 #2402
- Bump react-redux from 7.1.1 to 7.1.3 #2403
- Bump uglify-js from 3.6.5 to 3.6.9 #2410
Technical Updates / Bug Fixes
- Fix drag/drop layers #2436
- Only try to show running data values for active compare mode #2440
- Fix running data tooltip in compare mode #2443
- Remove min height and width to allow looser image selection area, remove adjacent unused code #2448
- Preload sub-daily layers for animation #2450
- Make vector dialog more responsive #2451
- Added VIIRS Clear Sky Night #2455
- Fix e2e tests sit #2456
- Remove WELD v15 Alaska/CONUS layers #2457
- Changed OMPS AI product #2458