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OnEarth 2 Layer WMTS/TWMS Configuration Tools

Tools Included:

  • -- Configures WMTS and TWMS endpoints for layers to be served in their native projection.
  • -- Configures WMTS and TWMS endpoints for reprojected layers.

This tool creates the necessary Apache configurations to serve MRF layers via WMTS and TWMS, using the OnEarth Apache modules (mod_wmts_wrapper, mod_mrf, mod_twms). It allows for both local and remote (i.e., S3) data files to be used.


  • Python >=3.6
  • OnEarth 2 modules (mod_wmts_wrapper, mod_mrf, mod_receive, mod_twms) compiled and installed.
  • mod_proxy installed.

Running the tool [endpoint_config]

This tool requires 2 configuration files to work:

  • endpoint config -- contains information about how the WMTS and TWMS endpoints should be set up in Apache.
  • layer config(s) -- contains information about each of the layers to be configured.

Note that Apache must be restarted for new configurations to take effect. This command may need to be run as sudo depending on the permission settings for your Apache directories.

How it works

This tool requires 2 different types of configuration files to work.

Endpoint Config -- This file sets everything up for the WMTS/TWMS endpoint for serving tiles. You'll need to configure one endpoint at a time.

Layer Config -- This file configures parameters for each layer to be served by the endpoint. You'll need one layer config file per layer. For convenience, you can set this to be a directory and the tool will configure all the layer configs in that directory.

TWMS Configurations

To create TWMS configurations, add the twms_service options to the endpoint config file. Example:

  internal_endpoint: "/var/www/html/twms"
  external_endpoint: "/twms"

Endpoint Configuration

The endpoint configuration should be a YAML file in the following format:

time_service_uri: "http://onearth-time-service/time_service/time"
layer_config_source: layer_config.yaml
apache_config_location: /etc/httpd/conf.d
gc_service_uri: "/oe2_gc_service"
  internal_endpoint: "/var/www/html/wmts"
  external_endpoint: "/wmts"
  config_prefix: "oe2-wmts"
  internal_endpoint: "/var/www/html/twms"
  external_endpoint: "/twms"
Configuration Options:


  • apache_config_location: The output location of Apache HTTPD configurations
  • base_uri_gc: The base URI of the endpoint for WMTS GetCapabilities layers
  • base_uri_gts: The base URI of the endpoint for TWMS GetCapabilities/GetTileService layers
  • base_uri_meta: The base URI of the endpoint for metadata files (e.g. colormaps, legends, styles) layers
  • epsg_code: The EPSG code of the map projection of the layers (e.g. EPSG:4326)
  • gc_service_uri: The URI of the WMTS GetCapabilities endpoint
  • layer_config_source: Directory location of the layer configuration files
  • time_service_keys: Array of keys to be used with the Time Service; keys will be positioned in the order configured
  • time_service_uri: The URI of the Time Service endpoint
  • tms_defs_file: The location of the Tile Matrix Sets definition XML file
  • gc_service: Configurations specific only to GetCapabilities Service
    • config_prefix: Filename prefix to be used for the Apache config that is generated
    • internal_endpoint: Location on disk where all the configuration files for the WMTS layers should be stored
    • external_endpoint: Relative URL that the endpoint should appear; the configuration tool will automatically build Alias configurations
    • gc_header_file: The location of the WMTS GetCapabilities header XML file
    • gts_header_file: The location of the TWMS GetTileService header XML file
    • twms_gc_header_file: The location of the TWMS GetCapabilities header XML file
  • wmts_service: Configurations specific only to WMTS Service
    • config_prefix: Filename prefix to be used for the Apache config that is generated
    • internal_endpoint: Location on disk where all the configuration files for the WMTS layers should be stored
    • external_endpoint: Relative URL that the endpoint should appear; the configuration tool will automatically build Alias configurations
  • twms_service: Configurations specific only to TWMS Service
    • internal_endpoint: Location on disk where all the configuration files for the WMTS layers should be stored
    • external_endpoint: Relative URL that the endpoint should appear; the configuration tool will automatically build Alias configurations
  • mapserver: Configurations specific only to WMS Service (i.e., MapServer)
    • internal_endpoint: The internal directory within the container for Apache HTTPD
    • mapfile_header: The common mapfile "header" used for all layers in the endpoint
    • mapfile_location: The output location of the mapfile.
    • source_wmts_gc_uri: The source WMTS GetCapabilities that is used to as the basis for WMS layers
    • replace_with_local: Replace matching host names with local Docker host IP so that connections stay local
  • reproject: Configurations specific only to reproject (i.e., mod_reproject)
    • target_epsg_code: If a reproject endpoint, this is the target projection that source imagery will be reprojected to
    • source_gc_uri: If a reproject endpoint, this is the URI of the source WMTS GetCapabilities endpoint
    • replace_with_local: Replace matching host names with local Docker host IP so that connections stay local

Layer Configuration

The layer configurations contain all the necessary information for each layer you intend to make accessible. They should be a YAML file in the following format:

layer_id: "AMSR2_Snow_Water_Equivalent"
static: true
tilematrixset: "EPSG4326_2km"
cache_expiration: 1500
  size_x: 8192
  size_y: 4096
  bands: 3
  tile_size_x: 512
  tile_size_y: 512
  idx_path: "static_test.idx"
  data_file_uri: ""
  year_dir: false
  bbox: -180,-90,180,90
mime_type: "image/jpeg"

Configuration Options

layer_id (required) -- This is the layer name string that be used for WMTS/TWMS requests.

static (optional) -- Indicates whether or not the layer allows for the TIME dimension. Defaults to 'false'.

tilematrixset (required) -- The name of the Tile Matrix Set to be used with this layer.

cache_expiration (optional) -- The amount of time, in seconds, it takes for a cached copy of a resource to expire. If missing, then defaults to no caching.

source_mrf (required) -- Subsection with information about the source MRF for this layer.

size_x (required) -- MRF width in pixels.

size_y (required) -- MRF height in pixels.

bands (required) -- Number of bands in the MRF imagery. (JPEG usually 3, PNG usually 4)

tile_size_x (required) -- Width of each tile in pixels.

tile_size_y (required) -- Height of each tile in pixels.

idx_path (required) -- Path on disk to this layer's IDX file. If the endpoint configuration contains a base_idx_path, this path will be assumed to be relative to that path.

data_file_path (optional) -- Path on disk to this layer's MRF data file.

data_file_uri (optional) -- Remote URI to this layer's MRF data file. If this layer has a TIME dimension, just enter the path of the data file up to the year directory (if it has one). mod_wmts_wrapper will calculate the filename using the date service.

year_dir (optional) -- For dynamic layers, if the data and IDX files are contianed in separate directories by year, set this to 'true'. This will cause the OnEarth modules to append the year of the requested tile to the path of the IDX and data files when they are accessed. Defaults to 'false'.

bbox (required for TWMS) -- Bounding box of the source MRF in the projection's native units.

mime_type (required) -- MIME type of the tiles in this MRF.

time_config (optional) -- Custom time period configuration for layer. See doc/ for time period configuration information.

Example: time_service_keys: ["epsg4326", "std"] will cause date lookups for this layer to use the following format: {time_service_uri}/date?key1=epsg4326&key2=std

This script creates WMTS and TWMS endpoints that use mod_reproject to reproject imagery.


  • Python >=3.6
  • OnEarth 2 modules (mod_wmts_wrapper, mod_reproject, mod_receive, mod_twms) compiled and installed.
  • mod_proxy installed.

Source Imagery

mod_reproject is designed to reproject tiles that are already available via a WMTS endpoint. It does not use MRFs! If you want to reproject MRFs, first use to make those MRFs available via a WMTS endpoint.

Note that this configuration tool uses the GetCapabilities file of a WMTS endpoint to create its configurations.

Running the tool endpoint_config {--tms_defs}

This tool requires configuration files to work:

  • endpoint config -- contains information about how the WMTS and TWMS endpoints should be set up in Apache.
  • local_addr -- local address for tile services (required for SSL) default: "" (Docker host)

Note that Apache must be restarted for new configurations to take effect. This command may need to be run as sudo depending on the permission settings for your Apache directories.

Tile Matrix Set definitions

This tool requires an XML Tile Matrix Set definitions file in order to work. A file including the most commonly used Tile Matrix Sets is included (tilematrixsets.xml), which this tool uses by default. The --tms_defs option can be used to point the tool to a different file.

Endpoint Configuration

The endpoint configuration should be a YAML file in the following format:

time_service_uri: "http://onearth-time-service/time_service/time"
tms_defs_file: "/etc/oe2/tilematrixsets.xml"
gc_service_uri: "/oe2_gc_service"
  - 'AMSR2_Cloud_Liquid_Water_Day'
  - 'AMSR2_Cloud_Liquid_Water_Night'
  - 'BlueMarble_NextGeneration'
  - 'Reference_Labels'
  - 'Reference_Labels_15m'
  - 'Reference_Features'
  - 'Reference_Features_15m'
layer_config_source: layer_config.yaml
base_uri_gc: 'http://some-uri/'
  internal_endpoint: "/var/www/html/wmts"
  external_endpoint: "/wmts"
  config_prefix: "oe2-wmts-reproject"
  internal_endpoint: "/var/www/html/twms"
  external_endpoint: "/twms"
  target_epsg_code: "EPSG:3857"
  source_gc_uri: ""
Configuration Options:

time_service_uri (optional) -- If you are using dynamic layers, put the URL of the OnEarth 2 date service here.

apache_config_location (optional) -- Location that the main Apache configuration files will be stored (this will need to be somewhere Apache is configured to read when it starts up). Defaults to /etc/httpd/conf.d

time_service_keys (optional) -- Array of keys to be used with the date service. Keys will be positioned in the order configured.

gc_service_uri (optional) -- If you are using the dynamic GC/GTS service, this url should point there.

exclude_layers (optional) -- Prevent the listed layers from being reprojected. Useful for preventing text-based layers from being reprojected, which could create warped and illegible text.

tms_defs_file (optional) -- If using a Tile Matrix Sets file different from the one bundled with the script, you can define it here instead of using the command line parameter.

reproject options

  • target_epsg_code (required) -- The projection that your source imagery will be reprojected to. Note that this projection must have Tile Matrix Sets configured in the Tile Matrix Set definition file.
  • source_gc_uri (required) -- If a reproject endpoint, this is the URI of the source WMTS GetCapabilities endpoint.
  • replace_with_local (optional) -- Replace matching host names with local Docker host IP (or custom server name, if different) so that connections stay local

wmts_service options

  • internal_endpoint -- Location on disk where all the configuration files for the WMTS layers should be stored
  • external_endpoint -- Relative URL that the endpoint should appear at. The configuration tool will automatically build Alias configurations.
  • config_prefix -- Filename prefix to be used for the Apache config that's generated.

twms_service options

  • internal_endpoint -- Location on disk where all the configuration files for the TWMS layers should be stored
  • external_endpoint -- Relative URL that the endpoint should appear at. The configuration tool will automatically build Alias configurations.