For setting up the local testing environment, run the following commands:
bundle install
bundle exec rake spec_prep
Run the command:
bundle exec rake acceptance:setup
and it will create the inventory file, provision a vm, install pe and the module on the server. If preferred, one can run each of the rake tasks manually with the following commands:
bundle exec rake acceptance:provision_vms
bundle exec rake acceptance:setup_pe
bundle exec rake acceptance:install_module
Other available rake tasks:
bundle exec rake acceptance:reload_module
bundle exec rake acceptance:get_logs
bundle exec rake acceptance:agent_run
If you don't tear down the machines, the setup will continuously add to the existing inventory file.
Run the command:
bundle exec rake acceptance:teardown
This will delete your machine and clear the inventory file.
First some jobs/tasks must be executed on the PE console that was created in the launch step. Do this by going to the tasks sub menu and running something simple on all nodes like "facts".
PT_PE_CONSOLE=<The PE Console FQDN> bundle exec ruby tasks/orchestrator.rb
This module is hooked up with an automatic release process using Github actions. To provoke a release simply check the module out locally, tag with the new release version, then github will promote the build to the forge.
Full process to prepare for a release:
Update metadata.json to reflect new module release version
Run bundle exec rake changelog
to update the CHANGELOG automatically
Submit PR for changes
Create Tag on target version:
git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "0.1.0 Feature Release"
git push upstream --tags
You'll also need to build and push the gem (since this is both a module and gem) to artifactory. You'll need to pass your credentials as the environment variables LDAP_USERNAME and LDAP_PASSWORD. Then the artifactory_creds task will create a token for you in your .gems directory. push_to_artifactory
will push a version of the gem consistent with the version specified in lib/common_events_library/version.rb
bundle exec gem build common_events_library.gemspec
bundle exec rake artifactory_creds
bundle exec rake push_to_artifactory