qubs takes a quantified Boolean formula in reverse polish notation (postfix notation) from STDIN and searches for a solution.
./qubs [ -s | -t | -c ] [-v[v][v][v]]
-s satisfiability (default)
-t tautology
-c contradiction
-i interactive
-v verbose (can be specified multiple times)
1 = query written to terminal
2 = plus progress output
3 = plus optimized BDD output
4 = plus unoptimized BDD output
-o output truth table
The exit code also reflects the result (according to the selected evaluation mode):
- 0 = false
- 1 = true
Every single argument is placed on one line. The complete input must be parsed successfully and must be completely specified.
Logical AND has 2 arguments. It evaluates to true if both arguments are true.
Logical OR has 2 arguments. It evaluates to true if one of both arguments is true.
Logical NOT has 1 argument. It evaluates to true if the argument is not true.
Existential quantifier has 2 arguments (first one is a variable). Evaluates to true if there is a variable value of the first argument that can satisfy the second argument.
Universal quantifier has 2 arguments (first one is variable). Evaluates to true if all variable values of the first argument that satisfy the second argument.
The logical implication has 2 arguments. It evaluates to false, if there is a variable constellation that satisfies the first argument but cannot satisfy the second one.
The logical equivalence (equality) has 2 arguments. It evaluates to true, if first argument implies the second and vice versa with same variable constellation.
A comment is introduced with '#'.
You can find some examples in the directory examples.
There are also more sophisticated examples in the subdirectories:
- examples/3sat - 3-SAT problem generator
- examples/nqueens - n-queens problem generator
Asks if for any values of x we can find both x true and x false. The answer is of course no.
# qubs -v
satisfiable: no
# qubs -vt
tautology: no
# qubs -vc
contradiction: yes
# qubs -o
No matches.
# cd examples/nqueens
# ./nqueens.pl 4 | qubs -o | ./solutions2html.pl > 4queens.html
# firefox 4queens.html
Try yourself!