diff --git a/inc/languages/english/admin/config_thankyoulike.lang.php b/inc/languages/english/admin/config_thankyoulike.lang.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fa6b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/languages/english/admin/config_thankyoulike.lang.php
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+*Edited for MyBB 1.8 by: AliReza_Tofighi
*Maintained by: SvePu and Eldenroot
*Sources: GitHub";
+$l['tyl_info_desc_recount'] = "Recount Thank Yous/Likes";
+$l['tyl_info_desc_configsettings'] = "Configure Settings";
+$l['tyl_info_desc_warning'] = "Warning! tyl_unlock file located! Uninstalling will remove ALL the thankyou/like data from the database. If you would like to preserve the thankyou/like data while uninstalling then remove the tyl_unlock file from the forum root folder.";
+$l['tyl_title'] = "Thank You/Like System";
+$l['tyl_desc'] = "Settings to customize the Thank You/Like System Plugin";
+$l['tyl_enabled_title'] = "Enable/Disable";
+$l['tyl_enabled_desc'] = "Enable/Disable the Thank You/Like System";
+$l['tyl_thankslike_title'] = "Thank You or Like";
+$l['tyl_thankslike_desc'] = "Choose if you want to use the Thank You system or the Like System.";
+$l['tyl_firstall_title'] = "First Post only or All";
+$l['tyl_firstall_desc'] = "Do you want the thanks or Like to be given on the first post of a thread only or on all the posts of a thread?";
+$l['tyl_firstalloverwrite_title'] = "Special option for Display TYL-Buttons in ALL Posts";
+$l['tyl_firstalloverwrite_desc'] = "Overwrite the above selected option All in certain forums (choose only forums - no categories)";
+$l['tyl_removing_title'] = "Allow Removing";
+$l['tyl_removing_desc'] = "Do you want to allow the removing of Thanks/Like from a post already Thanked/Liked?";
+$l['tyl_closedthreads_title'] = "Allow in Closed Threads";
+$l['tyl_closedthreads_desc'] = "Do you want to allow to give Thanks/Like in closed threads?";
+$l['tyl_exclude_title'] = "Excluded Forums";
+$l['tyl_exclude_desc'] = "Select forums where you do not want the threads and posts to use the thank you/like system. (only forums - no categories)";
+$l['tyl_unameformat_title'] = "Format Usernames";
+$l['tyl_unameformat_desc'] = "Do you want to format the usernames in the thank/list according to their groups?";
+$l['tyl_hideforgroups_title'] = "Hide ThankYou/Like Button";
+$l['tyl_hideforgroups_desc'] = "Select User Groups which cannot see Thanks/Like button.";
+$l['tyl_showdt_title'] = "Show Date/Time";
+$l['tyl_showdt_desc'] = "Do you want to show the Date/Time the thanks/like was received in the Thanks/Like list?";
+$l['tyl_dtformat_title'] = "Date/Time Format";
+$l['tyl_dtformat_desc'] = "Set the format you want to use to show the Date/Time in the thank/like list.
Format is same as the one used by PHP\'s date() function.
Example format: m-d-Y h:i A <<will show>> 12-31-2009 12:01 PM";
+$l['tyl_sortorder_title'] = "Sort Order";
+$l['tyl_sortorder_desc'] = "Select the sort order for the thanks/like list.";
+$l['tyl_collapsible_title'] = "Thanks/Like List Collapsible";
+$l['tyl_collapsible_desc'] = "Do you want the thanks/like list to be collapsible (Show/Hide ability)?";
+$l['tyl_colldefault_title'] = "Default Collapsible State";
+$l['tyl_colldefault_desc'] = "If you want the list to be collapsible, what is the default state you want it in when the page loads, open or closed(hidden)?";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/plugins/thankyoulike.php b/inc/plugins/thankyoulike.php
index a1a8e87..275f176 100644
--- a/inc/plugins/thankyoulike.php
+++ b/inc/plugins/thankyoulike.php
@@ -42,20 +42,21 @@
function thankyoulike_info()
- global $plugins_cache, $mybb, $db;
+ global $plugins_cache, $mybb, $db, $lang;
+ $lang->load('config_thankyoulike');
$codename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
$prefix = 'g33k_'.$codename.'_';
$info = array(
- "name" => "Thank You/Like System",
- "description" => "Adds option for users to Thank the user for the post or 'Like' the post.
*Edited for MyBB 1.8 by: AliReza_Tofighi
*Maintained by: SvePu and Eldenroot
*Sources: GitHub",
- "website" => "http://www.geekplugins.com/mybb/thankyoulikesystem",
- "author" => "- G33K -",
- "authorsite" => "http://community.mybboard.net/user-19236.html",
- "version" => "1.9",
- "codename" => "thankyoulikesystem",
- "compatibility" => "18*"
+ "name" => $db->escape_string($lang->tyl_info_title),
+ "description" => $db->escape_string($lang->tyl_info_desc),
+ "website" => "http://www.geekplugins.com/mybb/thankyoulikesystem",
+ "author" => "- G33K -",
+ "authorsite" => "http://community.mybboard.net/user-19236.html",
+ "version" => "1.9",
+ "codename" => "thankyoulikesystem",
+ "compatibility" => "18*"
$info_desc = '';
@@ -63,12 +64,12 @@ function thankyoulike_info()
$group = $db->fetch_array($result);
- $info_desc .= "[Configure Settings]";
+ $info_desc .= "[".$db->escape_string($lang->tyl_info_desc_configsettings)."]";
if(is_array($plugins_cache) && is_array($plugins_cache['active']) && $plugins_cache['active'][$codename])
- $info_desc .= "[Recount Thank Yous/Likes]";
+ $info_desc .= "[".$db->escape_string($lang->tyl_info_desc_recount)."]";
$info_desc .= '