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Lucas Baleeiro Dominato edited this page Jul 26, 2022 · 13 revisions


Command Line Options

To see all command options try:

$ ./app --help
INFO[0000] my5G-RANTester version 1.0                   
   app - A new cli application

   app [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   ue, ue                Testing an ue attached with configuration
   gnb, gnb              Testing an gnb attached with configuration
   load-test, load-test  Load endurance stress tests.
   Example for testing multiple UEs: load-test -n 5 

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help (default: false)

Environment Variables

Configuration File

The options that can be set is in configuration file and explained below:

NG-RAN or gNb Configuration:

  • controlif: IP and Port for N2 interface for NG-RAN. NG-RAN will use IP and Port to communicates with AMF and receive NAS/NGAP packets from AMF via SCTP socket. It's usually your machine's ip. Change depending on your environment.
  • dataif: IP and Port for N3 interface for NG-RAN. NG-RAN will use IP and Port to communicates with UPF and receive GTP packets from UPF via UDP socket. It's usually your machine's ip. Change depending on your environment.
  • plmnlist: contains MCC (Mobile Country Code value)/ MNC (Mobile Network Code), TAC (Tracking Area Code) and gnbid information. These information must be consistent with AMF configuration and UE's SUCI.
  • slicesupportlist: The list of slices supported by this gNB by tracking area. It's usually the slice that you will want to connect in the 5G Core.

UE Configuration:

  • msin: MSIN number of the UE and it is part of IMSI information. The MCC and MNC must be included in hplmn field.
  • key: Permanent Subscription Key. The key must be the same set in web ui of 5GC for UE. This field is used for authentication of UE. Currently the my5GTester only supports 5G-AKA authentication method.
  • opc: Operator Code Value. The key must be the same set in web ui of 5GC for UE. This field is used for authentication of UE.
  • amf: Authentication Management Field (AMF). This field is used for authentication of UE.
  • sqn: Sequence Number. The default value will work in the basics case, e.g, registration of UE. If you want to trigger resynchronization of sqn in authentication process with 5GC, try to change this value.
  • dnn: refers information about PDU Session. In this case, specifies the data network for the PDU Session.
  • hplmn: the MCC and MNC part of IMSI information for the UE.
  • snssai: refers information about PDU Session. In this case, specifies the slice for the PDU Session.

AMF Configuration:

  • Ip: AMF IP address. This information is part of N2 endpoint.
  • Port: AMF Port address. This information is part of N2 endpoint
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