understand how to peek into your git project root's hidden .git directory
understand the difference between your home directory's ~/.git/config file and any given git project's own .git/config
set your computer's global git user name and email (and peeking into ~/.git/config) https://help.github.com/articles/setting-your-username-in-git/
understand what branches are, BEFORE doing anything with different branches on github. the githug game covers branches. switch between different branches. use https://gist.github.com/joseluisq/1e96c54fa4e1e5647940 for keeping track of what branch you're on.
- Work through http://docs.railsbridge.org/installfest/configure_git (about 15 min)
- Work through http://docs.railsbridge.org/installfest/create_an_ssh_key (about 15 min)
- know how to use
git remote add origin ___
- know how to use
git remote -v
- recognize any remotes you've added in your git project root's .git/config file
- set up an SSH key on your own machine, then adding it to GitHub https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent/ and some basic understanding of id_rsa vs id_rsa.public