Fix typo on package.json (Ryan Graham)
Add pre-release warning to README (Ryan Graham)
Update package metadata, licensing, etc (Ryan Graham)
Don't recursively pack release tarballs (Ryan Graham)
Fix conditional destroy (Krishna Raman)
Id field may not be numeric (Krishna Raman)
Update dependency versions (Krishna Raman)
Fix disconnect (Krishna Raman)
Fix embeds relation (Krishna Raman)
Add conditional destroy (Raymond Feng)
Add fields inclusion/exclusion (Raymond Feng)
Stay with should 1.2.2 as 2.0.1 has breaking changes (Raymond Feng)
Refactor to be a loopback connector (Raymond Feng)
0.0.2-2 (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Update redis.js (ROMB)
Mass-runner friednly test (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Split test cases (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Added coverage to gitignore (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Upd package.json: test command (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Upd devDep: use jugglingdb from GH (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Include include.test (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Transaction not implemented yet (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Support inq (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Handle undefined keys (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Rewrite tests... (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Ignore dump.rdb (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Added makefile for moving to mocha (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Specify adapter name manually, closes #2 (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
0.0.2-1 (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Do not parse JSON when type String or Text, closes #183 (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
Fixed skip being ignored (Samori Gorse)
Redis date type fixes (Anatoliy Chakkaev)
- First release!