Releases: multiversx/mx-api-service
What's Changed
Bugfixes 🐛
- fix fields query in transactions by @cfaur09 in #1397
- Hotfix empty token type from gateway by @bogdan-rosianu in #1398
Full Changelog: v1.9.1...v1.9.2
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
Exciting New Features 🎉
- fetch token price from mx-assets priceSource.url by @cfaur09 in #1290
- Nodes and tokens fetch from external api by @tanghel in #1306
- Integration of K6 into API Github workflow by @MogageNicolae in #1309
- Fetch-providers-from-external-API by @GuticaStefan in #1326
- applications assets by @cfaur09 in #1340
- add support for token priceSource filter by @cfaur09 in #1342
- add mex token charts by @cfaur09 in #1334
- fix nft filters by @bogdan-rosianu in #1344
- relayed v3 features by @cfaur09 in #1299
- contracts deploys endpoints by @cfaur09 in #1336
- add support for relayer v3 by @cfaur09 in #1346
- feat/sovereign by @cfaur09 in #1341
- add round filter for transactions / transfers by @cfaur09 in #1365
- add address keys proxy by @cfaur09 in #1366
- add events support by @cfaur09 in #1367
- add NFT balance by @cfaur09 in #1370
- add token owners history info by @cfaur09 in #1356
Bugfixes 🐛
- Filter NFTs by full tag by @tanghel in #1332
- Handle activation epoch where staking v4 flag is checked by @tanghel in #1338
- Fix nfts count + upgrade deps by @bogdan-rosianu in #1362
Other Notable Changes
- add applications unit tests by @cfaur09 in #1321
- update API to latest sdk-nestjs version 3.7.4 by @cfaur09 in #1322
- Change rabbitmq docker image version from 3.5 to 3.9 by @GuticaStefan in #1325
- nodes fetch from external api unit tests by @cfaur09 in #1330
- tokens fetch from external api unit tests by @GuticaStefan in #1331
- remove support for indexer v 3 by @cfaur09 in #1324
- update deprecated pairs query by @cfaur09 in #1335
- integrate-latest-sdk-nestjs-version by @cfaur09 in #1343
- Accounts searchable by wildcard by @cfaur09 in #1347
- Basic support for innerTx in transfers endpoint by @tanghel in #1351
- add entrypoint by @cfaur09 in #1360
- remove support for relayed inner transactions ( relayedV3 ) by @cfaur09 in #1361
- update package name by @cfaur09 in #1363
- remove postgres support by @cfaur09 in #1369
- integrate assets cdn by @cfaur09 in #1319
- Reset transferLast24h to 0 for accounts that have no transactions in the last 24h by @gabrielmatei in #1355
- API-70: improve tx pool endpoint by @bogdan-rosianu in #1380
- added missing filters to tx pool count endpoint by @bogdan-rosianu in #1382
- API query: normalize token identifier case by @bogdan-rosianu in #1375
- Merge main into dev nov15 by @bogdan-rosianu in #1383
- Merge main development by @dragos-rebegea in #1386
- API-91: type + subType fixes by @bogdan-rosianu in #1390
- fix get profile by @dragos-rebegea in #1391
- Development by @dragos-rebegea in #1392
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.9.1
Release Notes
Performance Enhancements:
• Integrated K6 performance testing into GitHub workflows.
• Removed PostgreSQL support to streamline backend infrastructure.
• Removed GraphQL support and updated Swagger documentation.
• Updates for deprecated queries
Token Price and Analytics:
• Support added for fetching token prices from configurable sources.
• Add filter by token price type
• MEX token charting and collection rank fetching introduced.
Assets CDN Integration:
• Assets integrated into CDN for improved performance and reliability.
Integration of External APIs:
• Nodes, tokens and providers now fetch data dynamically from external APIs for enhanced real-time updates.
Enhanced NFT Functionality:
• Filter NFTs by full tag and fixed NFT count discrepancies.
Add support for ES events:
• Add events support.
API Updates:
• Updated API to the latest sdk-nestjs version 3.7.4. Related updates: latest integration.
• Introduced filters for transaction pools and normalized token identifier casing.
• Add token owners history info
• Applications endpoint unit tests and fixes
Improved Endpoints:
• Contracts deploy endpoints and fix transfer tracking.
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- add account esdt history endpoint by @cfaur09 in #1297
- Add metrics on transaction processor by @gabrielmatei in #1316
- remove team vesting address balance decrease from total supply by @bogdan-rosianu in #1298
- Optimize refresh time for delegation actions by @tanghel in #1296
- Support for patch versions for nodes by @tanghel in #1302
- fetch ownerBelowRequiredBalanceThreshold from delegation providers by @cfaur09 in #1291
- add the nft processing queue name in configs by @cfaur09 in #1251
- Update token.transfer.service.ts by @cfaur09 in #1293
- Deep history block info caching by @tanghel in #1292
- add function filter for collection transfer count by @cfaur09 in #1295
- Support for new nft types by @tanghel in #1300
- Add extra info for mex routes by @tanghel in #1305
Other Notable Changes
- update sdk core to latest version by @cfaur09 in #1294
- Configurable public api port by @tanghel in #1301
- Configurable websocket API by @tanghel in #1303
- Adjusted socket url defaults in config by @bogdan-rosianu in #1318
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- Staking v4 improvements by @tanghel in #1260
- add logs & scResults for transfers by @cfaur09 in #1283
- TPS max and total tx count by @tanghel in #1259
- Default pagination for auction list by @tanghel in #1267
- add applications endpoints by @cfaur09 in #1266
- add node waiting epochs left proxy by @cfaur09 in #1265
- Improved caching for validator auctions by @tanghel in #1269
- Load smart contract result in transaction endpoint, do not fail if esdt loading failed by @tanghel in #1272
- Add mex-pairs endpoint by @tanghel in #1276
- Remove caching and validation of validator auctions by @tanghel in #1278
- add token transfer price by @cfaur09 in #1244
- Optimize elastic calls when fetching NFT name in transaction operations by @tanghel in #1286
Bugfixes 🐛
Other Notable Changes
- add extra pair fields hasFarms hasDualFarms tradesCount by @cfaur09 in #1252
- Improved TTL for TPS keys by @tanghel in #1264
- Use operations ES collection for transactions & smart contract results by @cfaur09 in #1256
- fix missing stake test mock by @cfaur09 in #1270
- Smaller granularity tps by @tanghel in #1273
- Fix transactions queries by @tanghel in #1275
- Fetch token type from dex service by @cfaur09 in #1280
- include transaction results if has operation by @cfaur09 in #1281
- include additional data field for operations by @cfaur09 in #1282
- add support for identitites stake sort query pagination by @cfaur09 in #1284
- add MetaESDT collection assets name by @cfaur09 in #1277
- remove collect code coverage by @cfaur09 in #1285
- Add mex pairs endpoint by @tanghel in #1287
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- add more support for stakingV4 by @cfaur09 in #1193
- lower the percentage to 0.5% in liquidity requirement by @cfaur09 in #1220
- add indexerVersion details in /about endpoint by @cfaur09 in #1222
- Forward index endpoints by @tanghel in #1223
- Accounts token timestamp non mandatory for accounts endpoint swagger by @berciuliviu in #1229
- check if delegationManagerAddress is defined by @cfaur09 in #1230
- add order blocks by timestamp by @cfaur09 in #1231
- add support for sender receiver scresults by @cfaur09 in #1232
- Extra logging for token cache warming by @tanghel in #1235
- add support for elastic scam info details by @cfaur09 in #1187
- Support for custom api version for about endpoint by @tanghel in #1236
- GraphQL requests with timeout by @tanghel in #1239
- add support for nfts collection transfers by @cfaur09 in #1238
- Identities improvements by @tanghel in #1227
- Improved TTL for token transfers accounts transactions by @tanghel in #1237
- add provider delegators by @cfaur09 in #1246
- add lowLiquidityThresholdPercent property by @cfaur09 in #1242
- Transfers last 24 h for applications by @tanghel in #1245
- add support for assets in ES by @cfaur09 in #1188
- add nodes feature requests by @cfaur09 in #1241
- TPS Support by @tanghel in #1254
- add default icons for exchange contracts by @cfaur09 in #1250
- Stakingv4 preparations by @tanghel in #1255
Other Notable Changes
- rename transfersCount to transfers for token details by @cfaur09 in #1219
- Staking v4 follow up by @tanghel in #1221
- remove deprecated mex endpoints by @cfaur09 in #1234
- add latest sdk-nestjs version by @cfaur09 in #1243
- update provider delegators unit tests by @cfaur09 in #1247
- remove chatgpt code review workflow by @cfaur09 in #1257
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- Deep history gateway integration by @berciuliviu in #1194
- add support for token transfersCount by @cfaur09 in #1201
- Exclude market cap from low liquidity tokens when sorting by @tanghel in #1218
- Add token info in MultiESDTNFTTransfer operations by @tanghel in #1198
- Deep history for vm query by @tanghel in #1200
- Transaction completed logging and feature integration by @tanghel in #1196
- Staking add timestamp parameter to legacy staking by @berciuliviu in #1211
- add epochsLeft key by @cfaur09 in #1155
- Disable fields interceptor for proxy endpoints by @tanghel in #1216
- add mexPairType token property by @cfaur09 in #1217
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed duplicated transfer value only logs by @bogdan-rosianu in #1195
- add support for undefined for extract username raw base 64 by @cfaur09 in #1192
- Remove value from asyncCallbackEvent by @tanghel in #1197
- Fixed import of ParseIntPipe by @tanghel in #1203
- Deep history shard 0 fix by @tanghel in #1205
Other Notable Changes
- add correct API Property type by @cfaur09 in #1191
- refactoring e2e controller tests by @cfaur09 in #1208
- status checker initialize thresholds by @cfaur09 in #1207
- add shard controller spec by @cfaur09 in #1210
- add mex controller specs by @cfaur09 in #1212
- add pool controller specs by @cfaur09 in #1213
- add controller specs by @cfaur09 in #1214
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- update to nestjs10 and latest nestjs-sdk 3.1.2 by @cfaur09 in #1160
- Transactions pool endpoint by @bogdan-rosianu in #1165
- Identities in assets by @tanghel in #1055
- add isSmartContract count support by @cfaur09 in #1163
- add account social assets by @cfaur09 in #1173
- apply isVerified property for a list of SC's by @cfaur09 in #1172
- add generic proxy forward endpoint by @cfaur09 in #1175
- add support for mex tokens previous price by @cfaur09 in #1174
- add accounts ownerAssets key by @cfaur09 in #1170
- added sender and receiver usernames by @bogdan-rosianu in #1184
- include withContractExtraDetails on accounts endpoint by @cfaur09 in #1168
- withTxCount, withScrCount support in account list endpoint by @tanghel in #1186
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fix senders filter by @cfaur09 in #1156
- fix array of functions by @cfaur09 in #1162
- fix generic forward proxy by @cfaur09 in #1176
- Identity owner fix by @tanghel in #1180
Other Notable Changes
- use general exclude decorator for proxy controller by @cfaur09 in #1166
- update mexFarms / mexPairs with specific return types by @ramonalobont in #1171
- fixed cron names by @tanghel in #1178
- Fix sharp dependency by @tanghel in #1181
- fix tx pool swagger docs by @bogdan-rosianu in #1182
- Support for MultiESDTNFTTransfer log type by @tanghel in #1183
New Contributors
- @ramonalobont made their first contribution in #1171
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
What's Changed
Bugfixes 🐛
- Identity owner fix by @tanghel in #1180
This bugfix makes the MultiversX Community Delegation 🎖 identity appear again in the list of identities and the association for it in the/nodes endpoint
Other Notable Changes
Full Changelog: v1.3.0-hotfix1...v1.3.0-hotfix2