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HospitalRun Components

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This repository will host reusable react components made for the HospitalRun frontend.


Install components:

yarn add @hospitalrun/components

Install react-bootstrap:

yarn add react-bootstrap

[Optional] You may need node-sass if you want to import components' .scss files:

yarn add -D node-sass


Contributions are always welcome. Before contributing please read our contributor guide.

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local device
  2. Navigate to the cloned folder: cd components
  3. Install the dependencies: yarn
  4. Run yarn dev to build and watch for code changes
  5. In another window, run storybook yarn storybook. Story book should open in a your default browser at localhost:6006.
  6. You will be able to test components with storybook and enjoy live reloading!

How to commit

This repo uses Conventional Commits. Commitizen is recommended for development. Once you have changes staged you can run git cz from the root directory in order to commit to the proper standards.

Alternatively, if you are using NPM 5.2+ you can use npx instead of installing globally: npx git-cz

Behind HospitalRun

Hosted by



Big Thanks

Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by Sauce Labs



Lead Maintainer

Maksim Sinik

Core Team

Stefano Casasola

Michael J Feher

Riccardo Gulin

Jack Meyer

Matteo Vivona

Medical Supervisor

M.D. Daniele Piccolo




John Kleinschmidtr

Joel Worrall

Joel Glovier


Released under the MIT license.