ML.NET version | API type | Status | App Type | Data type | Scenario | ML Task | Algorithms |
v0.9 | Dynamic API | Up-to-date | Console app | .txt file | Clustering Iris flowers | Clustering | K-means++ |
In this introductory sample, you'll see how to use ML.NET to divide iris flowers into different groups that correspond to different types of iris. In the world of machine learning, this task is known as clustering.
To demonstrate clustering API in action, we will use three types of iris flowers: setosa, versicolor, and virginica. All of them are stored in the same dataset. Even though the type of these flowers is known, we will not use it and run clustering algorithm only on flower parameters such as petal length, petal width, etc. The task is to group all flowers into three different clusters. We would expect the flowers of different types belong to different clusters.
The inputs of the model are following iris parameters:
- petal length
- petal width
- sepal length
- sepal width
The generalized problem of clustering is to group a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar to each other than to those in other groups.
Some other examples of clustering:
- group news articles into topics: sports, politics, tech, etc.
- group customers by purchase preferences.
- divide a digital image into distinct regions for border detection or object recognition.
Clustering can look similar to multiclass classification, but the difference is that for clustering tasks we don't know the answers for the past data. So there is no "tutor"/"supervisor" that can tell if our algorithm's prediction was right or wrong. This type of ML task is called unsupervised learning.
To solve this problem, first we will build and train an ML model. Then we will use trained model for predicting a cluster for iris flowers.
Building a model includes: uploading data (iris-full.txt
with TextLoader
), transforming the data so it can be used effectively by an ML algorithm (with Concatenate
), and choosing a learning algorithm (KMeans
). All of those steps are stored in trainingPipeline
// STEP 1: Common data loading configuration
let textLoader =
hasHeader = true,
separatorChar = '\t',
columns =
TextLoader.Column("Label", Nullable DataKind.R4, 0)
TextLoader.Column("SepalLength", Nullable DataKind.R4, 1)
TextLoader.Column("SepalWidth", Nullable DataKind.R4, 2)
TextLoader.Column("PetalLength", Nullable DataKind.R4, 3)
TextLoader.Column("PetalWidth", Nullable DataKind.R4, 4)
let fullData = textLoader.Read dataPath
//Split dataset in two parts: TrainingDataset (80%) and TestDataset (20%)
let struct(trainingDataView, testingDataView) = mlContext.Clustering.TrainTestSplit(fullData, testFraction = 0.2)
//STEP 2: Process data transformations in pipeline
let dataProcessPipeline = mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth")
// (Optional) Peek data in training DataView after applying the ProcessPipeline's transformations
Common.ConsoleHelper.peekDataViewInConsole<IrisData> mlContext trainingDataView dataProcessPipeline 10 |> ignore
Common.ConsoleHelper.peekVectorColumnDataInConsole mlContext "Features" trainingDataView dataProcessPipeline 10 |> ignore
// STEP 3: Create and train the model
let trainer = mlContext.Clustering.Trainers.KMeans(features = "Features", clustersCount = 3)
let modelBuilder =
Common.ModelBuilder.create mlContext dataProcessPipeline
|> Common.ModelBuilder.addTrainer trainer
let trainedModel =
|> Common.ModelBuilder.train trainingDataView
Training the model is a process of running the chosen algorithm on the given data. To perform training you need to call the Fit() method.
let trainedModel =
|> Common.ModelBuilder.train trainingDataView
After the model is build and trained, we can use the Predict()
API to predict the cluster for an iris flower and calculate the distance from given flower parameters to each cluster (each centroid of a cluster).
let sampleIrisData =
SepalLength = 3.3f
SepalWidth = 1.6f
PetalLength = 0.2f
PetalWidth = 5.1f
//Create the clusters: Create data files and plot a chart
let prediction =
Common.ModelScorer.create mlContext
|> Common.ModelScorer.loadModelFromZipFile modelPath
|> Common.ModelScorer.predictSingle sampleIrisData
printfn "Cluster assigned for setosa flowers: %d" prediction.SelectedClusterId```