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When i am installing material ui on my next js 15 version it gives me error #32366

When i am installing material ui on my next js 15 version it gives me error

When i am installing material ui on my next js 15 version it gives me error #32366

# Configuration for support-requests -
name: Support Stack Overflow
types: [labeled, unlabeled, reopened]
permissions: {}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
issues: write
- uses: dessant/support-requests@47d5ea12f6c9e4a081637de9626b7319b415a3bf # v4.0.0
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Label used to mark issues as support requests
support-label: 'support: Stack Overflow'
# Comment to post on issues marked as support requests. Add a link
# to a support page, or set to `false` to disable
issue-comment: |
👋 Thanks for using this project!
We use GitHub issues exclusively as a bug and feature requests tracker, however, this issue appears to be a support request.
For support with Material UI please check out Thanks!
If you have a question on Stack Overflow, you are welcome to link to it here, it might help others.
If your issue is subsequently confirmed as a bug, and the report follows the issue template, it can be reopened.
close-issue: true
issue-close-reason: 'not planned'
lock-issue: false