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Development environment setup


The project can be build:

  • on linux
  • on windows with WSL
  • with docker image Note: Mac native compilation is not supported

Download repository and submodules

MuditaOS uses submodules, therefore for clone use:

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:mudita/MuditaOS.git

if you didn't use --recurse-submodules or have to update submodules use:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Install dependencies


To install all the basic depenencies run:

cd config && ./ 0-

The script is written for Ubuntu and tested on 20.04.

Note The script: -requires sudo to: - downloads a shell script from and runs it with sudo for Docker installation. - installs a few required packages (list them with: cat config/bootstrap_config) which also require root privileges.

  • installs GCCv10 and CMake to $HOME directory.
  • it's needed to be run only once

After running provisioning you are ready to checkout and build project for both platforms supported.

You can see this help if you do not pass any param to

[I] ⋊> ~/w/m/M/config on master ⨯ ./                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    09:00:01
Available build steps:
	0 install_hooks
	1 add_ignore_revs_for_blame
	2 install_ubuntu_packages
	3 setup_arm_toolchain
	4 setup_cmake
	5 setup_gcc_alternatives
	6 add_to_path ARM_GCC /home/pholat/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major/bin
	7 add_to_path CMAKE /home/pholat/cmake-3.21.3-linux-x86_64/bin
	8 install_docker
	9 add_to_docker_group
./ <build step no>[-]
./ 1       - build step 1 (add_ignore_revs_for_blame)
./ 3       - build step 3 (setup_arm_toolchain)
./ 3-      - build from step 3 to the end
./ 0-      - build everything

JLink software

We are using J-Link driver in version J-Link v634f (Ubuntu download)

NOTE: This step is only required to load software and debug it via J-Link. It's not available for the community - as it requires a programmer board and soldered in programmer socket.

WARNING: newer J-Link software revisions seem to work fine, but loading via them does not result in usable software on the hardware target.

Add GitHub token

Please follow github token configuration here: download assets documentation

Project configuration

To configure project we have helper script: ./ which essentially passes through basic cmake configuration for each product for each platform. We highly advise using ninja as it has proven better compilation times over make. To build MuditaOS with no access to proprietary files, please specify cmake flag: -DASSETS_TYPE=Community

The script can be run with the following parameters:

# command      # product              # platform     # build type
./ [PurePhone|BellHybrid] [rt1051|linux] [release|debug|relwithdebinfo] [additional cmake parameters and options go here, i.e. -DENABLE_DEVELOPER_MODE_ENDPOINT=1 or "-G Ninja"]


  1. building PurePhone for rt1051 platform with ninja

NOTE Due to software size we can't have full debug builds for rt1051 targets. Please use relwithdebinfo

./ pure rt1051 relWithDebInfo "-G Ninja"
  1. building PurePhone for Linux platform with make
./ pure linux debug
  1. building bell for linux platform with ninja
./ bell linux debug "-G Ninja"
  1. building bell for linux platform with ninja and only community assets
./ bell linux debug -DASSETS_TYPE=Community "-G Ninja"

Project build

Each run of creates build-{PRODUCT}-{PLATFORM}-{OPTMALIZAION} folder, i.e.: build-PurePhone-rt1051-RelWithDebInfo

  1. enter your selected build catalog
  2. run ninja or make depending on your selection during configuration.
  3. This will compile your selected target and create image of it

To know more about build targets please see: build targets documentation

WARNING: our source code is open source, but the project itself is in the progress of fully embracing the community. Currently, you:

  1. can build binaries from the software
  2. are not able to create images - due to difficulties with separation of 3rd party proprietary assets

Note You can install and use ccache to speed up compilations

Project load and run

Project load and run are platform-dependent. Currently, we support only Linux and rt1051 targets.

NOTE: Addition of open source assets is in progress and should be done in the following weeks. Till then Open source community can't build their own images - due to a lack of fonts and LUTs. Support will be added step by step:

  • addition of open source fonts
  • addition of partial update packages (not signed) for Open Source contributors
Running on linux

Build default target and run ./PurePhone.elf for phone target, or for BellHybrid: ./BellHybrid.elf

Running on rt1051 from emmc

Please follow: running on rt1051 platform

checking commits

All commits have to comply with checks with:

  1. our pre commit hook 1.1 required code have to be copyrighted with Mudita licensing 1.2 required code have to comply to clang-format defined in repository 1.3 code is checked against addition of binary blobs polluting software
  2. pre-merge CI job checking if the commit is in acceptable format:

See development workflow for more information

CMake options

Before configuring the project with ./ you can tune it by enabling/disabling options to suite your needs. This can be done manually, by editing the .cmake files (not recommended though) or by CLI/GUI tool like ccmake.

Option Description Default value
COVERAGE_ENABLE Enable code coverage report generation OFF
COLOR_OUTPUT Use colored output in RTT logs and compiler diagnostics ON
SYSTEMVIEW Enable usage of Segger's SystemView OFF
USBCDC_ECHO Enable echoing through USB-CDC OFF
MUDITA_USB_ID Enable using Mudita registered USB Vendor ID and Pure Phone USB Product ID OFF
ENABLE_APP_X Build and enable application X ON
OPTIMIZE_APP_X Optimize application X in debug build ON
LINUX_ENABLE_SANITIZER Enable address sanitizer for Linux OFF
ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT Build signed binary for Secure Boot OFF
THIRD_PARTY_DEBUG_OPTIMIZE Optimize third party in debug ON
ENABLE_TEST_LOGS Enable logs in unit tests OFF
GENERATE_STACK_USAGE Generate stack usage report OFF
BUILD_DOC_WITH_ALL Build documentation with all target OFF
SYSTEM_PROFILE Add MuditaOS x FreeRTOS proifling capability OFF
WITH_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES Enable all development features like access to test harness via USB OFF

By using ENABLE_APP_X (where X is the name of the application) you can enable/disable any application.

CMake-wide system config documentation is here: Project config

Catching logs using UART

If you want to catch logs from Mudita Pure from UART please follow these steps:

  1. In config/ProjectConfig.cmake change RTT_JLINK to RTT_LUART
  2. Rebuild the project
  3. Catch logs: picocom /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 --imap lfcrlf

Please mind that logs on UART are more costly, so these might cause timing issues and slow down the phone too. To avoid that consider release build for tests with uart enabled.

More details on preparing your local environment

Code style with git hooks

The script installs git hooks for code style checking. pre-commit.hookautomatically updates style during commit. If you haven't run and want to use git hooks, you have to copy (or link) pre-commit.hook to your git config directory .git/config/hooks: ln -s pwd/config/pre-commit.hook .git/hooks/pre-commit

By default, commit hook only checks if your changes have the appropriate style, if you would like to fix the style automatically during git commit you have to configure your git, by adding new variable user.fixinstage and setting it to true by running git config user.fixinstage true

If you prefer "notification then fix" workflow (so you can examine the changes), use the default hook behaviour (for notifications) and then call ./config/pre-commit.hook --fix, this checks and fixes files in "stage", files that have status "changed" are not tested.

git commit 
<stele error - commit aborted>
./config/pre-commit.hook --fix
git diff
git add -u
git commit
<commit accepted>

To fix the style for Pull Request CI: ./config/pre-commit.hook --branch-fix

Code style is done by clang

Commit message template

To add a commit message template use this command:

git config commit.template .gitmessage

This way each time you add a new commit you will see the template that will help you with the proper message format. More about that in Development Workflow

Commit message hook

This hooks automatically converts your branch name to commit title

rules: if branch starts with EGD-xxxx it is treated as jira ticket all - and _ are converted to spaces

Adding a hook:

cd .git/hooks
ln -s ../../config/prepare-commit-msg

Using a hook:

Create a branch

git checkout origin/master -b EGD-1234-Add_change_description

Do your changes, and prepare commit

git commit

Build using Docker

You can build MuditaOS using a Docker container. To do that, follow these steps

  1. Get Docker by running ./config/ 8 or install it yourself (if was not installed previously with ./config/ 0-).

After that you have to log out and log back in as groups are set during the login process. To make sure you are in docker group enter the groups command and you will see the list of groups your user is assigned to.

  1. Configure for Linux Debug:
./ config PurePhone|BellHybrid linux Debug
  1. Build linux Debug:
./ make build-PurePhone|BellHybrid-linux-Debug
  1. Build RT1051 Release
./ config PurePhone|BellHybrid rt1051 Release
./ make build-PurePhone|BellHybrid-rt1051-Release
  1. Build and run tests (Linux only)
./ make build-PurePhone|BellHybrid-linux-Debug
./ make build-PurePhone|BellHybrid-linux-Debug check

To build selected test manually in the working directory of attached Docker image run:

cd ./build-PurePhone|BellHybrid-linux-Debug ; make <test_name>; ./<test_name>


cd ./build-PurePhone|BellHybrid-linux-Debug ; make unittest_gui && ./unittest_gui

Running tests checks memory leaks too - this might be helpful in creation of new widgets.

Building your own Docker image

If for some reason (f.ex. testing new dependencies) you need to create your own docker image, you can do it by following:

  1. Configure Docker file and download the necessary tool chain packages:
  1. Build a new Docker image
docker build docker -f docker/Dockerfile -t "wearemudita/mudita_os_builder:latest"

Please be aware that when building custom image you'll have to give it some tag (default from build_runner_docker is latest). You also need to provide some scripts with your tag (like CONTAINER_TAG in, otherwise Docker will download and use original image from Mudita.

Preparing packages

If you need a package, containing everything needed to run the application, please check document.