A set of tools for biologists who sequence RNA
To get started, make a folder called code in your home directory (~ on the command line, or on a mac click on finder, on the top bar select the go menu and the go to home), then download or clone this repository inside.
Making gene lists from GO
Basic RNAseq EDA
Plotting Favorite Genes in a Time Series
ScaledBox & Overlay Heatmaps
Double-Color-Scheme Expression Heatmaps
SegReg and output analysis
ExpressionAtlas comparisons
Seahorse Data Processing
Mouse and Human Orthologs
WGCNA (Maybe)
Jython scripts for preprocessing images
Jython scripts for ImageJ cell tracking
Python scripts for processing tracking output
Mouse and Human RNAseq Time Series from Barry, Schmitz et al (2017)
Carnegie Stage Comparisons
Gene lists
- Dumping ground for R code I can't organize
- A parallelized version of Ning Leng's Segmented Regression implementation, modified to fix problems with endpoints. Mostly the same as Rhonda's Trendy Package