Use the latest version of Rust.
- Run tests:
cargo test
- Activate pre-commit hooks (requires Python) to handle formatting/linting:
pip install --user pre-commit pre-commit install
- Generate docs (requires Python):
pip install --user invoke tomli invoke docs
Commands assume you are using Git Bash on Windows:
- Add targets:
- 32-bit:
rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc
- 64-bit:
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
- 32-bit:
- Install tool for generating license bundle:
cargo install cargo-lichking
- Prepare release:
export VERSION=$(cargo pkgid | cut -d# -f2 | cut -d: -f2) rm -rf dist mkdir dist cargo build --release --target i686-pc-windows-msvc cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc cp target/i686-pc-windows-msvc/release/shawl.exe dist/shawl-v$VERSION-win32.exe cp target/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/release/shawl.exe dist/shawl-v$VERSION-win64.exe cargo lichking bundle --file dist/shawl-v$VERSION-legal.txt