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262 lines (206 loc) · 10.9 KB

File metadata and controls

262 lines (206 loc) · 10.9 KB

The following image processing steps were executed to detect the coin in the original image, crop it along it's region and save it as a new image.

Import required libraries and modules

import os # For manipulating local directories to read and write image files.
import cv2 as cv # OpenCV library
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
%matplotlib inline

print('Currently installed OpenCV version: ', cv.__version__)
print('Code tested on OpenCV version 4.7.0\n')

Load Image

path = 'sample_image.jpg'

img = cv.imread(path)
assert img is not None, "file could not be read, check with os.path.exists()"

img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Optional




Apply Gaussian Blur to smooth out any irregularites

By blurring the image, noise and small varieations in lighting and texture can be removed and the larger features such as the coin can be made more prominant. This makes it easier for the the thresholding and contour detection steps.

blurred_img = cv.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)



Convert the blurred image to grayscale

Since the image contains a coin of any color and a near black background, and we are intrested only in detecting the edges of the coin, color information is not necessary. By removing the color from the image, the further processing steps will only have to deal with one intensity value instead of three color channels. This will make it easier of the them to focus only the pixel brightness values which is only usefull in detecting the contours.

gray_img = cv.cvtColor(blurred_img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
plt.imshow(gray_img, 'gray')



Apply threshold to obtain a binary image

By thresholding a grayscale image, we can convert it to a binary image where each pixel is either black or white. Thus making the the image more consistant. Such consistancy can improve the accuracy of further steps such as contour detection.

_, binary_img = cv.threshold(gray_img, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY+cv.THRESH_OTSU)
# The cv.THRESH_BINARY+cv.THRESH_OTSU flag enables automatic determination of optimal threshold value.

plt.imshow(binary_img, 'gray')



Perform morphological operations to clean up the binary image

Morphological operations are preformed to manipulate the structure of the image. I.e. perform operations on pixels based on the values of their neighbouring pixels.
Here morphological operations use a kernal to define the neighbouring pixels, and based on the kernel cleans the binary image off of any holes and gaps and obtain a smoother binary image.

kernel = np.ones((5,5), np.uint8)

binary_img = cv.morphologyEx(binary_img, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
# The cv.MORPH_CLOSE flag is used to clos any small gaps and holes.

plt.imshow(binary_img, 'gray')



Find contours in the binary image

Contours are basically boundries of an object in an image. Contours are used to locate the boundry of the coin in the binary image. Contours of the coin can be detected using the findContours function with flags RETR_EXTERNAL and CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE.
The function findContours returns a tupple of arrays, where each array contains location of a contour.
The flag RETR_EXTERNAL returns only external boundries. This means it returns only the external boundries of the coin ignoring the internal contours within the coin.
The flag RETR_EXTERNAL is used to compress the contours, and thus reduces the computation costs to store and manipulate them.

contours, _ = cv.findContours(binary_img, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# The above code returns a tupple of arrays. Where each array contains location points of a contour

# Plot the contours
x = [] # List of x-coordinates of all points in all contours 
y = [] # List of y-coordinate of all points in all contours

for contour in contours:
    for point in contour:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()        

ax.imshow(binary_img, 'gray')

ax.scatter(x=x, y=y, s=1, c='blue')



Obtain the largest contour

The largest contour is assumed to be the external contour of the coin.
The function contourArea is used to find the area of all the contours and is passed to the max function to obtain the contour with the largest area.

largest_contour = max(contours, key=cv.contourArea)

x_l = largest_contour[:,:,0] # List of x-coordinates of all points in the largest contour. 
y_l = largest_contour[:,:,1] # List of y-coordinates of all points in the largest contour.

ax.scatter(x=x_l, y=y_l, s=1, c='r')



Fit a circle to the obtained contour

Once the largest contour is obtained, a circle can be fitted to the contour using the function minEnclosingCircle.
This function finds the minimum enclosing circle for a given set of points. In this case the set of points are the contour. And thus the function returns a a tupple with the coordinates of the center of the circle and single value radius. Using the center and radius values, we can find the coordinates of a bounding box that fits around the coin.

center, radius = cv.minEnclosingCircle(largest_contour)
print('Center: ', center)
print('Radius: ', radius)
ax.plot(center[0], center[1], 'go')
ax.plot([center[0], center[0]+radius],[center[1],center[1]], 'g--')


Center: (1114.1502685546875, 2007.5736083984375)
Radius: 443.1164855957031

# Convert the center and radius to integer values
center = tuple(map(int, center))
radius = int(radius)

print('Center: ', center)
print('Radius: ', radius)


Center: (1114, 2007)
Radius: 443

Create a bounding box around the coin

This bounding box is our Region Of Interest (ROI)

# Get the coordinates of the top-left corner of the bounding box
x, y = center[0] - radius, center[1] - radius

# Get the width and height of the bounding box
w, h = 2*radius, 2*radius 

# Plot the bonding box
rect = patches.Rectangle((x,y), w, h, facecolor='none', linewidth=1, edgecolor='lime', linestyle='--')



Creating a Mask

Since the background of the original image doesnt contain any useful information, we can replace it with a blank background, thus making it easier for ML models to ignore the background while learning the features in the image.
We can create a blank background by setting all the pixels in the background to one uniform color. For simplicity, we'll choose the color black.
In order to replace the image background with all black, we'll have first create a mask containing a black background and a white filled circle on the region of the coin. Then, when we do a bitwise-AND operation between the original image and the mask, the pixel values in the background of the original image get replaced with black and the region containing the coin is preserved as it is. This effectly accomplishes the task of making the background of the original image black.

The first step in creating the mask is obtaining a black image of the same size as the original image.

Create a black image with the same size as the input image.

# Create an image array of the same size as the original image array, with all pixels having 0 values.
mask = np.zeros_like(img)
plt.imshow(mask, 'gray')



Draw a white filled circle on the region containing the coin.

The white filled circle on the mask can be drawn using the circle coordinates obtained in the previous steps.
This ensures that the circle is drawn where the region of the coin exists., center, radius, (255, 255, 255), -1)



Perform masking

masked_img = cv.bitwise_and(img, mask)



As you can see, the background in the image is now completely black.

Crop the input image using the bounding box coordinates to obtain the region of interest

cropped_img = masked_img[y:y+h, x:x+w]



Convert the image to grayscale

This step is optional. Since I had decided to remove any color information as it isn't important for detecting the denomination or validity of the coin by an ML model, I liked to convert the image to grayscale. But if for some reason you want to keep the colors, you can skip this step.

gray_img = cv.cvtColor(cropped_img, 6)
plt.imshow(gray_img, 'gray')



Resize the image to a desired size

The size of the cropped image above seems to be unnecessarily large for a Neural Network model, so I decided to resize it to 256x256 pixels. Which is considered an ideal size for NN models. You can set any size you want, or keep the original size as it is.

resized_img = cv.resize(gray_img, (256,256))
plt.imshow(resized_img, 'gray')



Save the image

Once the above steps are completed you can save the image using OPenCV's imwrite function.

Though converting the image to grayscale removes all the three color channels from the image, while it is saved as an image file by the imwrite function, all three color channels with same intensities are added back to the image. Since all three channels posses the same intensities, the image will still appear as grayscale.

That's it.