Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
<2014-08-20 Wed>Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
- try with standard ‘\r’ or some terminal commands
- try the package blessings
<2014-08-23 Sat>
It’s quite messy to use the terminal as the output for the progress bar and the subprocesses at the same time. I prefer to a clean output of the task processes.
The progress bar is now displayed in the title of the terminal window (if possible).
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
- add `load_all=True’ parameter to load all tables (but drop duplicates)
<2014-08-23 Sat>
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
- force the serial backend in the nested maps
- inhibit _publish_status() in the nested maps
- possible communication channel: sys.environ (how’s multiprocessing doing it?)
<2014-10-28 Tue> <2014-10-31 Fri>
Using global variable: thorns.util.maps.is_inside_map
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
Cancel: It’s implemented in mrkrd/cochlea at the moment.
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
- period histogram
h = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(all_spikes, bin_size/np.std(all_spikes,ddof=1))
bins = np.arange(0, duration, h.factor*np.std(all_spikes,ddof=1)/10)
hist = h.evaluate(bins)
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
<2015-08-26 Wed 14:15>
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/thorns/