##MRI physics related software
####Welcome. @mriphysics is a github site hosting software repositories related to scientific research related to MRI methodology. For specific details about each project, please see individual project READMEs. On this mini-site you can find additional details on these and future projects, with links to author pages and other stuff we're working on.
- EPG-X simulations
- RF pulse design
- Sequence Level PTx optimization
- Electromagnetic simulations
- RF Field Mapping
- Fetal Cardiac MRI
- Fetal Slice-to-volume Reconstruction
- Teaching Materials
####KCL Biomedical Engineering:
- Shaihan Malik
- Arian Beqiri
- Francesco Padormo
- Jo Hajnal
- [Samy Abo Seada](https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/samy-abo-seada(fc0a779c-c581-4267-874c-3c2723158d9c.html)
- [Rui Pedro A.G. Teixeira](https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/rui-pedro-teixeira(0bde6612-0066-42a1-aa81-e75b7740e7fd.html)
- Joshua van Amerom
####UMC Utrecht:
This is a work in progress, so updates will come regularly. Please contact us (details available on user pages linked above) if you have any requests
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