A Linked List can be defined as collection of objects called nodes that are randomly stored in heap memory.
I'm not explaining operations on a linked list here.
However you can look into the code and I will be leaving links to videos that explain it in detail.
- Computerphile - Linked Lists (Video)
- Heap Memory - OpenDSA
- C - Pointers - Tutorials Point
- Pointers and dynamic memory - Stack vs Heap (Video)
- Unrolled Linked List - Coding Ninjas
Linked List Operations
- Singly List Insertion (Video)
- Singly List Deletion (Video)
- Doubly List Insertion (Video)
- Doubly List Deletion (Video)
- Circular List Insertion (Video)
- Circular List Deletion (Video
- Doubly Circular List Insertion (Video)
- Doubly Circular List Deletion (Video)
- Unrolled List Insertion & Deletion (Video)
Before continuing, it is important to understand how a linked list is allocated in memory to avoid confusion. When using a linked list, we also utilize the Heap Memory.
Heap memory, also known as dynamic memory, is an alternative to local stack memory. Local memory is quite automatic. Local variables are allocated automatically when a function is called, and they are deallocated automatically when the function exits. Heap memory is different in every way. The programmer explicitly requests that space be allocated. This memory block will be of a particular size, ususally determined automatically from the size of the object being created. That memory block (your object) continues to be allocated until something happens that makes it go away. In some languages (noteably, C and C++), an object in heap memory only goes away when the programmer explicitly requests that it be deallocated. So the programmer has much greater control of memory, but with greater responsibility since the memory must now be actively managed. Dropping all references to a memory location without deallocating it is a signficant source of errors in C/C++, and this is so common that it has a name: memory leak. Java removes this source of errors by handling memory deallocation automatically, using garbage collection. The downside is that garbage collection is a slow process that happens at unpredictable times. - openDSA
Declaring A Node
// This is a node. A list is composed of many nodes.
struct Node {
int data; // Field: Holds the data value of the node.
struct Node *next; // Field: Points to the next node in the list.
}; // struct: A struct allows us to group multiple variables (fields) into one place.
struct Node *head; // Pointer to the head of the list.
* Explanation of the code:
* 1. We declare a struct named Node, which represents a node in the linked list.
* 2. Inside our Node struct, we have an integer variable named data, which holds the data value of the node.
* 3. We also have a pointer variable named next, which points to the next node in the linked list.
* 4. The variable head is declared as a pointer to struct Node, and it represents the head (first node) of the list.
// Overall, this code sets up the basic structure for a linked list, where each node contains
// data and a pointer to the next node in the list. The head pointer points to the first node,
// allowing us to access and manipulate the list.
A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable as its value.
In C we declare a pointer variable using the syntax int *p
.This can be read as "a pointer to an integer"
To access the value of a pointer, you use the pointer variable preceded
by a *
. For example, if p
is a pointer variable pointing to an
integer, you can access the value it points to by dereferencing the
pointer with *p
Pointers In C
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// Initialize an integer variable
int six = 6; // let's assume this is allocated at address 0x45
// Now we initialize a pointer to `six`
int *p = &six; // `&` will give us the address of variable `six`
// Try it yourself
printf("Address of six: %p\n", &six);
// If we use `*p`, we would be accessing the value stored at the pointer's address, not the address itself
printf("Address stored in pointer: %p\n", p);
// Now we can access the value of `six` through the pointer
printf("Value at the address stored in pointer: %d\n", *p); // This prints 6
// We can modify the value of `six` through the pointer
*p = 69;
printf("New value at the address stored in pointer: %d\n", *p); // This prints 69
printf("New value of six: %d\n", six); // This also prints 69
return 0;
Linked List And Dinamic Memory (Heap)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *next;
} *head;
int main() {
// This will allocates a node into the heap and return a pointer
head = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // let's assume that this returns 0x1B39
/** We can visualize it like this:
* addr /\_| 0x1B39...0x1B41 | 0x1B41...0x1B49 | *
* head_/ | data: nil | next: nil | *
// Now we assign values to the fields
head->data = 69;
// Try it yourself. Remember include <stdlib.h> and define the struct Node
printf("head pointer: %p\n", head); // same addr as head->data
printf("head->data address: %p\n", &(head->data)); // address of the first field of Node
printf("head->next address: %p\n", &(head->next)); // address will be 8 bytes to the right of head->data
printf("head->data value: %d\n", head->data); // nil or 69
printf("head->next pointer: %p\n", head->next); // nil or a pointer
// This will create another node
head->next = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // let's assume that this return 0x45
/** We can visualize it like this:
* /\_| 0x1B39...0x1B41 | 0x1B41...0x1B49 | /\_| 0x45...0x4D | 0x4D...0x56 | *
* head_/ | data: 69 | next: 0x45 |_/ | data: nil | next: nil | *
* NOTE: As you can see, in heap memory lotation are not continous. */
// Now if we do the following.
head->next = NULL;
* Set `head->next` to NULL to delete the reference, but it's important to note that this alone is not sufficient.
* In C, there is no garbage collector, so manual memory management is required to prevent memory leaks.
* To properly release the memory occupied by the node with address 0x45, you need to use the `free()` function.
* Here's how you can do it:
* free(head->next); // This will free the space of memory
* head->next = NULL; // This will delete the reference
* If you don't delete the reference, you will continue pointing to an inaccessible memory address, potentially causing a crash.
Graphical Representation
In a singly list each node links to only the next node. Also the head is mandatory while the tail is optional.
- Head: Is a pointer to the first node in a list
- Tail: Same as head you can create a pointer to the last node in a list
- Node: A structure containing two fields which are described below
- data: Literally data stored in heap memory
- next: A pointer to the next node also store in heap memory
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *next;
} *head;
// Create a list (node)
head = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // allocates a node into the heap
* Let's assume that malloc return a pointer to 0x1B39
* head = *0x1B39 -> | data: (nil) | next: (nil) | *
// Arrow operator -> Allows to access elements in Structures and Unions.
head->data = 69;
// Let's create another node and let's assume that it returns a pointer to 0x45
head->next = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
// So now we can visualize this of the following manner
| data: 69 | next: 0x45 | --> | empty |
In a doubly list each node links to the next node and the previus node. Also the head is mandatory while the tail is optional.
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *Prev;
struct Node *next;
} *head;
// Create a list (node)
head = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // allocates a node into the heap
head->Prev = NULL;
head->data = 69;
// Now the next field will point to a new node
head->next = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // allocate other node in the heap
// Finally we assign to prev field of the new created node, the previus node which is head
head->next->Prev = head
In a circular list each node links only to the next node exept for the last node which links to the first node. Here tail is mandatory since with tail you can access the first node.
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *next;
} *tail;
// Create a list (node)
tail = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // let's call this node 1
// Initialize a Node
tail->data = 69;
tail->next = tail;
// Create another node
tail->next = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // let's call this node 2
/** Now the last node (node 2) is not pointing to the first node (node 1), but we know that `tail` does.
* So we have to re-assign the 'next' field of node 2 to point to node 1 (the first node).
* Since `tail` is pointing to node 1, we can assign `tail` to `tail->next->next` (tail->next->next = tail).
tail->next->next = tail; // This may be confusing, but with practice and time, you will get it.
/** In case you don't understand what `tail->next->next` is doing, read this:
* First, `tail->next` is accessing node 2.
* And `tail->next->next` is accessing the 'next' field of node 2.
* For better understanding, we could also do:
* struct Node *node2 = tail->next;
* node2->next = tail; // Assign the last node's 'next' field to `tail`, which points to the first node.
* Since it is a circular list, the last node (node 2) has to point to the first node (node 1).
// Finally, we have to re-assign `tail` so that it points to the last node, which is `tail->next` (node 2).
tail = tail->next; // Now `tail` is pointing to the last node (node 2).
In a doubly circular list each node links to the next node and the previus node exept for the first node which links to the last node and viceversa. Here You can use head or tail and you will get o(1) access to the first and last node.
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *Prev;
struct Node *next;
} *head;
// Create a list
tail = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // allocates a node into the heap
// Inizialize A Node To Better Explaination
tail->Prev = tail;
tail->data = 69;
tail->next = tail;
// Now we create another node
tail->next = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
// Now we have to re-assign prev so it points to the last node which is tail->next
tail->Prev = tail->next;
// Now we have to assign prev field of the new created node to the previus node which is tail
tail->next->Prev = tail;
// Now we have to assign next field of the new created node to the first node which in this case is also tail
tail->next->next = tail;
// Finally we have to re-assign tail so it points to the last node which is tail->next (see line 132)
tail = tail->next;
A unrolled list is a variation on the linked list which stores multiple elements in each node using an array. This allow us to maximize the use of memory.
struct Node {
int Len; // track array length
int data[3];
struct Node *next;
} *head;
// Create a list
head = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // allocates a node into the heap
// Since `data` is an array we have to assign data as follows
head->data[0] = 3;
head->Len += 1;
head->data[1] = 6;
head->Len += 1;
head->data[2] = 9;
head->Len += 1;
When you're using dynamic memory, you are the responsible for creating and freeing the memory. This means that if you create memory and later on in the program you don't need it anymore, you must free that memory otherwise you will open the way for memory leaks.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *next;
} *head;
int main() {
head = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
// Store memory address before delete node to check if continues in memory
struct Node *temp ;
// --------- This will cause memory leaks ---------
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
head->next = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
head->next->data = 1;
printf("\t\tBefore deletion: %d\n", head->next->data);
// store a reference to node to check if it got deleted
temp = head->next;
head->next = NULL; // remove reference
printf("\t\tAfter deletion: %d\n", temp->data);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *next;
} *head;
int main() {
head = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
// Store memory address before delete node to check if continues in memory
struct Node *temp ;
// --------- This will not cause memory leaks ---------
printf("\n\n\nTHIS DO NOT CAUSE MEMORY LEAKS:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
head->next = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
head->next->data = 1;
printf("\t\tbefore deletion: %d\n", head->next->data);
// store a reference to node to check if it got deleted
temp = head->next;
free(head->next); // free node
head->next = NULL; // remove reference
printf("\t\tafter deletion: %d <%p>\n", temp->data, temp->data);
return 0;