Instructions to run local AWS in Docker with golang examples.
Alternatively use localstack
This repos is not meant to be a configuration tool like docker compose, or an orchestration tool like kubernetes
It is a collection of simple bash scripts to setup a local dev environment, that replicates popular AWS services, using standard docker commands.
It is also a cookbook of golang examples demonstrating how to use the services
Get aws-local
go get
Run the install script
Persistent data is easily accessible from the host
tree -L 2 ~/.aws-local
Use the container name to get a remote shell
${GOPATH}/src/ goaws
Start local services
cp ${GOPATH}/src/ \
docker ps
docker stats
go test with colors
go get -u
TODO Run examples
gotest -v ${GOPATH}/src/
Does not support all the command line parameters?
Supports all of the commandline parameters in the DynamoDB Documentation
Writes email html, text and headers to file
Setup credentials
aws configure --profile aws-local
# AWS Access Key ID [None]: asdf
# AWS Secret Access Key [None]: asdfasdf
# Default region name [None]: eu-west-1
# Default output format [None]: json
Select profile
export AWS_PROFILE=aws-local
List images
docker image ls
Stop all running containers
docker stop $(docker ps -q)
Remove all containers, persistent volumes should be mapped from host
docker rm $(docker ps -q -a)
docker rm $(docker ps -q -a -f name=elastic)
open http://localhost:8000/shell
Create table
aws --endpoint-url dynamodb create-table \
--table-name Music --attribute-definitions AttributeName=Artist,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema AttributeName=Artist,KeyType=HASH \
--provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5
List tables
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 dynamodb list-tables
Add an item
aws dynamodb --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 put-item \
--table-name Music --item file://dynamodb/item.json \
--return-consumed-capacity TOTAL
Inspect db
sqlite3 ${HOME}/.aws-local/dynamodb/data/shared-local-instance.db
select * from Music;
Install httpie
Get version
http http://localhost:9200
docker run -p 9200:9200 -e "discovery.type=single-node" amazon/opendistro-for-elasticsearch:1.1.0
curl -XGET --insecure https://localhost:9200 -u admin:admin
http https://admin:admin@localhost:9200 --verify=no
./ reset
./ up
docker ps
docker logs opendistro
# Run above until you see "Node ... initialized"
http https://admin:admin@localhost:9200 --verify=no
http http://localhost:5601
docker stats
./ down
Install client on macOS using Homebrew
brew cask install mysqlworkbench
vi ~/.profile
# PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
Connect with client
# This works, but how to run scripts with `source` cmd?
docker exec -it mysql mysql -uroot -p
mysql --host= --port=3306 -u root -p --binary-mode
View logs (if redirected to stderr with MYSQL_LOG_CONSOLE)
docker logs mysql
Create bucket
aws --endpoint-url= s3 mb s3://aws-local
List buckets
aws --endpoint-url= s3 ls
Copy local file to a bucket
aws --endpoint-url= s3 cp s3/test.json s3://aws-local/test.json
Data is persisted on the host
tree ${HOME}/.aws-local/minio
cat ${HOME}/.aws-local/minio/data/aws-local/test.json
Send email
aws --endpoint-url ses send-email \
--from [email protected] --destination file://ses/destination.json \
--message file://ses/message.json
List results
tree ${HOME}/.aws-local/aws-ses-local/data
Create queue
aws --endpoint-url sqs create-queue --queue-name aws-local
List queues
aws --endpoint-url sqs list-queues
Receive messages
aws --endpoint-url sqs receive-message --queue-url
Delete message
aws --endpoint-url sqs delete-message \
--receipt-handle xxx
TODO Create example of running lambda functions as local webserver (see apex/gateway) and proxy requests
Using lambci/docker-lambda, images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment
Run example code
git clone
cd docker-lambda/examples/go1.x
# Compile
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/go/src/handler lambci/lambda:build-go1.x \
sh -c 'dep ensure && go build handler.go'
# Invoke
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci/lambda:go1.x \
handler '{"Records": []}'
brew tap deviceinsight/packages
brew install deviceinsight/packages/kafkactl
kafkactl config view
Get info about current context
kafkactl get brokers
kafkactl get topics