diff --git a/.github/workflows/regression_yamls/mpt-125m-elastic-resumption.yaml b/.github/workflows/regression_yamls/mpt-125m-elastic-resumption.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb6bb85123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/regression_yamls/mpt-125m-elastic-resumption.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+- integration_type: git_repo
+ git_repo: mosaicml/llm-foundry
+ git_branch: main
+ pip_install: -e .[gpu]
+command: |
+ cd llm-foundry/scripts
+ python data_prep/convert_dataset_hf.py \
+ --dataset c4 --data_subset en \
+ --out_root ./my-copy-c4 --splits train_small val_small \
+ --concat_tokens 2048 --tokenizer EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b --eos_text '<|endoftext|>'
+ # Composer command will be inserted below:
+image: mosaicml/llm-foundry:2.0.1_cu118-latest
+name: mpt-125-elastic-resumption
+ gpus:
+ data_local: ./my-copy-c4
+ data_remote:
+ max_seq_len: 2048
+ global_seed: 17
+ model:
+ name: mpt_causal_lm
+ init_device: meta
+ d_model: 768
+ n_heads: 12
+ n_layers: 12
+ expansion_ratio: 4
+ max_seq_len: ${max_seq_len}
+ vocab_size: 50368
+ attn_config:
+ attn_impl: triton
+ tokenizer:
+ name: EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b
+ kwargs:
+ model_max_length: ${max_seq_len}
+ train_loader:
+ name: text
+ dataset:
+ local: ${data_local}
+ remote: ${data_remote}
+ split: train_small
+ shuffle: true
+ max_seq_len: ${max_seq_len}
+ shuffle_seed: ${global_seed}
+ drop_last: true
+ num_workers: 8
+ eval_loader:
+ name: text
+ dataset:
+ local: ${data_local}
+ remote: ${data_remote}
+ split: val_small
+ shuffle: false
+ max_seq_len: ${max_seq_len}
+ shuffle_seed: ${global_seed}
+ drop_last: false
+ num_workers: 8
+ scheduler:
+ name: cosine_with_warmup
+ t_warmup: 100ba
+ alpha_f: 0.1
+ optimizer:
+ name: decoupled_adamw
+ lr: 6.0e-4
+ betas:
+ - 0.9
+ - 0.95
+ eps: 1.0e-08
+ weight_decay: 0.0
+ algorithms:
+ gradient_clipping:
+ clipping_type: norm
+ clipping_threshold: 1.0
+ max_duration:
+ eval_interval: 500ba
+ eval_first: false
+ eval_subset_num_batches: -1
+ global_train_batch_size: 256
+ seed: ${global_seed}
+ device_eval_batch_size: 16
+ device_train_microbatch_size: auto
+ precision: amp_bf16
+ fsdp_config:
+ sharding_strategy: FULL_SHARD
+ mixed_precision: PURE
+ activation_checkpointing: false
+ activation_checkpointing_reentrant: false
+ activation_cpu_offload: false
+ limit_all_gathers: true
+ verbose: false
+ state_dict_type: sharded
+ progress_bar: false
+ log_to_console: true
+ console_log_interval: 1ba
+ callbacks:
+ speed_monitor:
+ window_size: 10
+ lr_monitor: {}
+ memory_monitor: {}
+ runtime_estimator: {}
+ save_interval: 10ba
diff --git a/.github/workflows/regressions.py b/.github/workflows/regressions.py
index 9211df1908..a582d41e97 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/regressions.py
+++ b/.github/workflows/regressions.py
@@ -6,25 +6,99 @@
import os
import subprocess
+from mcli import RunConfig, RunStatus, create_run, wait_for_run_status
DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
REGRESSIONS_DIR = os.path.join(DIR_PATH, 'regression_yamls')
-from mcli import RunConfig, create_run
+COMMIT_HASH = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse',
+ 'HEAD']).strip().decode('utf-8')
+TIMESTAMP = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%m-%d-%Y::%H:%M:%S')
+def _get_regression_config(yaml_name: str) -> RunConfig:
+ """Get the yaml config from regressions directory."""
+ return RunConfig.from_file(os.path.join(REGRESSIONS_DIR, yaml_name))
+def _set_general_configs(config: RunConfig, cluster: str, wandb_entity: str,
+ wandb_project: str, git_repo: str, git_branch: str):
+ """Set general configuration arguments."""
+ config.cluster = cluster
+ wandb_group = f'{TIMESTAMP}::{COMMIT_HASH}'
+ wandb_config = {
+ 'entity': wandb_entity,
+ 'project': wandb_project,
+ 'group': wandb_group
+ }
+ config.parameters['loggers'] = config.parameters.get('loggers', {})
+ config.parameters['loggers']['wandb'] = wandb_config
+ config.integrations[0]['git_repo'] = git_repo
+ config.integrations[0]['git_branch'] = git_branch
+def test_elastic_resumption(cluster: str, save_folder: str, wandb_entity: str,
+ wandb_project: str, git_repo: str, git_branch: str):
+ """Regression test for elastic resumption."""
+ def create_run_and_wait(gpus: int, resume: bool, subdir: str):
+ config = _get_regression_config('mpt-125m-elastic-resumption.yaml')
+ # Add the command to train our model
+ composer_command = '\ncomposer train/train.py /mnt/config/parameters.yaml'
+ if resume:
+ composer_command += ' autoresume=true'
+ else:
+ composer_command += ' autoresume=false'
+ config.command += composer_command
+ # Add suffix to name
+ name_suffix = f'-{gpus}'
+ if resume:
+ name_suffix += '-resume'
+ config.name += name_suffix
-def get_configs(cluster: str, mpt_7b_ckpt_path: str, wandb_entity: str,
- wandb_project: str, git_repo: str, git_branch: str):
- print(f'Running regression tests on {git_repo} {git_branch}.')
- eval_7b_hf = RunConfig.from_file(
- os.path.join(REGRESSIONS_DIR, 'eval-7b-hf.yaml'))
- eval_7b_composer = RunConfig.from_file(
- os.path.join(REGRESSIONS_DIR, 'eval-7b-composer.yaml'))
- llama2_finetune = RunConfig.from_file(
- os.path.join(REGRESSIONS_DIR, 'llama2-finetune.yaml'))
- mpt_125m_chinchilla = RunConfig.from_file(
- os.path.join(REGRESSIONS_DIR, 'mpt-125m-chinchilla.yaml'))
- mpt_125m_sharded_resumption = RunConfig.from_file(
- os.path.join(REGRESSIONS_DIR, 'mpt-125m-sharded-resumption.yaml'))
+ # Set other parameters
+ config.compute['gpus'] = gpus
+ config.parameters['save_folder'] = os.path.join(save_folder, subdir)
+ config.parameters['max_duration'] = '20ba' if resume else '10ba'
+ _set_general_configs(config,
+ cluster=cluster,
+ wandb_entity=wandb_entity,
+ wandb_project=wandb_project,
+ git_repo=git_repo,
+ git_branch=git_branch)
+ # Start run
+ run = create_run(config)
+ wait_for_run_status(
+ run,
+ RunStatus.COMPLETED) # Wait for the run to complete or terminate.
+ if run.status != RunStatus.COMPLETED:
+ raise Exception(
+ f'Failure on run {run.name}. Run status is {run.status}. ' +
+ 'Terminating elastic resumption regression test.')
+ # Test 1 node => 2 node elastic resumption
+ subdir = f'1_to_2_node_{TIMESTAMP}_{COMMIT_HASH}'
+ create_run_and_wait(gpus=8, resume=False, subdir=subdir)
+ create_run_and_wait(gpus=16, resume=True, subdir=subdir)
+ # Test 2 node => 1 node elastic resumption
+ subdir = f'2_to_1_node_{TIMESTAMP}_{COMMIT_HASH}'
+ create_run_and_wait(gpus=16, resume=False, subdir=subdir)
+ create_run_and_wait(gpus=8, resume=True, subdir=subdir)
+def test_basic(cluster: str, mpt_7b_ckpt_path: str, wandb_entity: str,
+ wandb_project: str, git_repo: str, git_branch: str):
+ eval_7b_hf = _get_regression_config('eval-7b-hf.yaml')
+ eval_7b_composer = _get_regression_config('eval-7b-composer.yaml')
+ llama2_finetune = _get_regression_config('llama2-finetune.yaml')
+ mpt_125m_chinchilla = _get_regression_config('mpt-125m-chinchilla.yaml')
+ mpt_125m_sharded_resumption = _get_regression_config(
+ 'mpt-125m-sharded-resumption.yaml')
# make specific changes
eval_7b_composer.parameters['models'][0]['load_path'] = mpt_7b_ckpt_path
@@ -34,25 +108,14 @@ def get_configs(cluster: str, mpt_7b_ckpt_path: str, wandb_entity: str,
- commit_hash = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse',
- 'HEAD']).strip().decode('utf-8')
- timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%m-%d-%Y::%H:%M:%S')
- wandb_group = f'{timestamp}::{commit_hash}'
- # make general changes
- wandb_config = {
- 'entity': wandb_entity,
- 'project': wandb_project,
- 'group': wandb_group
- }
for config in all_configs:
- config.cluster = cluster
- config.parameters['loggers'] = config.parameters.get('loggers', {})
- config.parameters['loggers']['wandb'] = wandb_config
- config.integrations[0]['git_repo'] = git_repo
- config.integrations[0]['git_branch'] = git_branch
- return all_configs, []
+ _set_general_configs(config,
+ cluster=cluster,
+ wandb_entity=wandb_entity,
+ wandb_project=wandb_project,
+ git_repo=git_repo,
+ git_branch=git_branch)
+ create_run(config)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -61,13 +124,16 @@ def get_configs(cluster: str, mpt_7b_ckpt_path: str, wandb_entity: str,
parser.add_argument('--mpt-7b-ckpt-path', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--wandb-entity', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--wandb-project', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--remote-save-folder', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--git-repo', type=str, default='mosaicml/llm-foundry')
parser.add_argument('--git-branch', type=str, default='main')
args = parser.parse_args()
- run_configs, _ = get_configs(args.cluster, args.mpt_7b_ckpt_path,
- args.wandb_entity, args.wandb_project,
- args.git_repo, args.git_branch)
- for run_config in run_configs:
- run = create_run(run_config)
+ print(f'Running regression tests on {args.git_repo} {args.git_branch}.')
+ test_basic(args.cluster, args.mpt_7b_ckpt_path, args.wandb_entity,
+ args.wandb_project, args.git_repo, args.git_branch)
+ test_elastic_resumption(args.cluster, args.remote_save_folder,
+ args.wandb_entity, args.wandb_project,
+ args.git_repo, args.git_branch)