Yogitha Renu Mahadasu
Option2: I converted a program I wrote to learn RAFT distributed consensus algorithm into an open source project, because I do not control the course project repository and also as they already have great documentation - readme, contributing, license etc.
Link for my Homework3 and 4 repository: https://github.com/Yogitha6/Q4JRaft
Taylor Andrews
Option 2 Created repository CI-Practice for HW3 and HW4 as I don't control the project repo.
Link https://github.com/taylorjandrews/CI-Practice
Bharadwaj Thirumal
Option 2 Created a repo for Homeworks 3 and 4
Link https://github.com/bharadwajth/TravisCI-Test
Azzam Alsudais
Option 1: I added the files to my existing project.
William Cooper
Option 2: I created a repository specifically for this project since I do not have rights to the project repository.
Link: https://github.com/ryancooper7/WillamCooperOpenSource
Dylan McKinney
Option 1: I added the files to my existing project.
Holden Sheftel
Option 2: I created a new repository for this assignment.
Link: https://github.com/holdenout/OSS-practice
Ryan Riley
Option 2: I created a repository specifically for this project because I do not have rights to Sci-kit's repo. I may actually change this to my final project if I can not find a suitable issue for sci-kit to work on.
Ao Liu
Option 1: I added the files to my existing project.
Eric Fossas
Option 1: I arranged my open source software "Bengine" to match the format indicated. project.
Tyler Lugger
Option 2 I created a new repository for this assignment.
Link https://github.com/tlugger/OpenSource-Jupyter
Keyu Chen
Option 2: I added the files to my light weighted project
Lili Ji
Option 2 I created a new repository for this assignment.
Link https://github.com/lilyJi/UCDWebsite
Brian Alfano
Option 2 Here is Homework 3 and Homeowork 4. Updated for Homeowork 4 to contain a HelloWorld program in Python running on a Flask server with tests: https://github.com/No-Doy/HW3_Licensing UPDATE: Added Travis CI to get full credit! Added screen shots so you can see that it worked.
Montek S. Thind
Option 2 I made a new repository Open Source and included files for assignment 3. https://github.com/montythind/OpenSource Please follow the same link for HW 4. CI/CD is implemented through travis. The script helloWorld.py run pass all the test cases.
Kyle Knight
Option 2 I created a new repository for this assignment.
Link https://github.com/knightkd/Licensing_and_CI_Practice
Chaitra Ramachandra
Option 2 I created a new repository for this assignment. The repository contains details/examples on how to debug a python code using PyChecker. I will be using this Repo for both H3 and H4.
Link https://github.com/ChaitraRp/PyChecker
Aubree Lytwyn
Option 2 https://github.com/Aubree/OpenSourceLearning.git
Yijun Zhang
Option 2 I created a new repository for H3 and H4. I use GNU General Public License v3.0 for H3 and Travis CI for H4.