This input form is a wrapper around default TextFormField widget. It is supported by all platforms flutter supports.
param removed. It's now handled byBorderType.none
- BREAKING - Default 56px heigth removed, supports dynamic height.
added. Supports customizing the default show/hide icon for visibility. - FIX - Show/Hide password UI logic fixed
- Label text doesn't overlap with Border
- Default
validation support - Supports bottom margin
- Dynamic height support
- Easy password visibility
- Theme support
- All platform support
Install the latest version from pub
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:input_form_field/input_form_field.dart';
Default TextFormField, label text overlaps with border. But here, label text is always below the border.
textEditingController: _controller,
labelText: "Label Text",
hintText: "Hint Text",
Validation error text positon normally can't be changed. But here, the error text position can be moved vertically and horizontally
textEditingController: _controller,
labelText: "Label Text",
hintText: "Hint Text",
floatingLabelBehavior: FloatingLabelBehavior.always,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
errorPadding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 10, top: 10),
validator: (v) {
if(v != null && v.isEmpty) {
return "Required";
Added support for default password handler. By setting isPasswordField to true, one can handle password visibility with less boilerplate code.
To handle it manually, please use obscureText and suffix
textEditingController: _controller,
labelText: "Password",
hintText: "*****",
password: EnabledPassword(),
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