diff --git a/ConeSearch.tex b/ConeSearch.tex
index 5f10581..13e9553 100755
--- a/ConeSearch.tex
+++ b/ConeSearch.tex
@@ -322,10 +322,8 @@ \subsection{VOTable compliant response}
There \textbf{must} be a single \xmlel{RESOURCE} with
-\xmlel{type}=\texttt{"results"}\todo{Do current cone services use this
-attribute? Update: no, most Simple Cone Search-1.03 services do not.} in
-the VOTable, and containing a single \xmlel{TABLE}\todo{should we relax
-on the number of tables? Discuss this with apps}.
+\xmlel{type}=\texttt{"results"} in
+the VOTable, and containing a single \xmlel{TABLE}
The \xmlel{TABLE} \textbf{must} have \xmlel{FIELD}s where the following
UCD values have been set. There \textbf{must} only be one \xmlel{FIELD}
@@ -407,32 +405,45 @@ \subsection{(\textbf{deprecated}) Alternative Error Response}
If a \xmlel{PARAM} element is used, it must appear as a direct child of
-the \xmlel{RESOURCE} element.\todo{Removed reference to the DEFINITION
-element solution, definitely out of VOTable since long.} Please note
+the \xmlel{RESOURCE} element.
+Please note
that, apart from being deprecated here, the use of the \xmlel{PARAM}
element to convey error response was already discouraged in the previous
version of this specification.
-\begin{bigdescription} \item[Example Error Responses] Error INFO as
-child of VOTABLE (preferred)\\
-MAST Simple Cone Search Service
- \end{lstlisting} Error PARAM as child of RESOURCE (allowed)
- HEASARC Browse data service Please send inquiries to
- \end{lstlisting} \end{bigdescription}
+ \item[Example Error Responses] Error INFO as child of VOTABLE (preferred)\\
+ MAST Simple Cone Search Service
+Error PARAM as child of RESOURCE (allowed)
+ HEASARC Browse data service Please send inquiries to
+ mailto:request@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov
Queries targeting no records \textbf{should not} generate an error
-response, but an empty metadata response.\todo{Does it make sense to
-keep this sentence, shortened from the previous version? MMo guess: no}
+response, but an empty metadata response.
\section{Resource Registry Extension} \label{sec:regext}