To set up a development environment, please follow these steps:
Download Android Studio for your PC:
- ChromeOS/Linux: (android-studio-2023.2.1.25-cros.deb (944.2 MB))[]
- Mac (Apple Silicon): (android-studio-2023.2.1.25-mac_arm.dmg (1.2 GB))[]
- Mac (Intel): (android-studio-2023.2.1.25-mac.dmg (1.2 GB))[]
- Windows (64-bit): (android-studio-2023.2.1.25-windows.exe (1.1 GB)) []
Fork the repo
Open the app
To open the app properly, make sure you open the app in this file path:
Head to (How to Contribute) on this page
- To contribute, simply fork this repository and create a new branch for your changes.
- when you want to create a new app within the main app, navigate to the apps folder and create a new kotlin file
Now theres a few steps needed before making changes to the app
- All app function should have this format:
fun Home(navController: NavHostController) {
- Its important to note that you need to pass in the navController, that way we can navigate to your app
- Head to the Screens file in the app
- to enable access to your screen, create a new data object with your app name, and the Screens call
data object CalculatorApp : Screens("CalculatorApp")
- Now Head to the main activity kotlin file
- at the bottom there is a navhost function call, you can add your composable there
composable(Screens.CalculatorApp.screen) { CalculatorApp(navController = navigationController) }
- Betim's note: I recommend that you make small changes at a time and make sure you have tested them before pushing them up. This will make sure the app is up and running, without any huge problems!
- Make sure your current build doesn't have anything that will crash the app. (IMPORTANT)
- When you're finished with a portion of your app, make sure you remove unused imports (will cause memory issues if you keep them)
- when you are done with your changes just click the build button
- When making apps, please keep it within the app folder, and create a new folder for your app individually
- If you need help ask me! (Betim | Baytizzel) or google with these keywords "Jetpack Compose, Kotlin"
You've found a bug in the source code, a mistake in the documentation or maybe you'd like a new feature? You can help us by submitting an issue on GitHub. Before you create an issue, make sure to search the issue archive -- your issue may have already been addressed!
Please try to create bug reports that are:
- Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
- Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
- Unique. Do not duplicate existing opened issues.
- Scoped to a Single Bug. One bug per report.
Even better: Submit a pull request with a fix or new feature!
- Search our repository for open or closed Pull Requests that relate to your submission. You don't want to duplicate effort.
- Fork the project
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feat/amazing_feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'feat: add amazing_feature'
) SocialCodingAndroid uses conventional commits, so please follow the specification in your commit messages. - Push to the branch (
git push origin feat/amazing_feature
) - Open a Pull Request