SpotBnb is a single page web application inspired by Airbnb. Account holders can enter vacation listings that can then be searched and booked by other users. The app's API was built using Ruby on Rails. The front-end is made entirely of React components using Redux and the uni-directional flux pattern.
SpotBnb live link
Users can:
- Sign up or log in or use a guest login to get a feel for the site.
- List their available 'Spots' Using an intuitive multi-step form
- Search for spots by location, availability and accommodation
- Book a spot with an easy to use calendar showing the unavailable dates disabled and clearly greyed out.
- View and control their booked trips.
- leave reviews with a rating score for their booked spots to improve search priority.
- Picture uploads handled by paperclip and stored remotely on AWS for faster load time.
- Custom implementation of back and front end auth using BCrypt and bootstrapping user data.
- All search parameters are persisted within the redux store to allow for multi-filter searches.
- Location search parameters are parsed to check and correct for bounds that cross the date line.
def self.split?(bounds)
bounds[:northEast][:lng].to_f < bounds[:southWest][:lng].to_f
def self.both_sides(bounds, spots)
west_bounds = {
southWest: bounds[:southWest],
northEast: { lat: bounds[:northEast][:lat], lng: '179.999' }
east_bounds = {
southWest: { lat: bounds[:southWest][:lat], lng: '-179.999' },
northEast: bounds[:northEast]
spots.by_bounds(west_bounds, spots).union(spots.by_bounds(east_bounds, spots))
- A custom SQL query gets the rating data for all search results to avoid N+1 queries and allow for scalability.
- Users/Host profiles
- Realtime messaging
- Multiple sessions