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Developer Notes

Valerie Maher edited this page May 3, 2016 · 18 revisions

Using the Hydra Camp Vagrant VM as your development environment

Follow the instructions on the Developer VM Setup page.

How to create a monograph with attached sections using the rails console

# Decide what visibility you want the monograph to have
vis = Hydra::AccessControls::AccessRight::VISIBILITY_TEXT_VALUE_PUBLIC

# Decide which press the monograph will belong to
press = Press.where(subdomain: 'umich').first

# A monograph is required to have a title and a press.
# Because the monograph is stored in fedora, but the press is stored
# in the relational database, we use the press subdomain as the key
# instead of the id.
monograph = ['Monograph #1'], press: press.subdomain, visibility: vis)

# The person who created the monograph must have edit access to the monograph
monograph.apply_depositor_metadata('[email protected]')!

chapter1 = ['Chapter 1'], visibility: vis)
chapter1.apply_depositor_metadata('[email protected]')!

# Add the section to the monograph
monograph.ordered_members << chapter1!

# To see the sections that you added:

How to re-index Solr using the rails console

If you re-start solr, you'll need to reindex all your fedora objects. Otherwise, none of your monographs or files will be visible in the UI.

Note: In order to get all the objects correctly indexed, including all their associations, you need to reindex twice.


Then again


How to delete all records out of fedora and solr

Not recommended for production environments, but useful for dev or test environments, when you want to start with a clean slate. This will delete everything in fedora and solr.

In the rails console:

require 'active_fedora/cleaner'