diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 13cfd49160..dee9885cf5 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+* V1.55.1
+ * removed two outdated modules
* V1.55.0
* Fixed missing CK modules
* Removed module/crowdnode/tests (binary files)
index 49ec7aa4e5..4a5f19fcd0 100644
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Please see https://ck.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/how-to-contribute.html
**Thank you very much for supporting this community project!**
-# Acknowledgments
+# Contributors
N: Grigori Fursin (alias: FGG)
@@ -305,4 +305,16 @@ O: College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, USA
C: adding CK tutorial for March Madness sample program
+N: Emanuele Vitali
+C: ML auto-tuning R&D
+N: Gavin Simpson
+C: MLPerf workflows
diff --git a/ck/kernel.py b/ck/kernel.py
index 5cf9f620e9..3e537b7508 100755
--- a/ck/kernel.py
+++ b/ck/kernel.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
# We use 3 digits for the main (released) version and 4th digit for development revision
-__version__ = "1.55.0"
+__version__ = "1.55.1"
# Do not use characters (to detect outdated version)!
# Import packages that are global for the whole kernel
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-a-caffe b/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-a-caffe
deleted file mode 100644
index ff8c10cb9e..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-a-caffe
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-a-experiment.bench.caffe b/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-a-experiment.bench.caffe
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fc143f104..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-a-experiment.bench.caffe
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-u-155b6fa5a4012a93 b/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-u-155b6fa5a4012a93
deleted file mode 100644
index c0ce05df01..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-u-155b6fa5a4012a93
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-u-7d5e081bda47dcbc b/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-u-7d5e081bda47dcbc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a5d4c3223..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/.cm/alias-u-7d5e081bda47dcbc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/desc.json b/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/desc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0967ef424b..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/desc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/info.json b/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/info.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 678c83fa6f..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/info.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- "backup_data_uid": "7d5e081bda47dcbc",
- "backup_module_uid": "032630d041b4fd8a",
- "backup_module_uoa": "module",
- "control": {
- "author": "cTuning foundation",
- "author_email": "admin@cTuning.org",
- "author_webpage": "http://cTuning.org",
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "engine": "CK",
- "iso_datetime": "2020-11-14T21:14:07.521177",
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "version": [
- "1",
- "17",
- "0",
- "1"
- ]
- },
- "data_name": "caffe"
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/meta.json b/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/meta.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c59093b2d..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/meta.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- "actions": {
- "autotune": {
- "desc": "autotune Caffe"
- },
- "crowdbench": {
- "desc": "crowd-benchmark caffe"
- },
- "demo": {
- "desc": "classification demo using webcam"
- }
- },
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "demo": {
- "data_uoa": "tmp-live-caffe-demo",
- "image_name": "tmp-captured-image.jpg"
- },
- "desc": "caffe CK front-end",
- "developer": "cTuning foundation",
- "developer_email": "admin@cTuning.org",
- "developer_webpage": "http://cTuning.org",
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "module_deps": {
- "experiment.bench.caffe": "155b6fa5a4012a93",
- "program": "b0ac08fe1d3c2615",
- "tmp": "bfc8fef73c233ce4"
- },
- "workflow": "yes",
- "workflow_type": "caffe pipeline"
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/updates.json b/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/updates.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7367dbfc72..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/caffe/.cm/updates.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- "control": [
- {
- "author": "cTuning foundation",
- "author_email": "admin@cTuning.org",
- "author_webpage": "http://cTuning.org",
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "engine": "CK",
- "iso_datetime": "2016-10-18T22:31:07.060906",
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "version": [
- "1",
- "7",
- "4"
- ]
- },
- {
- "author": "Grigori Fursin",
- "author_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org",
- "author_webpage": "http://fursin.net",
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "engine": "CK",
- "iso_datetime": "2016-10-24T12:32:45.126717",
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "version": [
- "1",
- "8",
- "3dev"
- ]
- },
- {
- "author": "cTuning foundation",
- "author_email": "admin@cTuning.org",
- "author_webpage": "http://cTuning.org",
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "engine": "CK",
- "iso_datetime": "2016-11-09T14:43:05.189308",
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "version": [
- "1",
- "8",
- "3",
- "2"
- ]
- },
- {
- "author": "Grigori Fursin",
- "author_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org",
- "author_webpage": "http://fursin.net",
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "engine": "CK",
- "iso_datetime": "2017-05-18T15:00:30.172958",
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "version": [
- "1",
- "9",
- "1",
- "1"
- ]
- }
- ]
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/caffe/module.py b/ck/repo/module/caffe/module.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 928ba44f48..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/caffe/module.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# Collective Knowledge (caffe CK front-end)
-# See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details
-# See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details
-# Developer: cTuning foundation, admin@cTuning.org, http://cTuning.org
-cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module)
-work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data)
-ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel)
-# Local settings
-# Initialize module
-def init(i):
- """
- Input: {}
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- return {'return':0}
-# crowd-benchmark caffe
-def crowdbench(i):
- """
- Input: {
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- i['action']='crowdsource'
- i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['experiment.bench.caffe']
- return ck.access(i)
-# TBD: classification demo using webcam + benchmarking/tuning via CK
-def demo(i):
- """
- Input: {
- (camera_id) - camera ID
- (delay) - delay
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- # Deps
- import time
- import cv2
- import os
- # Prepare tmp entry if doesn't exist
- duoa=cfg['demo']['data_uoa']
- image_name=cfg['demo']['image_name']
- r=ck.access({'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['tmp'],
- 'data_uoa':duoa})
- if r['return']>0:
- if r['return']!=16: return r
- r=ck.access({'action':'add',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['tmp'],
- 'data_uoa':duoa})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- p=r['path']
- pf=os.path.join(p, image_name)
- # Initialize web cam
- ci=int(i.get('camera_id',0))
- dl=int(i.get('delay',1))
- wcam = cv2.VideoCapture(ci)
- # Permanent loop
- while True:
- ck.out('Obtaining picture from webcam ...')
- s, img = wcam.read()
- if s: # frame captured without any errors
-# cv2.namedWindow("cam-test")
-# cv2.imshow("cam-test",img)
-# destroyWindow("cam-test")
- cv2.imwrite(pf,img)
- time.sleep(dl)
- return {'return':0}
-# autotune Caffe workloads
-def autotune(i):
- """
- Input: {
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['program']
- i['data_uoa']='caffe'
- i['explore']='yes'
- i['extra_tags']='dnn'
- i['skip_collaborative']='yes'
- i['skip_pruning']='yes'
- i['iterations']=-1
- i['new']='yes'
- i['cmd_keys']=['time_cpu','time_gpu']
- return ck.access(i)
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/desc.json b/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/desc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0967ef424b..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/desc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/info.json b/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/info.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f531398b3f..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/info.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- "backup_data_uid": "155b6fa5a4012a93",
- "backup_module_uid": "032630d041b4fd8a",
- "backup_module_uoa": "module",
- "control": {
- "author": "Grigori Fursin",
- "author_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org",
- "author_webpage": "http://fursin.net",
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "engine": "CK",
- "iso_datetime": "2020-11-14T21:14:07.662390",
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "version": [
- "1",
- "17",
- "0",
- "1"
- ]
- },
- "data_name": "experiment.bench.caffe"
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/meta.json b/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/meta.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f380d6606..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/meta.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- "actions": {
- "browse": {
- "desc": "browse public results"
- },
- "crowdsource": {
- "desc": "crowdsource these experiments"
- },
- "html_viewer": {
- "desc": "show info for all layers",
- "for_web": "yes"
- },
- "replay": {
- "desc": "replay experiment (TBD)"
- },
- "show": {
- "desc": "show results"
- }
- },
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "desc": "crowd-benchmark DNN libraries and models (Caffe - dev)",
- "developer": "Grigori Fursin",
- "developer_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org",
- "developer_webpage": "http://fursin.net/research.html",
- "external_html": {
- "action": "show",
- "crowd_key": "ck_caffe_",
- "module_uoa": "155b6fa5a4012a93"
- },
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "module_deps": {
- "choice": "e4564d6f984400d7",
- "env": "9b9b3208ac44b891",
- "experiment": "bc0409fb61f0aa82",
- "graph": "2d41f89bcf32d4d4",
- "machine": "84be34883a81b2a9",
- "module": "032630d041b4fd8a",
- "pipeline": "db25414b48b4ffb3",
- "platform": "707ccdfe444cafac",
- "platform.cpu": "aa6b542a420b8db9",
- "platform.gpgpu": "192ed4e0bbdbe743",
- "platform.os": "41e31cc4496b8a8e",
- "program": "b0ac08fe1d3c2615",
- "program.optimization": "27bc42ee449e880e",
- "soft": "5e1100048ab875d7",
- "wfe": "1e4e644996b7f2a0"
- },
- "priority": -210,
- "program_tags": "crowd-benchmarking,caffe",
- "record_module_uoa": "1eb2f50d4620903e",
- "tags": [
- "crowdsource",
- "experiments",
- "program benchmarking",
- "program optimization",
- "caffe"
- ],
- "workflow": "yes",
- "workflow_type": "crowd-benchmarking pipeline for Caffe"
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/updates.json b/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/updates.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 56a87b40c6..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/.cm/updates.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- "control": [
- {
- "author": "Grigori Fursin",
- "author_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org",
- "author_webpage": "http://fursin.net",
- "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
- "engine": "CK",
- "iso_datetime": "2017-04-22T09:49:34.572472",
- "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
- "version": [
- "1",
- "8",
- "7",
- "1"
- ]
- },
- {
- "engine": "CK",
- "iso_datetime": "2017-04-22T08:29:57.670863",
- "version": [
- "1",
- "8",
- "7",
- "1"
- ]
- }
- ]
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/module.py b/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/module.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c743963641..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/module.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1584 +0,0 @@
-# Collective Knowledge: CK-powered Caffe crowdbenchmarking (very early prototyping)
-# See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details
-# See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details
-# Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net
-cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module)
-work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data)
-ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel)
-# Local settings
-#hextra+='This is an on-going long-term project. Please check our vision [ '
-#hextra+='IWOCL\'16 , \n'
-#hextra+='CPC\'15 , \n'
-#hextra+='YouTube , \n'
-#hextra+='wiki ] '
-#hextra+=' and CK-Caffe GitHub repo for more details!'
-#hextra+=' \n'
-#hextra+=' \n'
-hextra+=' [ Collaborative unification of AI ], '
-hextra+=' [ CK-Caffe2 / CK-Caffe ], '
-hextra+=' [ CK-Tensorflow ], '
-hextra+=' [ Android app ], '
-hextra+=' [ CK intro , \n'
-hextra+='vision and \n'
-hextra+='crowd-tuning ; \n'
-hextra+='YouTube lecture ] \n'
-hextra+=' \n'
-hextra+=' \n'
-selector=[{'name':'Type', 'key':'dnn_type'},
- {'name':'DNN engine', 'key':'dnn_engine', 'flat_key':'##xdeps#lib-caffe#data_name'},
- {'name':'Model', 'key':'nn_type'},
- {'name':'Platform', 'key':'plat_name', 'new_line':'yes'},
- {'name':'CPU', 'key':'cpu_name'},
- {'name':'OS', 'key':'os_name', 'new_line':'yes'},
- {'name':'GPGPU', 'key':'gpgpu_name'}]
-# Initialize module
-def init(i):
- """
- Input: {}
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- return {'return':0}
-# crowdsource these experiments
-def crowdsource(i):
- """
- Input: {
- (local) - if 'yes', local crowd-benchmarking, instead of public
- (user) - force different user ID/email for demos
- (choices) - force different choices to program pipeline
- (repetitions) - statistical repetitions (default=1), for now statistical analysis is not used (TBD)
- (no_compile) - if 'yes', skip program compilation (for Android)
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- import copy
- import os
- # Setting output
- o=i.get('out','')
- oo=''
- if o=='con': oo='con'
- quiet=i.get('quiet','')
- er=i.get('exchange_repo','')
- if er=='': er=ck.cfg['default_exchange_repo_uoa']
- esr=i.get('exchange_subrepo','')
- if esr=='': esr=ck.cfg['default_exchange_subrepo_uoa']
- if i.get('local','')=='yes':
- er='local'
- esr=''
- la=i.get('local_autotuning','')
- repetitions=i.get('repetitions','')
- if repetitions=='': repetitions=3
- repetitions=int(repetitions)
- record='no'
- # Check if any input has . and convert to dict
- for k in list(i.keys()):
- if k.find('.')>0:
- v=i[k]
- kk='##'+k.replace('.','#')
- del(i[k])
- r=ck.set_by_flat_key({'dict':i, 'key':kk, 'value':v})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- choices=i.get('choices',{})
- env=i.get('env',{})
- if 'env' not in choices: choices['env']={}
- r=ck.merge_dicts({'dict1':choices['env'], 'dict2':copy.deepcopy(env)})
- env={}
- xchoices=copy.deepcopy(choices)
- # Get user
- user=''
- mcfg={}
- ii={'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':'module',
- 'data_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program.optimization']}
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']==0:
- mcfg=r['dict']
- dcfg={}
- ii={'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':mcfg['module_deps']['cfg'],
- 'data_uoa':mcfg['cfg_uoa']}
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r
- if r['return']!=16:
- dcfg=r['dict']
- user=dcfg.get('user_email','')
- # Initialize local environment for program optimization ***********************************************************
- pi=i.get('platform_info',{})
- if len(pi)==0:
- ii=copy.deepcopy(i)
- ii['action']='initialize'
- ii['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['program.optimization']
- ii['data_uoa']='caffe'
- ii['exchange_repo']=er
- ii['exchange_subrepo']=esr
- ii['skip_welcome']='yes'
- ii['skip_log_wait']='yes'
- ii['crowdtuning_type']='caffe-crowd-benchmarking'
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']>0: return r
- pi=r['platform_info']
- user=r.get('user','')
- hos=pi['host_os_uoa']
- hosd=pi['host_os_dict']
- tos=pi['os_uoa']
- tosd=pi['os_dict']
- tbits=tosd.get('bits','')
- remote=tosd.get('remote','')
- tdid=pi['device_id']
- features=pi.get('features',{})
- fplat=features.get('platform',{})
- fos=features.get('os',{})
- fcpu=features.get('cpu',{})
- fgpu=features.get('gpu',{})
- plat_name=fplat.get('name','')
- plat_uid=features.get('platform_uid','')
- os_name=fos.get('name','')
- os_uid=features.get('os_uid','')
- cpu_name=fcpu.get('name','')
- if cpu_name=='':
- #cpu_name='unknown-'+fcpu.get('cpu_abi','')
- # Likely CPU with multiple cores (such as big-little)
- cpu_unique=features.get('cpu_unique',[])
- for x in cpu_unique:
- if cpu_name!='':
- cpu_name+=' ; '
- y=x.get('ck_arch_real_name','')
- if y=='': y=x.get('ck_cpu_name','')
- cpu_name+=y
- cpu_uid=features.get('cpu_uid','')
- gpu_name=fgpu.get('name','')
- gpgpu_name=''
- sn=fos.get('serial_number','')
- # Ask for cmd
- tp=['cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda_fp16', 'opencl']
- ck.out(line)
- ck.out('Select Caffe library type:')
- ck.out('')
- r=ck.access({'action':'select_list',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['choice'],
- 'choices':tp})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- xtp=r['choice']
- xtp16=''
- if xtp=='cuda_fp16':
- xtp='cuda'
- xtp16='yes'
- android=False
- if 'android' in tos: android=True
- # Get extra platform features if "cuda" or "opencl"
- if android:
- run_cmd='default'
- prog_uoa='caffe-time'
- else:
- run_cmd='time_cpu'
- prog_uoa='caffe'
- gpgpu_uid=''
- if xtp=='cuda' or xtp=='opencl':
- r=ck.access({'action':'detect',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.gpgpu'],
- 'host_os':hos,
- 'target_os':tos,
- 'device_id':tdid,
- 'type':xtp,
- 'share':'yes',
- 'exchange_repo':er,
- 'exchange_subrepo':esr})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- gfeat=r.get('features',{})
- gpgpus=gfeat.get('gpgpu',[])
- if len(gpgpus)>0:
- gpgpu_name=gpgpus[0].get('gpgpu',{}).get('name','')
- gpgpu_uid=gpgpus[0].get('gpgpu_uoa','')
- if android:
- if xtp!='opencl':
- return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t crowdbenchmark this type of DNN engine on selected target platform'}
- run_cmd='default'
- prog_uoa='caffe-time-opencl'
- else:
- run_cmd='time_gpu'
- if xtp16=='yes': run_cmd='time_gpu_fp16'
- # Get deps from caffe program
- r=ck.access({'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program'],
- 'data_uoa':prog_uoa})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- pp=r['path']
-# lib_dep=r['dict']['run_deps']['lib-caffe']
-# deps={'lib-caffe':lib_dep}
- # Check environment for selected type
-# r=ck.access({'action':'resolve',
-# 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['env'],
-# 'deps':deps,
-# 'host_os':hos,
-# 'target_os':tos,
-# 'device_id':tdid,
-# 'out':o})
-# if r['return']>0: return r
-# deps=r['deps']
- # Prepare CK pipeline for a given workload
- ii={'action':'pipeline',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program'],
- 'data_uoa':prog_uoa,
- 'host_os':hos,
- 'target_os':tos,
- 'device_id':tdid,
- 'skip_target':'yes',
- 'prepare':'yes',
- 'no_clean':i.get('no_compile',''),
- 'no_compile':i.get('no_compile',''),
- 'env':env,
- 'choices':choices,
-# 'dependencies':deps,
- 'cmd_key':run_cmd,
- 'no_state_check':'yes',
- 'no_compiler_description':'yes',
- 'skip_info_collection':'yes',
- 'skip_calibration':'yes',
- 'cpu_freq':'max',
- 'gpu_freq':'max',
- 'env_speed':'yes',
- 'energy':'no',
- 'skip_print_timers':'yes',
- 'generate_rnd_tmp_dir':'no',
- 'out':oo}
- rr=ck.access(ii)
- if rr['return']>0: return rr
- fail=rr.get('fail','')
- if fail=='yes':
- return {'return':10, 'error':'pipeline failed ('+rr.get('fail_reason','')+')'}
- ready=rr.get('ready','')
- if ready!='yes':
- return {'return':11, 'error':'couldn\'t prepare universal CK program workflow'}
- state=rr['state']
- tmp_dir=state.get('tmp_dir','')
- if tmp_dir=='': tmp_dir='tmp' # usually when no_compile
- deps=rr['dependencies'] # resolved deps
- ydeps=deps
- if i.get('no_compile','')=='yes':
- pdeps=os.path.join(pp,tmp_dir,'tmp-deps.json')
- if os.path.isfile(pdeps):
- qdeps=copy.deepcopy(deps) # need to keep current selected model for run-time
- rz=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':pdeps})
- if rz['return']>0: return rz
- deps=rz['dict']
- deps.update(qdeps)
- # Check saved deps (if from bin package)
- xk=deps['lib-caffe']
- pbin=xk.get('cus',{}).get('path_bin','')
- if pbin!='':
- rx=ck.access({'action':'find_config_file',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['soft'],
- 'full_path':pbin,
- 'filename':'ck-install-saved.json'})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- if rx['found']=='yes':
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Found saved config file for CK binary distribution - reusing deps ...')
- ck.out('')
- ydeps=copy.deepcopy(deps)
- dname=deps['lib-caffe']['dict']['data_name']
- ydeps['lib-caffe']['dict']=copy.deepcopy(rx['dict'])
- ydeps['lib-caffe']['dict']['data_name']=dname
- # Clean pipeline
- if 'ready' in rr: del(rr['ready'])
- if 'fail' in rr: del(rr['fail'])
- if 'return' in rr: del(rr['return'])
- # Prepare high-level experiment meta
- meta={'cpu_name':cpu_name,
- 'os_name':os_name,
- 'plat_name':plat_name,
- 'gpu_name':gpu_name,
- 'dnn_type':xtp,
- 'gpgpu_name':gpgpu_name,
- 'cmd_key':run_cmd}
- # Process deps
- xdeps={}
- xnn=''
- xblas=''
- for k in ydeps:
- dp=ydeps[k]
- dpd=dp.get('dict',{})
- ptags=dpd.get('tags',[])
- puoa=dpd.get('package_uoa','')
- if puoa=='':
- puoa=dp.get('cus',{}).get('used_package_uid','')
- dname=dpd.get('data_name','')
- if k=='caffemodel':
- xnn=dname
- j1=xnn.rfind('(')
- if j1>0:
- xnn=xnn[j1+1:-1]
- xdeps[k]={'name':dp.get('name',''), 'data_name':dname, 'ver':dp.get('ver',''), 'package_uoa':puoa, 'package_tags':ptags}
- # versions of engine sub deps
- dvers={}
- mdep=ydeps.get('lib-caffe',{})
- mdeps=mdep.get('dict',{}).get('deps',{})
- for k in mdeps:
- dvers[k]=mdeps[k].get('ver','')
- # Checking engine name
- d_engine=xdeps.get('lib-caffe',{})
- d_engine_name=d_engine.get('data_name','')
- d_engine_package_uoa=d_engine.get('package_uoa','')
- d_engine_ver=d_engine.get('ver','')
- meta['xversions']=dvers
- meta['xdeps']=xdeps
- meta['nn_type']=xnn
- meta['choices']=xchoices
- meta['dnn_engine_name']=d_engine_name
- meta['dnn_engine_package_uoa']=d_engine_package_uoa
- mmeta=copy.deepcopy(meta)
- # Extra meta which is not used to search similar case ...
- mmeta['platform_uid']=plat_uid
- mmeta['os_uid']=os_uid
- mmeta['cpu_uid']=cpu_uid
- mmeta['gpgpu_uid']=gpgpu_uid
- mmeta['user']=user
- # Check if already exists (to aggregate stats)
- aggregated_stats={}
- rduid=''
- found=False
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Checking if results already exists in a public repo (to aggregate statistics) ...')
- record_module_uoa=cfg['record_module_uoa']
- # Find remote entry
- ii={'action':'search',
- 'module_uoa':record_module_uoa,
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'search_dict':{'meta':meta}}
- rx=ck.access(ii)
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- lst=rx['lst']
- if len(lst)==1:
- rduid=lst[0]['data_uid']
- found=True
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Results found. Pre-loading aggregated stats from '+rduid+' ...')
- # Load stats
- rx=ck.access({'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':record_module_uoa,
- 'data_uoa':rduid,
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'load_extra_json_files':[ffstat]})
- if rx['return']==0:
- aggregated_stats=rx.get('extra_json_files',{}).get(ffstat,{})
- else:
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('WARNING: couldn\'t load data ('+rx['error']+')')
- else:
- rx=ck.gen_uid({})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- rduid=rx['data_uid']
- # Run CK pipeline *****************************************************
- pipeline=copy.deepcopy(rr)
- if len(choices)>0:
- r=ck.merge_dicts({'dict1':pipeline['choices'], 'dict2':xchoices})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- ii={'action':'autotune',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['pipeline'],
- 'data_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program'],
- 'host_os':hos,
- 'target_os':tos,
- 'device_id':tdid,
- 'iterations':1,
- 'repetitions':repetitions,
- 'collect_all':'yes',
- 'process_multi_keys':['##characteristics#*'],
- 'tmp_dir':tmp_dir,
- 'pipeline':pipeline,
- 'stat_flat_dict':aggregated_stats,
- "features_keys_to_process":["##choices#*"],
- "record_params": {
- "search_point_by_features":"yes"
- },
- 'out':oo}
- rrr=ck.access(ii)
- if rrr['return']>0: return rrr
- ls=rrr.get('last_iteration_output',{})
- state=ls.get('state',{})
- xchoices=copy.deepcopy(ls.get('choices',{}))
- lsaf=rrr.get('last_stat_analysis',{}).get('dict_flat',{})
- real_proto=xchoices.get('env',{}).get('CK_CAFFE_MODEL','') # to push to server
- ddd={'meta':mmeta}
- ddd['choices']=xchoices
- features=ls.get('features',{})
- deps=ls.get('dependencies',{})
- fail=ls.get('fail','')
- fail_reason=ls.get('fail_reason','')
- ch=ls.get('characteristics',{})
- # Save pipeline
- ddd['state']={'fail':fail, 'fail_reason':fail_reason}
- ddd['characteristics']=ch
- ddd['user']=user
- # Add files
- ddd['file_stat']=ffstat
- if real_proto!='':
- ddd['file_model_topology']=os.path.basename(real_proto)
- if not found:
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Saving results to the remote public repo ('+rduid+') ...')
- # Update meta
- rx=ck.access({'action':'add',
- 'module_uoa':record_module_uoa,
- 'data_uoa':rduid,
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'dict':ddd,
- 'sort_keys':'yes'})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- # Push real proto
- if real_proto!='':
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Pushing prototxt to the remote public repo ...')
- rx=ck.access({'action':'push',
- 'module_uoa':record_module_uoa,
- 'data_uoa':rduid,
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'filename':real_proto,
- 'overwrite':'yes'})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- # Push statistical characteristics
- x0=lsaf.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#min",None)
- if x0!=None and x0>0:
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Pushing file with statistics to server ...')
- fstat=os.path.join(pp,tmp_dir,ffstat)
- r=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':fstat, 'dict':lsaf, 'sort_keys':'yes'})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- rx=ck.access({'action':'push',
- 'module_uoa':record_module_uoa,
- 'data_uoa':rduid,
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'filename':fstat,
- 'overwrite':'yes'})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- os.remove(fstat)
- # Push statistical characteristics
- dmin={"##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#min":x0}
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Pushing file with min stats to server ...')
- fmin=os.path.join(pp,tmp_dir,ffmin)
- r=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':fmin, 'dict':dmin, 'sort_keys':'yes'})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- rx=ck.access({'action':'push',
- 'module_uoa':record_module_uoa,
- 'data_uoa':rduid,
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'filename':fmin,
- 'overwrite':'yes'})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- os.remove(fmin)
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Succesfully recorded results in remote repo (Entry UID='+rduid+')')
- else:
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('WARNING: did not record results to remote repo (Entry UID='+rduid+')')
- # Check host URL prefix and default module/action
- url=ck_url+'&highlight_uid='+rduid+'#'+rduid
- ck.out('')
- r=ck.inp({'text':'Would you like to open a browser to see results "'+url+'" (y/N)? '})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- x=r['string'].strip().lower()
- if x=='y' or x=='yes':
- import webbrowser
- webbrowser.open(url)
- return {'return':0}
-# show results
-def show(i):
- """
- Input: {
- (crowd_module_uoa) - if rendered from experiment crowdsourcing
- (crowd_key) - add extra name to Web keys to avoid overlapping with original crowdsourcing HTML
- (crowd_on_change) - reuse onchange doc from original crowdsourcing HTML
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- import os
- st=''
- cmuoa=i.get('crowd_module_uoa','')
- ckey=i.get('crowd_key','')
- conc=i.get('crowd_on_change','')
- if conc=='':
- conc=onchange
- hi_uid=i.get('highlight_uid','')
- h=''
-# h=' \n'
- h+='\n'
- h+='\n\n\n\n'
-# h+='Aggregated results from Caffe crowd-benchmarking (time, accuracy, energy, cost, ...) \n'
- h+=hextra
- # Check host URL prefix and default module/action
- rx=ck.access({'action':'form_url_prefix',
- 'module_uoa':'wfe',
- 'host':i.get('host',''),
- 'port':i.get('port',''),
- 'template':i.get('template','')})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- url0=rx['url']
- template=rx['template']
- url=url0
- action=i.get('action','')
- muoa=i.get('module_uoa','')
- st=''
- url+='action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action='+action+'&'+'native_module_uoa='+muoa
- url1=url
- # List entries
- ii={'action':'search',
- 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'],
- 'add_meta':'yes'}
- if cmuoa!='':
- ii['module_uoa']=cmuoa
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']>0: return r
- lst=r['lst']
- # Check unique entries
- choices={}
- wchoices={}
- for q in lst:
- d=q['meta']
- meta=d.get('meta',{})
- for kk in selector:
- kx=kk['key']
- k=ckey+kx
- if k not in choices:
- choices[k]=[]
- wchoices[k]=[{'name':'','value':''}]
- kflat=kk.get('flat_key','')
- if kflat=='': kflat='##'+kx
- rx=ck.get_by_flat_key({'dict':meta, 'key':kflat})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- v=rx['value']
- if v==None: v=''
- if v!='':
- if v not in choices[k]:
- choices[k].append(v)
- wchoices[k].append({'name':v, 'value':v})
- # Prepare query div ***************************************************************
- if cmuoa=='':
- # Start form + URL (even when viewing entry)
- r=ck.access({'action':'start_form',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'],
- 'url':url1,
- 'name':form_name})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- h+=r['html']
- for kk in selector:
- kx=kk['key']
- k=ckey+kx
- n=kk['name']
- nl=kk.get('new_line','')
- if nl=='yes':
- h+=' \n
- v=''
- if i.get(k,'')!='':
- v=i[k]
- kk['value']=v
- # Show hardware
- ii={'action':'create_selector',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'],
- 'data':wchoices.get(k,[]),
- 'name':k,
- 'onchange':conc,
- 'skip_sort':'no',
- 'selected_value':v}
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']>0: return r
- h+=''+n+': '+r['html'].strip()+'\n'
- # Check hidden
- if hi_uid!='':
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' '
- # Prune list
- plst=[]
- for q in lst:
- d=q['meta']
- meta=d.get('meta',{})
- # Check selector
- skip=False
- for kk in selector:
- k=kk['key']
- n=kk['name']
- v=kk.get('value','')
- kflat=kk.get('flat_key','')
- if kflat=='': kflat='##'+kx
- rx=ck.get_by_flat_key({'dict':meta, 'key':kflat})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- vxx=rx['value']
- if vxx==None: vxx=''
- if v!='' and vxx!=v:
- skip=True
- if not skip:
- plst.append(q)
- # Check if too many
- lplst=len(plst)
- if lplst==0:
- h+='No results found! '
- return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st}
- elif lplst>50:
- h+='Too many entries to show ('+str(lplst)+') - please, prune list further! '
- return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st}
- # Prepare table
- h+='\n'
- ha='align="center" valign="top"'
- hb='align="left" valign="top"'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' # \n'
- h+=' Platform \n'
- h+=' OS \n'
- h+=' CPU \n'
- h+=' GPGPU \n'
- h+=' Type \n'
- h+=' DNN engine \n'
- h+=' Model \n'
- h+=' Choices (env) \n'
- h+=' FWBW min time (exp time) stat. repetitions \n'
- h+=' FW \n'
- h+=' BW \n'
- h+=' Per layer \n'
- h+=' Model size \n'
- h+=' Model accuracy on ImageNet \n'
- h+=' Model topology and parameters \n'
- h+=' Power consumption (W) min / max \n'
- h+=' Memory usage (MB) \n'
- h+=' Bug detected? \n'
- h+=' User \n'
- h+=' Replay \n'
- h+=' \n'
- # Dictionary to hold target meta
- tm={}
- ix=0
- bgraph={'0':[]} # Just for graph demo
- if hi_uid!='':
- bgraph['1']=[]
- # Load min stat
- for q in plst:
- pmin=os.path.join(q['path'],ffmin)
- if os.path.isfile(pmin):
- rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':pmin})
- if rx['return']==0:
- q['min_stat']=rx['dict']
- # Sort
- splst=sorted(plst, key=lambda x: x.get('min_stat',{}).get('##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#min',0))
- for q in splst:
- ix+=1
- duid=q['data_uid']
- path=q['path']
- d=q['meta']
- # Check if has statistics
- dstat={}
- fstat=os.path.join(path,'ck-stat-flat-characteristics.json')
- if os.path.isfile(fstat):
- r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':fstat, 'dict':dstat})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- dstat=r['dict']
- x=''
- # Check if has stats
- x0=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#min",None)
- meta=d.get('meta',{})
- choices=d.get('choices',{})
- env=choices.get('env',{})
- params=choices.get('params',{}).get('params',{})
- xdeps=meta.get('xdeps',{})
- d_model=xdeps.get('caffemodel',{})
- d_model_name=d_model.get('data_name','')
- d_model_package_uoa=d_model.get('package_uoa','')
- d_model_ver=d_model.get('ver','')
- d_engine=xdeps.get('lib-caffe',{})
- d_engine_name=d_engine.get('data_name','')
- d_engine_package_uoa=d_engine.get('package_uoa','')
- d_engine_ver=d_engine.get('ver','')
- tp=meta.get('dnn_type','')
- nn=meta.get('nn_type','')
- plat_name=meta.get('plat_name','')
- cpu_name=meta.get('cpu_name','')
- os_name=meta.get('os_name','')
- gpgpu_name=meta.get('gpgpu_name','')
- plat_uid=meta.get('platform_uid','')
- cpu_uid=meta.get('cpu_uid','')
- os_uid=meta.get('os_uid','')
- gpu_uid=meta.get('gpu_uid','')
- gpgpu_uid=meta.get('gpgpu_uid','')
- user=meta.get('user','')
- te=d.get('characteristics',{}).get('run',{})
-# bgc='afffaf'
- bgc='dfffdf'
- fail=d.get('state',{}).get('fail','')
- fail_reason=d.get('state',{}).get('fail_reason','')
- if fail=='yes':
- if fail_reason=='': fail_reason='yes'
- bgc='ffafaf'
- elif hi_uid!='' and duid==hi_uid:
- bgc='9fff9f'
-# bgraph['0'].append([ix,None])
-# bgraph['1'].append([ix,x0])
- bg=' style="background-color:#'+bgc+';"'
- h+=' \n'
- # Number
- h+=' '+str(ix)+' \n'
- # Platform, etc ...
- x=plat_name
- if plat_uid!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x=os_name
- if os_uid!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x=cpu_name
- if cpu_uid!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x=gpgpu_name
- if gpgpu_uid!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # All files
- uu1=work['self_module_uid']
- if cmuoa!='': uu1=cmuoa
- uu2=str(ix)+') '+duid+' '
- uu3='[ See raw files ]'
- # Type
- h+=' '+tp+' \n'
- # Engine
- x=d_engine_name
- if d_engine_package_uoa!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- if x!='' and d_engine_ver!='':
- x+='\n Version '+d_engine_ver+' '
- # Versions
- ver=''
- dver=meta.get('xversions',{})
- for dx in sorted(dver):
- vx=dver[dx]
- if vx!=None and vx!='':
- ver+=dx+': '+str(dver[dx])+'\n'
- ver=ver.replace("\'","'").replace("'","\\'").replace('\"','"').replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- if ver!='':
- ver=' '
- h+=' '+x+' '+ver+' \n'
- # Model
- x=nn
- msize=''
- mtop=''
- mtop5=''
- if d_model_package_uoa!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- # Load features
- rx=ck.access({'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':'package',
- 'data_uoa':d_model_package_uoa})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- mft=rx['dict'].get('features',{})
- msize=str(mft.get('model_size_mb',''))+' MB'
- mtop=str(mft.get('accuracy',''))
- mtop5=str(mft.get('accuracy_top5',''))
-# if x!='' and d_model_ver!='':
-# x+='\n Version '+d_model_ver+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Choices (for now env)
-# x='\n'
- x=''
- for k in sorted(env):
- v=env[k]
- x+=str(k)+'='+str(v)+'\n'
-# x+=''+str(k)+'= '+str(v)+' \n'
-# x+='
-# x=x.replace("'","\'").replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- x=x.replace("\'","'").replace("'","\\'").replace('\"','"').replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- x1=''
- if x!='':
- if env.get('CK_CAFFE_BATCH_SIZE','')!='':
- x1+='Batch size='+env['CK_CAFFE_BATCH_SIZE']+' \n'
- x1+=' '
- h+=' '+x1+' \n'
- # Characteristics
- # Check if has statistics
- x=''
- # Check if has stats
- x0e=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#exp",None)
- x1=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#center",None)
- xr=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#repeats",None)
- x2=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#halfrange",None)
- x=''
- if x0!=None:
- x=''+('%.0f'%x0)+' ms. \n'
-# x+='('+('%.0f'%x1)+' ± '+('%.0f'%x2)+' ms.)'
- if x1!=None and x2!=None:
- x+=' ('+('%.0f'%x0e)+' ± '+('%.0f'%x2)+' ms.)\n'
- if xr!=None:
- x+=''+str(xr)+' repetitions \n'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- bgraph['0'].append([ix,x0])
- if fail!='yes' and x0!=None and duid!=hi_uid:
-# bgraph['0'].append([ix,x0])
- if hi_uid!='': bgraph['1'].append([ix,None])
- x1=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fw_ms#center",None)
- x2=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fw_ms#halfrange",None)
- if x1!=None and x2!=None:
- x=('%.0f'%x1)+' ± '+('%.0f'%x2)+' ms.'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x1=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_bw_ms#center",None)
- x2=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_bw_ms#halfrange",None)
- if x1!=None and x2!=None:
- x=('%.0f'%x1)+' ± '+('%.0f'%x2)+' ms.'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Check all characteristics
- x=''
- x5=''
- for k in sorted(te):
- v=te[k]
- kx="##characteristics#run#"+k
- kx1=dstat.get(kx+'#center',None)
- kx2=dstat.get(kx+'#halfrange',None)
- x6=''
- if type(v)==int:
- if kx1!=None and kx2!=None:
- x6=str(kx1)+' +- '+str(kx2)
- else:
- x6=str(v)
- elif type(v)==float:
- if kx1!=None and kx2!=None:
- x6=('%.1f'%kx1)+' +- '+('%.1f'%kx2)
- else:
- x6=('%.1f'%v)
- if x6!='':
- x5+=str(k)+'='+x6+'\n'
- # Also layers
- y5=''
- for j in range(0,1000):
- k1='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#direction#min'
- k2='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#label#min'
- k3='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#time_ms#min'
- k4='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#time_ms#max'
- k5='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#time_ms#exp_allx'
- v1=dstat.get(k1,'')
- v2=dstat.get(k2,'')
- v3=dstat.get(k3,'')
- v4=dstat.get(k4,'')
- v5=dstat.get(k5,[])
- if v1!='' and v2!='' and v3!='' and v4!='':
- v6=0
- if len(v5)>0:
- v6=v5[0]
- xv3=''
- xv4=''
- xv5=''
- if v3!='': xv3=('%.1f'%v3)
- if v4!='': xv4=('%.1f'%v4)
- if v6!='': xv6=('%.1f'%v6)
- if y5=='': y5='Layers:\nName (direction): min time (ms.) ; expected time (ms.) ; max time (ms.)\n'
- y5+='\n'+v2+' ('+v1+'): '+xv3+';'+xv6+';'+xv4
- else:
- break
- y5=y5.replace("\'","'").replace("'","\\'").replace('\"','"').replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- if y5!='':
- x+='Stats per layer \n'
- x+=' '
-# x5=x5.replace("'","\'").replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- x5=x5.replace("\'","'").replace("'","\\'").replace('\"','"').replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- if x5!='':
- x+=' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Model size
- h+=' '+msize+' \n'
- # Accuracy
- x=''
- if mtop!='' and mtop5!='':
- x=mtop+' / '+mtop5
-# if nn=='bvlc, alexnet':
-# x='0.568279 / 0.799501'
-# elif nn=='bvlc, googlenet':
-# x='0.689299 / 0.891441'
-# elif nn=='deepscale, squeezenet, 1.1':
-# x='0.583880 / 0.810123'
-# elif nn=='deepscale, squeezenet, 1.0':
-# x='0.576801 / 0.803903'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Model topology
- x=''
- fmt=d.get('file_model_topology','')
- if fmt!='':
- pfmt=os.path.join(path,fmt)
- if os.path.isfile(pfmt):
- x='deploy.prototxt \n'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Power consumption (TBD)
- x=''
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Memory usage
- x=''
- mem=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#memory_mbytes#max",None)
- if mem!=None:
- x=str(int(mem))+' MB'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Crowdsourcing bug detection
- x=fail_reason
- if x=='':
- x=''
- else:
- fail_reason=fail_reason.replace("\'","'").replace("'","\\'").replace('\"','"').replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- x='Yes '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- h+=' '+user+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' '+uu3+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+='
- h+=' \n'
- if cmuoa=='':
- h+='\n'
- if len(bgraph['0'])>0:
- ii={'action':'plot',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['graph'],
- "table":bgraph,
- "h_lines":[1.0],
- "ymin":0,
- "ignore_point_if_none":"yes",
- "plot_type":"d3_2d_bars",
- "display_y_error_bar":"no",
- "title":"Powered by Collective Knowledge",
- "axis_x_desc":"Experiment",
- "axis_y_desc":"Neural network total time (ms.)",
- "plot_grid":"yes",
- "d3_div":"ck_interactive",
- "image_width":"900",
- "image_height":"400",
- "wfe_url":url0}
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']==0:
- x=r.get('html','')
- if x!='':
- st+=r.get('style','')
- h+=' \n'
- h+='\n'
- h+='\n'
- h+='
- h+=x+'\n'
- h+='
- h+='
- h+=' \n'
- return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st}
-# replay experiment (TBD)
-def replay(i):
- """
- Input: {
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- # TBD - take params from remote/local experiment and pre-set ...
- # Run locally, i.e. do not share stats unless requested ...
-# i['action']='crowdsource'
-# i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['experiment.bench.caffe']
- return ck.access(i)
-# browse public results
-def browse(i):
- """
- Input: {
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- import webbrowser
- ck.out('Opening web page '+ck_url+' ...')
- webbrowser.open(ck_url)
- return {'return':0}
-# show info for all layers
-def html_viewer(i):
- """
- Input: {
- data_uoa - CK entry UOA to view
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- import os
- duoa=i.get('data_uoa','')
- # Load entry
- r=ck.access({'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'],
- 'data_uoa':duoa})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- p=r['path']
- d=r['dict']
- dchars=d.get('characteristics',{})
- dchoices=d.get('choices',{})
- dmeta=d.get('meta',{})
- # Load stats
- dstat={}
- fstat=os.path.join(p,'ck-stat-flat-characteristics.json')
- if os.path.isfile(fstat):
- r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':fstat, 'dict':dstat})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- dstat=r['dict']
- # Prepare table
- h=''
- h+=' \n'
- h+='\n'
- h+='DNN engine and model evaluation statistics per layer (crowd-tuning) \n'
- h+=' \n'
- xdeps=dmeta.get('xdeps',{})
- lcaffe=xdeps.get('lib-caffe',{})
- lmodel=xdeps.get('caffemodel',{})
- # Prepare extra info
- h+='\n'
- h+='
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' DNN engine name: \n'
- h+=' '+lcaffe.get('data_name','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' DNN engine version: \n'
- h+=' '+lcaffe.get('ver','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' DNN engine type: \n'
- h+=' '+dmeta.get('dnn_type','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- x=''
- dx=dmeta.get('xversions',{})
- for k in sorted(dx):
- v=dx[k]
- if v!='':
- if x!='': x+=' \n'
- x+=k+'='+str(v)+'\n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' DNN engine dependencies: \n'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' DNN model name: \n'
- h+=' '+lmodel.get('data_name','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' DNN model version: \n'
- h+=' '+lmodel.get('ver','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' Batch size: \n'
- h+=' '+dchars.get('run',{}).get('REAL_ENV_CK_CAFFE_BATCH_SIZE','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
-# TBD: Need to show min,exp,max!
-# h+=' \n'
-# h+=' FWBW time (ms.): \n'
-# h+=' '+str(dchars.get('run',{}).get('time_bw_ms',''))+' \n'
-# h+=' \n'
-# h+=' \n'
-# h+=' FW time (ms.): \n'
-# h+=' '+str(dchars.get('run',{}).get('time_fw_ms',''))+' \n'
-# h+=' \n'
-# h+=' \n'
-# h+=' BW time (ms.): \n'
-# h+=' '+str(dchars.get('run',{}).get('time_bw_ms',''))+' \n'
-# h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' Platform: \n'
- h+=' '+dmeta.get('plat_name','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' OS: \n'
- h+=' '+dmeta.get('os_name','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' CPU: \n'
- h+=' '+dmeta.get('cpu_name','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' GPU: \n'
- h+=' '+dmeta.get('gpu_name','')+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+='
- h+='\n'
- h+='\n'
- h+='
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' Name \n'
- h+=' Direction \n'
- h+=' Min time (ms.): \n'
- h+=' Expected time (ms.): \n'
- h+=' Max time (ms.): \n'
- h+=' Repetitions: \n'
- h+=' \n'
- # Detecting number of layers
- jj={}
- for j in range(0,1000):
- k3='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#time_ms#min'
- v3=dstat.get(k3,'')
- if v3=='': break
- jj[j]=v3
- # Sorting by min time
- if i.get('all_params',{}).get('skip_sort','')!='yes':
- jj=sorted(jj, key=lambda x: jj[x], reverse=True)
- # Also layers
- for j in jj:
- k1='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#direction#min'
- k2='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#label#min'
- k3='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#time_ms#min'
- k4='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#time_ms#max'
- k5='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#time_ms#exp_allx'
- k7='##characteristics#run#per_layer_info@'+str(j)+'#time_ms#repeats'
- v1=dstat.get(k1,'')
- v2=dstat.get(k2,'')
- v3=dstat.get(k3,'')
- v4=dstat.get(k4,'')
- v5=dstat.get(k5,[])
- v7=dstat.get(k7,'')
- if v1!='' and v2!='' and v3!='' and v4!='':
- v6=0
- if len(v5)>0:
- v6=v5[0]
- xv3=''
- xv4=''
- xv6=''
- if v3!='':
- if v3<0.1: xv3='0'
- else: xv3=''+('%.1f'%v3)+' '
- if v4!='':
- if v4<0.1: xv4='0'
- else: xv4=''+('%.1f'%v4)+' '
- if v6!='':
- if v6<0.1: xv6='0'
- else: xv6=''+('%.1f'%v6)+' '
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' '+v2+' \n'
- h+=' '+v1+' \n'
- h+=' '+xv3+' \n'
- h+=' '+xv6+' \n'
- h+=' '+xv4+' \n'
- h+=' '+str(v7)+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+='
- h+=' \n'
- return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'show_top':'yes'}
diff --git a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/module.py.arc1 b/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/module.py.arc1
deleted file mode 100644
index d3280a6cc9..0000000000
--- a/ck/repo/module/experiment.bench.caffe/module.py.arc1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,931 +0,0 @@
-# Collective Knowledge: CK-powered Caffe crowdbenchmarking (very early prototyping)
-# See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details
-# See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details
-# Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net
-cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module)
-work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data)
-ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel)
-# Local settings
-hextra+='This is an on-going long-term project. Please check our vision [ '
-hextra+='IWOCL\'16 , \n'
-hextra+='CPC\'15 , \n'
-hextra+='YouTube , \n'
-hextra+='wiki ] '
-hextra+=' and CK-Caffe GitHub repo for more details!'
-hextra+=' \n'
-hextra+=' \n'
-selector=[{'name':'Type', 'key':'caffe_type'},
- {'name':'Network', 'key':'nn_type'},
- {'name':'Platform', 'key':'plat_name'},
- {'name':'CPU', 'key':'cpu_name', 'new_line':'yes'},
- {'name':'OS', 'key':'os_name'},
- {'name':'GPGPU', 'key':'gpgpu_name'}]
-# Initialize module
-def init(i):
- """
- Input: {}
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- return {'return':0}
-# crowdsource these experiments
-def crowdsource(i):
- """
- Input: {
- (local) - if 'yes', local crowd-benchmarking, instead of public
- (user) - force different user ID/email for demos
- (choices) - force different choices to program pipeline
- (repetitions) - statistical repetitions (default=1), for now statistical analysis is not used (TBD)
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- import copy
- import os
- # Setting output
- o=i.get('out','')
- oo=''
- if o=='con': oo='con'
- quiet=i.get('quiet','')
- er=i.get('exchange_repo','')
- if er=='': er=ck.cfg['default_exchange_repo_uoa']
- esr=i.get('exchange_subrepo','')
- if esr=='': esr=ck.cfg['default_exchange_subrepo_uoa']
- if i.get('local','')=='yes':
- er='local'
- esr=''
- la=i.get('local_autotuning','')
- repetitions=i.get('repetitions','')
- if repetitions=='': repetitions=3
- repetitions=int(repetitions)
- record='no'
- # Check if any input has . and convert to dict
- for k in list(i.keys()):
- if k.find('.')>0:
- v=i[k]
- kk='##'+k.replace('.','#')
- del(i[k])
- r=ck.set_by_flat_key({'dict':i, 'key':kk, 'value':v})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- choices=i.get('choices',{})
- xchoices=copy.deepcopy(choices)
- # Get user
- user=''
- mcfg={}
- ii={'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':'module',
- 'data_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program.optimization']}
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']==0:
- mcfg=r['dict']
- dcfg={}
- ii={'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':mcfg['module_deps']['cfg'],
- 'data_uoa':mcfg['cfg_uoa']}
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r
- if r['return']!=16:
- dcfg=r['dict']
- user=dcfg.get('user_email','')
- # Initialize local environment for program optimization ***********************************************************
- pi=i.get('platform_info',{})
- if len(pi)==0:
- ii=copy.deepcopy(i)
- ii['action']='initialize'
- ii['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['program.optimization']
- ii['data_uoa']='caffe'
- ii['exchange_repo']=er
- ii['exchange_subrepo']=esr
- ii['skip_welcome']='yes'
- ii['skip_log_wait']='yes'
- ii['crowdtuning_type']='caffe-crowd-benchmarking'
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']>0: return r
- pi=r['platform_info']
- user=r.get('user','')
- hos=pi['host_os_uoa']
- hosd=pi['host_os_dict']
- tos=pi['os_uoa']
- tosd=pi['os_dict']
- tbits=tosd.get('bits','')
- remote=tosd.get('remote','')
- tdid=pi['device_id']
- features=pi.get('features',{})
- fplat=features.get('platform',{})
- fos=features.get('os',{})
- fcpu=features.get('cpu',{})
- fgpu=features.get('gpu',{})
- plat_name=fplat.get('name','')
- plat_uid=features.get('platform_uid','')
- os_name=fos.get('name','')
- os_uid=features.get('os_uid','')
- cpu_name=fcpu.get('name','')
- if cpu_name=='': cpu_name='unknown-'+fcpu.get('cpu_abi','')
- cpu_uid=features.get('cpu_uid','')
- gpu_name=fgpu.get('name','')
- gpgpu_name=''
- sn=fos.get('serial_number','')
- # Ask for cmd
- tp=['cpu', 'cuda', 'opencl']
- ck.out(line)
- ck.out('Select Caffe library type:')
- ck.out('')
- r=ck.access({'action':'select_list',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['choice'],
- 'choices':tp})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- xtp=r['choice']
- # Get extra platform features if "cuda" or "opencl"
- run_cmd='time_cpu'
- tags='lib,caffe'
- ntags='vcuda,vopencl'
- gpgpu_uid=''
- if xtp=='cuda' or xtp=='opencl':
- run_cmd='time_gpu'
- r=ck.access({'action':'detect',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.gpgpu'],
- 'host_os':hos,
- 'target_os':tos,
- 'device_id':tdid,
- 'type':xtp,
- 'share':'yes',
- 'exchange_repo':er,
- 'exchange_subrepo':esr})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- gfeat=r.get('features',{})
- gpgpus=gfeat.get('gpgpu',[])
- if len(gpgpus)>0:
- gpgpu_name=gpgpus[0].get('gpgpu',{}).get('name','')
- gpgpu_uid=gpgpus[0].get('gpgpu_uoa','')
- ntags=''
- tags+=',v'+xtp
- # Get deps from caffe program
- r=ck.access({'action':'load',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program'],
- 'data_uoa':'caffe'})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- deps=r['dict']['compile_deps']
- pp=r['path']
- lib_dep=deps['lib-caffe']
- lib_dep['tags']=tags
- lib_dep['no_tags']=ntags
- # Check environment for selected type
- r=ck.access({'action':'resolve',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['env'],
- 'deps':deps,
- 'host_os':hos,
- 'target_os':tos,
- 'device_id':tdid,
- 'out':o})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- deps=r['deps']
- # Prepare CK pipeline for a given workload
- ii={'action':'pipeline',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program'],
- 'data_uoa':'caffe',
- 'prepare':'yes',
- 'env':i.get('env',{}),
- 'choices':choices,
- 'dependencies':deps,
- 'cmd_key':run_cmd,
- 'no_state_check':'yes',
- 'no_compiler_description':'yes',
- 'skip_info_collection':'yes',
- 'skip_calibration':'yes',
- 'cpu_freq':'max',
- 'gpu_freq':'max',
- 'env_speed':'yes',
- 'energy':'no',
- 'skip_print_timers':'yes',
- 'generate_rnd_tmp_dir':'no',
- 'out':oo}
- rr=ck.access(ii)
- if rr['return']>0: return rr
- fail=rr.get('fail','')
- if fail=='yes':
- return {'return':10, 'error':'pipeline failed ('+rr.get('fail_reason','')+')'}
- ready=rr.get('ready','')
- if ready!='yes':
- return {'return':11, 'error':'couldn\'t prepare universal CK program workflow'}
- state=rr['state']
- tmp_dir=state['tmp_dir']
- # Clean pipeline
- if 'ready' in rr: del(rr['ready'])
- if 'fail' in rr: del(rr['fail'])
- if 'return' in rr: del(rr['return'])
- # Check if aggregted stats
- aggregated_stats={} # Pre-load statistics ...
- # Prepare high-level experiment meta
- meta={'cpu_name':cpu_name,
- 'os_name':os_name,
- 'plat_name':plat_name,
- 'gpu_name':gpu_name,
- 'caffe_type':xtp,
- 'gpgpu_name':gpgpu_name,
- 'cmd_key':run_cmd}
- # Process deps
- xdeps={}
- xnn=''
- xblas=''
- for k in deps:
- dp=deps[k]
- dname=dp.get('dict',{}).get('data_name','')
- if k=='caffemodel':
- xnn=dname
- j1=xnn.rfind('(')
- if j1>0:
- xnn=xnn[j1+1:-1]
- xdeps[k]={'name':dp.get('name',''), 'data_name':dname, 'ver':dp.get('ver','')}
- meta['xdeps']=xdeps
- meta['nn_type']=xnn
- mmeta=copy.deepcopy(meta)
- # Extra meta which is not used to search similar case ...
- mmeta['platform_uid']=plat_uid
- mmeta['os_uid']=os_uid
- mmeta['cpu_uid']=cpu_uid
- mmeta['gpgpu_uid']=gpgpu_uid
- mmeta['user']=user
- # Check if already exists
- # tbd
- # Run CK pipeline *****************************************************
- pipeline=copy.deepcopy(rr)
- if len(choices)>0:
- r=ck.merge_dicts({'dict1':pipeline['choices'], 'dict2':xchoices})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- ii={'action':'autotune',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['pipeline'],
- 'iterations':1,
- 'repetitions':repetitions,
- 'collect_all':'yes',
- 'process_multi_keys':['##characteristics#*'],
- 'tmp_dir':tmp_dir,
- 'pipeline':pipeline,
- 'stat_flat_dict':aggregated_stats,
- "features_keys_to_process":["##choices#*"],
- "record_params": {
- "search_point_by_features":"yes"
- },
- 'out':oo}
- rrr=ck.access(ii)
- if rrr['return']>0: return rrr
- ls=rrr.get('last_iteration_output',{})
- state=ls.get('state',{})
- xchoices=copy.deepcopy(ls.get('choices',{}))
- lsa=rrr.get('last_stat_analysis',{})
- lsad=lsa.get('dict_flat',{})
- ddd={'meta':mmeta}
- ddd['choices']=xchoices
- features=ls.get('features',{})
- deps=ls.get('dependencies',{})
- fail=ls.get('fail','')
- fail_reason=ls.get('fail_reason','')
- ch=ls.get('characteristics',{})
- # Save pipeline
- ddd['state']={'fail':fail, 'fail_reason':fail_reason}
- ddd['characteristics']=ch
- ddd['user']=user
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('Saving results to the remote public repo ...')
- ck.out('')
- # Find remote entry
- rduid=''
- ii={'action':'search',
- 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'],
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'search_dict':{'meta':meta}}
- rx=ck.access(ii)
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- lst=rx['lst']
- if len(lst)==1:
- rduid=lst[0]['data_uid']
- else:
- rx=ck.gen_uid({})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- rduid=rx['data_uid']
- # Update meta
- rx=ck.access({'action':'update',
- 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'],
- 'data_uoa':rduid,
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'dict':ddd,
- 'substitute':'yes',
- 'sort_keys':'yes'})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- # Push statistical characteristics
- fstat=os.path.join(pp,tmp_dir,ffstat)
- r=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':fstat, 'dict':lsad})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- rx=ck.access({'action':'push',
- 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'],
- 'data_uoa':rduid,
- 'repo_uoa':er,
- 'remote_repo_uoa':esr,
- 'filename':fstat,
- 'overwrite':'yes'})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- os.remove(fstat)
- # Info
- if o=='con':
- ck.out('Succesfully recorded results in remote repo (Entry UID='+rduid+')')
- # Check host URL prefix and default module/action
- url='http://cknowledge.org/repo/web.php?template=cknowledge&action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action=show&native_module_uoa=program.optimization&scenario=155b6fa5a4012a93&highlight_uid='+rduid
- ck.out('')
- ck.out('You can see your results at the following URL:')
- ck.out('')
- ck.out(url)
- return {'return':0}
-# show results
-def show(i):
- """
- Input: {
- (crowd_module_uoa) - if rendered from experiment crowdsourcing
- (crowd_key) - add extra name to Web keys to avoid overlapping with original crowdsourcing HTML
- (crowd_on_change) - reuse onchange doc from original crowdsourcing HTML
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- import os
- st=''
- cmuoa=i.get('crowd_module_uoa','')
- ckey=i.get('crowd_key','')
- conc=i.get('crowd_on_change','')
- if conc=='':
- conc=onchange
- hi_uid=i.get('highlight_uid','')
- h=' \n'
- h+='\n'
- h+='\n\n\n\n'
- h+='Aggregated results from Caffe crowd-benchmarking (time, accuracy, energy, cost, ...) \n'
- h+=hextra
- # Check host URL prefix and default module/action
- rx=ck.access({'action':'form_url_prefix',
- 'module_uoa':'wfe',
- 'host':i.get('host',''),
- 'port':i.get('port',''),
- 'template':i.get('template','')})
- if rx['return']>0: return rx
- url0=rx['url']
- template=rx['template']
- url=url0
- action=i.get('action','')
- muoa=i.get('module_uoa','')
- st=''
- url+='action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action='+action+'&'+'native_module_uoa='+muoa
- url1=url
- # List entries
- ii={'action':'search',
- 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'],
- 'add_meta':'yes'}
- if cmuoa!='':
- ii['module_uoa']=cmuoa
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']>0: return r
- lst=r['lst']
- # Check unique entries
- choices={}
- wchoices={}
- for q in lst:
- d=q['meta']
- meta=d.get('meta',{})
- for kk in selector:
- kx=kk['key']
- k=ckey+kx
- if k not in choices:
- choices[k]=[]
- wchoices[k]=[{'name':'','value':''}]
- v=meta.get(kx,'')
- if v!='':
- if v not in choices[k]:
- choices[k].append(v)
- wchoices[k].append({'name':v, 'value':v})
- # Prepare query div ***************************************************************
- if cmuoa=='':
- # Start form + URL (even when viewing entry)
- r=ck.access({'action':'start_form',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'],
- 'url':url1,
- 'name':form_name})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- h+=r['html']
- for kk in selector:
- k=ckey+kk['key']
- n=kk['name']
- nl=kk.get('new_line','')
- if nl=='yes':
- h+=' \n
- v=''
- if i.get(k,'')!='':
- v=i[k]
- kk['value']=v
- # Show hardware
- ii={'action':'create_selector',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'],
- 'data':wchoices.get(k,[]),
- 'name':k,
- 'onchange':conc,
- 'skip_sort':'no',
- 'selected_value':v}
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']>0: return r
- h+=''+n+': '+r['html'].strip()+'\n'
- # Check hidden
- if hi_uid!='':
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' '
- # Prune list
- plst=[]
- for q in lst:
- d=q['meta']
- meta=d.get('meta',{})
- # Check selector
- skip=False
- for kk in selector:
- k=kk['key']
- n=kk['name']
- v=kk.get('value','')
- if v!='' and meta.get(k,'')!=v:
- skip=True
- if not skip:
- plst.append(q)
- # Check if too many
- lplst=len(plst)
- if lplst==0:
- h+='No results found! '
- return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st}
- elif lplst>50:
- h+='Too many entries to show ('+str(lplst)+') - please, prune list further! '
- return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st}
- # Prepare table
- h+='\n'
- ha='align="center" valign="top"'
- hb='align="left" valign="top"'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' All raw files \n'
- h+=' Type \n'
- h+=' Network \n'
- h+=' FWBW \n'
- h+=' FW \n'
- h+=' BW \n'
- h+=' Accuracy (TP1 / TP5) \n'
- h+=' Chars \n'
- h+=' Platform \n'
- h+=' CPU \n'
- h+=' GPGPU \n'
- h+=' OS \n'
- h+=' Fail? \n'
- h+=' Choices \n'
- h+=' User \n'
- h+=' Replay \n'
- h+=' \n'
- # Dictionary to hold target meta
- tm={}
- ix=0
- bgraph={'0':[]} # Just for graph demo
- if hi_uid!='':
- bgraph['1']=[]
- # Sort
- splst=sorted(plst, key=lambda x: x.get('meta',{}).get('characteristics',{}).get('run',{}).get('time_fwbw_ms',0))
- for q in splst:
- ix+=1
- duid=q['data_uid']
- path=q['path']
- d=q['meta']
- meta=d.get('meta',{})
- params=d.get('choices',{}).get('params',{}).get('params',{})
- tp=meta.get('caffe_type','')
- nn=meta.get('nn_type','')
- plat_name=meta.get('plat_name','')
- cpu_name=meta.get('cpu_name','')
- os_name=meta.get('os_name','')
- gpgpu_name=meta.get('gpgpu_name','')
- plat_uid=meta.get('platform_uid','')
- cpu_uid=meta.get('cpu_uid','')
- os_uid=meta.get('os_uid','')
- gpu_uid=meta.get('gpu_uid','')
- gpgpu_uid=meta.get('gpgpu_uid','')
- user=meta.get('user','')
- te=d.get('characteristics',{}).get('run',{})
-# bgc='afffaf'
- bgc='dfffdf'
- fail=d.get('state',{}).get('fail','')
- fail_reason=d.get('state',{}).get('fail_reason','')
- if fail=='yes':
- if fail_reason=='': fail_reason='yes'
- bgc='ffafaf'
- elif hi_uid!='' and duid==hi_uid:
- bgc='9fff9f'
- bgraph['0'].append([ix,None])
- bgraph['1'].append([ix,x0])
- bg=' style="background-color:#'+bgc+';"'
- h+=' \n'
- x=work['self_module_uid']
- if cmuoa!='': x=cmuoa
- h+=' '+str(ix)+') '+duid+' \n'
- h+=' '+tp+' \n'
- h+=' '+nn+' \n'
- # Characteristics
- # Check if has statistics
- dstat={}
- fstat=os.path.join(path,'ck-stat-flat-characteristics.json')
- if os.path.isfile(fstat):
- r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':fstat, 'dict':dstat})
- if r['return']>0: return r
- dstat=r['dict']
- x=''
- # Check if has stats
- x0=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#min",None)
- x0e=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#exp",None)
- x1=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#center",None)
- x2=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fwbw_ms#halfrange",None)
- if x1!=None and x2!=None:
- x=('%.0f'%x1)+' ± '+('%.0f'%x2)+' ms.'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- if fail!='yes' and x0!=None and duid!=hi_uid:
- bgraph['0'].append([ix,x0])
- if hi_uid!='': bgraph['1'].append([ix,None])
- x1=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fw_ms#center",None)
- x2=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_fw_ms#halfrange",None)
- if x1!=None and x2!=None:
- x=('%.0f'%x1)+' ± '+('%.0f'%x2)+' ms.'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x1=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_bw_ms#center",None)
- x2=dstat.get("##characteristics#run#time_bw_ms#halfrange",None)
- if x1!=None and x2!=None:
- x=('%.0f'%x1)+' ± '+('%.0f'%x2)+' ms.'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Accuracy - for now hardwired - later should get directly from experiment description
- x=''
- if nn=='bvlc, alexnet':
- x='0.568279 / 0.799501'
- elif nn=='bvlc, googlenet':
- x='0.689299 / 0.891441'
- elif nn=='deepscale, squeezenet, 1.1':
- x='0.583880 / 0.810123'
- elif nn=='deepscale, squeezenet, 1.0':
- x='0.576801 / 0.803903'
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Check all characteristics
- x=''
- x5=''
- for k in sorted(te):
- v=te[k]
- kx="##characteristics#run#"+k
- kx1=dstat.get(kx+'#center',None)
- kx2=dstat.get(kx+'#halfrange',None)
- x6=''
- if type(v)==int:
- if kx1!=None and kx2!=None:
- x6=str(kx1)+' +- '+str(kx2)
- else:
- x6=str(v)
- elif type(v)==float:
- if kx1!=None and kx2!=None:
- x6=('%.1f'%kx1)+' +- '+('%.1f'%kx2)
- else:
- x6=('%.1f'%v)
- if x6!='':
- x5+=str(k)+'='+x6+'\n'
-# x5=x5.replace("'","\'").replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- x5=x5.replace("\'","'").replace("'","\\'").replace('\"','"').replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- if x5!='':
- x+=' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Platform, etc ...
- x=plat_name
- if plat_uid!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x=cpu_name
- if cpu_uid!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x=gpgpu_name
- if gpgpu_uid!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x=os_name
- if os_uid!='':
- x=''+x+' '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- x=fail_reason
- if x=='':
- x='No'
- else:
- fail_reason=fail_reason.replace("\'","'").replace("'","\\'").replace('\"','"').replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- x='Yes '
- h+=' '+x+' \n'
- # Params
-# x='\n'
- x=''
- for k in sorted(params):
- v=params[k]
- x+=str(k)+'='+str(v)+'\n'
-# x+=''+str(k)+'= '+str(v)+' \n'
-# x+='
-# x=x.replace("'","\'").replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- x=x.replace("\'","'").replace("'","\\'").replace('\"','"').replace('"',"\\'").replace('\n','\\n')
- x1=''
- if x!='':
- x1=' '
- h+=' '+x1+' \n'
- h+=' '+user+' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+=' \n'
- h+='
- h+=' \n'
- if cmuoa=='':
- h+='\n'
- if len(bgraph['0'])>0:
- ii={'action':'plot',
- 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['graph'],
- "table":bgraph,
- "h_lines":[1.0],
- "ymin":0,
- "ignore_point_if_none":"yes",
- "plot_type":"d3_2d_bars",
- "display_y_error_bar":"no",
- "title":"Powered by Collective Knowledge",
- "axis_x_desc":"Experiment",
- "axis_y_desc":"Neural network total time (ms.)",
- "plot_grid":"yes",
- "d3_div":"ck_interactive",
- "image_width":"900",
- "image_height":"400",
- "wfe_url":url0}
- r=ck.access(ii)
- if r['return']==0:
- x=r.get('html','')
- if x!='':
- st+=r.get('style','')
- h+=' \n'
- h+='\n'
- h+='\n'
- h+='
- h+=x+'\n'
- h+='
- h+='
- h+=' \n'
- return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st}
-# replay experiment (TBD)
-def replay(i):
- """
- Input: {
- }
- Output: {
- return - return code = 0, if successful
- > 0, if error
- (error) - error text if return > 0
- }
- """
- # TBD - take params from remote/local experiment and pre-set ...
- # Run locally, i.e. do not share stats unless requested ...
- i['action']='crowdsource'
- i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['experiment.bench.caffe']
- return ck.access(i)