Scripts and notebooks related to the manuscript titled: "Improving Climate Reproducibility Testing with False Discovery Rate Correction".
Submitted to Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference
This investigation was set to improve the usability of non bit-for-bit testing in the E3SM Earth system model primarily by reducing the number of false positive tests (e.g. a statstical type I error where the test claims two ensembles have different simulated climates when in fact they are not)
directory contains scripts nessecary for setup and execution of E3SM (specific to the LCRC cluster "chrysalis") -
directory contains analysis scripts -
directory contains exploratory notebooks
As described in pyproject.toml
- setuptools
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas>=2.0.1
- matplotlib
- statsmodels
- xarray
- cartopy
- jupyter
- cftime
- dask
- nco
- nc-time-axis
- dask-mpi
- seaborn
- hvplot
- bokeh
- holoviews