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Guide to Creating a Module

This guide walks through how new Sempv2 requests are implemented using the framework.

  1. Duplicate an existing module

    • path: lib/ansible/modules/network/solace
    • chose a module that is similar in functionality
    • duplicate the file:
      • naming convention: solace_{sempv2-resource}
      • all lowercase
      • no special characters
      • use underscore _ not minus - to separate words


  2. Adjust the code for the new module

  3. Test the new module

  4. Create an example

  5. Update the README with your new module

Adjusting the code for the new module

Version number

Pattern: <major>.<minor>.<patch>

    'metadata_version': '0.1.0',
    'status': ['preview'],
    'supported_by': 'community'


Provide at a minimum:

  • module
  • short_description
  • description
    • add the link to the Sempv2 Resource
  • options
    • provide at least the options that are not common to all modules
  • author
    • add your name & e-mail
  • example
    • add a short example


ansible-doc <module-name>

Class name

Choose a class name. Use Pascal Case notation. Pattern:

class Solace{NewModuleName}Task(su.SolaceTask)


class SolaceRdpQueueBindingTask(su.SolaceTask):

Function __init__()

Leave unchanged.

Concepts: The functions & their arguments

The following functions implement the respective Sempv2 actions:

get_func()    # retrieve the object from the broker to ascertain it's state.
create_func() # create the object if it doesn't exist. state: present
update_func() # update an existing object. uses output of get_func() to see if updates are required. state: present
delete_func() # delete the object for state: absent

The arguments to these functions are dynamically constructed using the following mechanism:

def {get|create|update|delete}_func(self, solace_config, get_args(), lookup_item(), settings)

Function: get_args()

Specify here the array of required parameters from ansible that are passed to the functions.

This example will read msg_vpn and rdp_name from the ansible playbook and pass it to the functions:

def get_args(self):
      return [self.module.params['msg_vpn'], self.module.params['rdp_name']]

Function: lookup_item()

Returns the value of the unique key of the object as used in the ansible playbook.

Note: always use name as the primary key as per ansible's convention.


def lookup_item(self):
    return self.module.params['name']


Set to the key name in the Sempv2 API. It maps the value returned by lookup_item() to the key in the API.


LOOKUP_ITEM_KEY = 'queueBindingName'

Function: get_func()

Retrieves the object from the broker. Used by the other functions to decide whether changes need to be applied.


def get_func(self, solace_config, vpn, rdp_name, lookup_item_value):
      # Resrouce URL pattern:
      # GET /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}

      # construct the path_array to match the URL pattern:
      # su refers to lib/ansible/module_utils/network/
      # su.SEMP_V2_CONFIG = '/SEMP/v2/config'
      # su.MSG_VPNS = 'msgVpns'
      # vpn: argument set by get_args()
      # su.RDP_REST_DELIVERY_POINTS = 'restDeliveryPoints'
      # rdp_name: argument set by get_args()
      # su.RDP_QUEUE_BINDINGS = 'queueBindings'
      # lookup_item_value: return from lookup_item()
      path_array = [su.SEMP_V2_CONFIG, su.MSG_VPNS, vpn, su.RDP_REST_DELIVERY_POINTS, rdp_name, su.RDP_QUEUE_BINDINGS, lookup_item_value]

      # call the resource
      # solace_config: leave as is
      # path_array: the URI constructed above
      # self.LOOKUP_ITEM_KEY: the constant defined above
      return su.get_configuration(solace_config, path_array, self.LOOKUP_ITEM_KEY)

Function: create_func()

Creates the object if it doesn't exist.

state: present


def create_func(self, solace_config, vpn, rdp_name, name, settings=None):
      # Resrouce URL pattern:
      # POST /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings

      # Provide any default values that make sense. Empty here.
      defaults = {}
      # Provide the mandatory key:value pairs for the POST call.
      mandatory = {
          'msgVpnName': vpn,
          'restDeliveryPointName': rdp_name,
          'queueBindingName': name

      # data is the POST body for the Sempv2 call
      # note that settings are defined as optional here
      data = su.merge_dicts(defaults, mandatory, settings)

      # Construct the path array to match the URL pattern
      path_array = [su.SEMP_V2_CONFIG, su.MSG_VPNS, vpn, su.RDP_REST_DELIVERY_POINTS, rdp_name, su.RDP_QUEUE_BINDINGS]
      # make the POST request
      return su.make_post_request(solace_config, path_array, data)

Function: update_func()

Updates the object if it does exist already and if new settings/changes are required.

Note: If no PATCH API exists, delete the entire update_func().

state: present


def update_func(self, solace_config, vpn, rdp_name, lookup_item_value, settings):
    # Resrouce URL pattern:
    # PATCH /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}
    path_array = [su.SEMP_V2_CONFIG, su.MSG_VPNS, vpn, su.RDP_REST_DELIVERY_POINTS, rdp_name, su.RDP_QUEUE_BINDINGS, lookup_item_value]
    return su.make_patch_request(solace_config, path_array, settings)

Function: delete_func()

Deletes the object.

state: absent


def delete_func(self, solace_config, vpn, rdp_name, lookup_item_value):
    # Resrouce URL pattern:
    # DELETE /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/restDeliveryPoints/{restDeliveryPointName}/queueBindings/{queueBindingName}
    path_array = [su.SEMP_V2_CONFIG, su.MSG_VPNS, vpn, su.RDP_REST_DELIVERY_POINTS, rdp_name, su.RDP_QUEUE_BINDINGS, lookup_item_value]
    return su.make_delete_request(solace_config, path_array)

Dict: module_args

Adjust the dictionary for the particular resource.


module_args = dict(
    # always required
    name=dict(type='str', required=True),
    # Resource specific parameters
    rdp_name=dict(type='str', required=True),
    msg_vpn=dict(type='str', required=True),
    # framework parameters
    # do not change from here
    host=dict(type='str', default='localhost'),
    port=dict(type='int', default=8080),
    secure_connection=dict(type='bool', default=False),
    username=dict(type='str', default='admin'),
    password=dict(type='str', default='admin', no_log=True),
    settings=dict(type='dict', require=False),
    state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
    timeout=dict(default='30', require=False),
    x_broker=dict(type='str', default='')

Task: solace_task

Replace the class name with the new class name.


    solace_task = SolaceRdpQueueBindingTask(module)

The End.