Postman requests collection for Kinvey REST API
- Open Postman -> File -> Import -> Kinvey.postman_collection.json
- Open Postman -> File -> Import -> Kinvey Variables.postman_environment.json
After importing, you would have a "Kinvey" collection (in "Collections" tab) and "Kinvey Variables" (in Environments) added.
Go to Postman -> Manage Environments -> Kinvey Variables
Set the values for:
- host
- appKey
- appSecret
- masterKey
The above values are used to construct requests' URLs and Authorization Headers.
Most requests require a user session token as Authorization header. To get it go to Collections -> Kinvey -> Users
Make a request with "Register" or "Login" a user. After the requests succeeds, the user's ID, username and access token will be automatically populated in Kinvey Variables (user_id, username, accessToken variables).
In "Tests" section you may see the code which parses the returned response and populates the variables automatically.