- Updated core to v3.1.3
- Updated core to v3.1.2
- Updated core to v3.1.1 to support MMOD
- Including support for the MPU9250 and MPU6500
- Removed Eigen and Units dependencies, so it should work with any Arduino
- Removed FIFO; there was some bug with the FIFO and no time currently to solve
- Instead of inputting an I2C address, use an enum of the two potential addresses
- Updating to include a default constructor
- Removing some unneeded ARDUINO if defs
- Pulling in Eigen for vector output of accel, gyro, mag
- Fixed typos between README and header regarding dlpf_bandwidth
- Updating to pull in Units for deg -> rad and g -> m/s/s
- Updating to pull in mcu-support repo for cmake, lib, ld, and tools libs
- Removing the tools folder to pass the Arduino linting, these will need to be installed on the system seperately for CMake builds
- Added FIFO buffer support for accel and gyro data
- Added Wake On Motion (WOM) capability and an example
- Updated directory structure to support Arduino in addition to CMake builds
- Added an Arduino example
- Updated README
- Updated for Teensy 4.1
- Updated to imu v2.2.0
- Updated to imu v2.1.0
- Updated to imu v2.0.3 and eigen v2.0.0
- Toggle the CS pin during Begin
- Updated to IMU v2.0.2
- Edited to conform to IMU interface
- Found a better approach to resetting the new_mag_data flag.
- Fixed an issue where the IMU could return false on Read, but new_mag_data would return true from the last good read.
- Added new_mag_data getter to indicate whether new magnetometer data has been read
- Added logic to get the magnetometer status byte in addition to the other magnetometer data to check for whether new data was received
- Check for mag sensor overflow, in which case we set new_mag_data to false
- Only update class-stored mag data if valid new data received
- Updated README
- Updated to namespace bfs
- Updated to support units v3.1.0
- Updated to support core v2.0.4 and units v2.0.0
- Updated sources to pull from github
- Updating to better match style guide and make clear which methods are requesting the sensor to do something and which are simply acting like a class data member
- Updated README with additional supported processors and updated methods
- Updated to support core v2.0.3 which switches Teensy 3.x I2C to TwoWire instead of i2c_t3
- Updated cmake, lib, and ld to support Teensy4.x
- Updated fetch_content from ssh to https to enable public access
- Updated flash_mcu.cmake to use local loader
- Updated license to MIT.
- Used git tags on dependencies.
- Initial baseline