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Camden Moors edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 6 revisions

Some common issues have occurred while deploying Heimdall. Below are the ones that we know of:

OpenID Connect/OAuth

Error: Logging in with Keycloak gives an unable to validate state error.

Solution: Enable oAuth compatibility mode "Exclude Session State From Authentication Response".


Error: Server is unable to validate session tokens when authenticating with an external provider

Solution: Ensure the Heimdall server is able to communicate with your authentication provider. If you use your own SSL certificates, ensure they are accessible within your Heimdall host (server/container) and specify their path as an environment variable with NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/path/to/your/certificate.crt

Error: User emails are not verified by your identity provider.

Solution: The OpenID Connect Standard provides a field for "email_verified", this is validated to ensure that a user cannot add their own unverified email to your identity provider and use it to login to Heimdall.

Ensure users have the "Email Verified" field enabled: image

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