registrationType | string Default: "regular" Registration Type: Filter record by selected registration type (single value or comma delimited values).
+ query ParametersincludeInactive | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Include Inactive: If no value is specified, the default returns false to not include outdated workflow definitions.
+ | registrationType | string Default: "regular" Registration Type: Filter record by selected registration type (single value or comma delimited values).
Available values: assessAndAuthorize, assessOnly, guest, regular,
functional, cloudServiceProvider, commonControlProvider
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/workflows/definitions Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"data": [{"workflowUid": "6f810301-5b3b-4f89-81e7-587fef9142a9", "workflow": "RMF Step 1: Security Category", "version": "4", "description": "The workflow description", "isActive": false, "stages": [{"name": "Not Started", "transitions": [{"endStage": "Submit Categorization", "description": "Initiate Workflow", "roles": ["PM/ISO, System Admin, eMASS System Admin, ISSE, ISSM, IO" ] } ] } ] } ] } The Workflow Instances endpoint provides the ability to view detailed information on all active and historical workflows for an eMASS instance.
- Get workflow instances in a site View detailed information on all active and historical workflows filtered by provided parameters.
- query ParametersincludeComments | boolean Default: true Include Comments: If no value is specified, the default returns true to not include
+ |
ResponsesUse localhost mock server
+ http://localhost:4010/api/workflow-definitions Use localhost secure mock server
+ https://localhost:4433/api/workflow-definitions Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"data": [{"description": "The workflow description", "isActive": false, "version": "4", "workflow": "RMF Step 1: Security Category", "stages": [{"name": "Not Started", "transitions": [{"endStage": "Submit Categorization", "description": "Initiate Workflow", "roles": [["PM/ISO", "System Admin", "eMASS System Admin", "ISSE", "ISSM", "IO" ] ] } ] } ] } ] } The Workflow Instances endpoint provides the ability to view detailed information on all active and historical workflows for a system.
+ Get workflow instances in a system View detailed information on all active and historical workflows for a system
+systemId and filtered by provided parameters.
+ path ParameterssystemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier.
+ |
query ParametersincludeComments | boolean Default: true Enum: true false Include Comments: If no value is specified, the default returns true to not include
transition comments.
Note: Corresponds to the Comments textbox that is required at most workflow transitions.
Does not include other text input fields such as Terms / Conditions for Authorization.
- | includeDecommissionSystems | boolean Default: false Include Decommission Systems: If no value is specified, the default returns false to exclude decommissioned systems.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- Note: Pages contain 1000 workflow instances.
- | sinceDate | string Example: sinceDate=1638764040 Date: Filter on authorization/assessment date (Unix date format).
+ | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns true to not include transition comments.
+ | sinceDate | string Example: sinceDate=1638764040 Date: Filter on authorization/assessment date (Unix date format).
Note: Filters off the lastEditedDate field.
Note: The authorization/assessment decisions on completed workflows
can be edited for up to 30 days after the initial decision is made.
- | status | string Default: "all" Enum: "active" "inactive" "all" Status: Filter by status.
+ | status | string Default: "all" Enum: "active" "inactive" "all" Status: Filter by status.
If no value is specified, the default returns all to include both active and inactive workflows.
Note: Any workflows at a current stage of Complete or Cancelled are inactive.
Ongoing workflows currently at other stages are active.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/workflows/instances Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"data": [{"workflowUid": "6f810301-5b3b-4f89-81e7-587fef9142a9", "systemId": 35, "systemName": "Test system 1", "workflowInstanceId": 35, "packageName": "Test RMF Step 1 package", "createdDate": 1636124623, "lastEditedDate": 1631130837, "lastEditedBy": "", "workflow": "RMF Step 1: Security Category", "version": "4", "currentStage": "Echelon II", "transitions": [{"comments": "Approved the categorization", "createdBy": "", "createdDate": 1636124623, "description": "Submit New Package", "endStage": "Submit Categorization", "startStage": "Not Started" } ] } ], "pagination": {"totalCount": 12, "totalPages": 2, } } Get workflow instance by ID View detailed historical workflow information for workflowInstanceId .
- path ParametersworkflowInstanceId required | integer Example: 123 Workflow Instance Id: The unique workflow definition identifier.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/workflows/instances/{workflowInstanceId} Use the hosted Prism mock server
-{workflowInstanceId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"data": {"workflowUid": "6f810301-5b3b-4f89-81e7-587fef9142a9", "systemName": "Test system 1", "workflowInstanceId": 35, "packageName": "Test RMF Step 1 package", "createdDate": 1636124623, "lastEditedDate": 1631130837, "lastEditedBy": "", "workflow": "RMF Step 1: Security Category", "version": "4", "currentStage": "Echelon II", "transitions": [{"comments": "Approved the categorization", "createdBy": "", "createdDate": 1636124623, "description": "Submit New Package", "endStage": "Submit Categorization", "startStage": "Not Started" } ] } } The Cloud Resource Results endpoint provides the ability to add, update, and remove cloud resources and their scan results in the assets module for a system.
- Add one or many cloud resources and their scan results Add cloud resources and their scan results in the assets module for a system systemId
- Request Body Required Fields
-- Compliance Results Object Array
- Example Request Body Required Fields
- [
- {
- "provider": "provide name",
- "resourceId": "resource identification",
- "resourceName": "resource name",
- "resourceType": "resource type",
- "complianceResults": [
- {
- "cspPolicyDefinitionId": "CSP policy definition identification",
- "policyDefinitionTitle": "policy definition title",
- "isCompliant": [true or false]
- }
- ]
- }
path ParameterssystemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier.
- |
Request Body schema: application/jsonAdd cloud resources and their scan results
- Array () provider | string [Required] Cloud service provider name
- | resourceId | string [Required] Unique identifier/resource namespace for policy compliance result
- | resourceName | string [Required] Friendly name of Cloud resource
- | resourceType | string [Required] Type of Cloud resource
- | initiatedBy | string [Optional] Email of POC
- | cspAccountId | string [Optional] System/owner's CSP account ID/number
- | cspRegion | string [Optional] CSP region of system
- | isBaseline | boolean [Optional] True/false flag for providing results as baseline. If true, all existing compliance results for the resourceId will be replaced by results in the current call
- | | object [Optional] Informational tags associated to results for other metadata
- | | |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/systems/{systemId}/cloud-resource-results Use the hosted Prism mock server
-{systemId}/cloud-resource-results Request samples Content typeapplication/json [{"provider": "azure", "resourceId": "/subscriptions/123456789/sample/resource/namespace/default", "resourceName": "Storage Resource", "resourceType": "", "initiatedBy": "", "cspAccountId": "123456789", "cspRegion": "useast2", "isBaseline": true, "complianceResults": [{"cspPolicyDefinitionId": "/providers/sample/policy/namespace/au11_policy", "policyDefinitionTitle": "AU-11 - Audit Record Retention", "isCompliant": false, "complianceCheckTimestamp": 1644003780, "control": "AU-11", "assessmentProcedure": "000167,000168", "complianceReason": "retention period not configured", "policyDeploymentName": "testDeployment", "policyDeploymentVersion": "1.0.0", "severity": "High" } ] } ] Response samples - 200
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 411
- 500
Content typeapplication/json Remove one or many cloud resources in a system Removes cloud resources and their scan results in the assets module for a system systemId
- path ParameterssystemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier.
- |
Request Body schema: application/jsonDelete the given Cloud Resource Id
- Array () resourceId | string [Required] Unique item identifier
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/systems/{systemId}/cloud-resource-results Use the hosted Prism mock server
-{systemId}/cloud-resource-results Request samples Content typeapplication/json Response samples Content typeapplication/json The Container Scan Results endpoint provides the ability to add, update, and remove containers and their scan results in the assets module for a system.
- Add one or many containers and their scan results Add containers and their scan results in the assets module for a system systemId .
- Request Body Required Fields
-- Bench Marks Object Array
-- Results Object Array
- Example Request Body Required Fields
- [
- {
- "containerId": "container identification",
- "containerName": "container name",
- "time": Datetime of scan/result (1648217219),
- "benchmarks": [
- {
- "benchmark": "RHEL_8_STIG",
- "results": [
- {
- "ruleId": "rule identification",
- "status": [Pass,Fail,Other,Not Reviewed,Not Checked,Not Applicable],
- "lastSeen": Unix date format (1648217219)
- }, {
- "ruleId": "rule identification",
- "status": [Pass,Fail,Other,Not Reviewed,Not Checked,Not Applicable],
- "lastSeen": Unix date format (1648217219)
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
path ParameterssystemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier.
- |
Request Body schema: application/jsonAdd containers and their scan results
- Array () containerId | string [Required] Unique identifier of the container
- | containerName | string [Required] Friendly name of the container
- | time | integer <int64> [Required] Datetime of scan/result. Unix date format
- | podName | string [Optional] Name of pod (e.g. Kubernetes pod)
- | podIp | string [Optional] IP address of pod
- | namespace | string [Optional] Namespace of container in container orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes namespace)
- | | object [Optional] Informational tags associated to results for other metadata
- | | |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/systems/{systemId}/container-scan-results Use the hosted Prism mock server
-{systemId}/container-scan-results Request samples Content typeapplication/json [{"containerId": "command-control", "containerName": "command-control", "time": 1648217219, "podName": "command-control-955596ffc", "podIp": "", "namespace": "command-control", } ] Response samples - 200
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 411
- 500
Content typeapplication/json Remove one or many containers in a system Removes container scan resources and their scan results in the assets module for a system systemId
- path ParameterssystemId required | integer Example: 35 System Id: The unique system record identifier.
- |
Request Body schema: application/jsonDelete the given Container Scan Id
- Array () containerId | string [Required] Unique item identifier
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/systems/{systemId}/container-scan-results Use the hosted Prism mock server
-{systemId}/container-scan-results Request samples Content typeapplication/json Response samples Content typeapplication/json The Dashboards endpoints provide the ability to view data contained in dashboard exports.
-In the eMASS frontend, these dashboard exports are generated as Excel exports.
- Each dashboard dataset available from the API is automatically updated with the current
-configuration of the dashboard and the instance of eMASS as the dashboard changes.
- Organization-specific fields may differ. Organization-specific Dashboards should only be
-used by that organization (e.g., VA [dashboard name] should be used by VA).
- System Status Details Get systems status detail dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-status-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Enterprise Terms Conditions DashboardsSystem Terms Conditions Summary Get systems terms conditions summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-terms-conditions-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Terms Conditions Details Get systems terms conditions details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-terms-conditions-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Enterprise Security Controls DashboardsSystem Control Compliance Summary Get systems control compliance summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-control-compliance-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Control Compliance Details Get systems security control details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-security-controls-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Assessment Procedures Details Get systems assessement procdures details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-assessment-procedures-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Enterprise POA&M DashboardsSystem POA&M Summary Get systems POA&Ms summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-poam-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System POA&M Details Get system POA&Ms details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-poam-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Enterprise Artifacts DashboardsSystem Artifacts Summary Get system Artifacts summary information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-artifacts-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Artifacts Details Get system Artifacts details information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-artifacts-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Hardware Baseline DashboardsSystem Hardware Summary Get system hardware summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-hardware-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Hardware Details Get system hardware details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-hardware-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Enterprise Sensor-based Hardware Resources DashboardsSystem Sensor Hardware Summary Get system sensor hardware summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-sensor-hardware-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Sensor Hardware Details Get system sensor hardware details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-sensor-hardware-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Software Baseline DashboardsSystem Software Summary Get system software summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-software-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Software Details Get system software details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-software-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Enterprise Sensor-based Software Resources DashboardsSystem Sensor Software Summary Get system sensor software summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-sensor-software-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Sensor Software Details Get system sensor hardsoftwareware details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-sensor-software-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Sensor Software Counts Get system sensor hardsoftwareware count dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-sensor-software-counts Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Enterprise Vulnerability DashboardsSystem Vulnerability Summary Get system vulnerability summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-vulnerability-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Device Findings Summary Get system device findings summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-device-findings-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Device Findings Details Get ssystem device findings details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-device-findings-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Ports and Protocols DashboardsSystem Ports/Protocols Summary Get system ports and protocols summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-ports-protocols-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Ports/Protocols Details Get system ports and protocols details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
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ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-ports-protocols-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System CONMON Integration Status DashboardSystem CONMON Integration Status Get system CONMON integration status dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
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ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-conmon-integration-status-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System Associations DashboardSystem Associations Details Get system associations details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
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ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-associations-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json User System Assignments Details Get user system assignments details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/user-system-assignments-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json Privacy Compliance DashboardsSystem Privacy Summary Get user system privacy summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/system-privacy-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json VA OMB FISMA SAOP Summary Get VA OMB-FISMA SAOP summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-omb-fisma-saop-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System A&A Summary DashboardVA System A&A Summary Get VA system A&A summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-system-aa-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System A2.0 Summary DashboardVA System A2.0 Summary Get VA system A2.0 summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-system-a2-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json System P.L. 109 Reporting Summary DashboardVA System P.L. 109 Reporting Summary Get VA system P.L. 109 reporting summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-system-pl-109-reporting-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json FISMA Inventory Summary DashboardsVA System FISMA Inventory Summary Get VA system FISMA inventory summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-system-fisma-inventory-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json VA System FISMA Inventory Crypto Summary Get VA system FISMA inventory crypto summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-system-fisma-inventory-crypto-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json VA System Threat Risks Summary Get VA system threat risk summary dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-system-threat-risks-summary Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json VA System Threat Sources Details Get VA system threat source details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-system-threat-sources-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json VA System Threat Architecture Details Get VA system threat architecture details dashboard information.
- query ParametersorgId required | integer Example: orgId=1 Organization Id: The unique organization identifier.
- | excludeinherited | boolean Default: false Exclude Inherited: If no value is specified, the default returns false to include inherited data.
- | pageIndex | integer Default: 0 Page Index: If no value is specified, the default returns results from the first page with an index of 0.
- | pageSize | integer Default: 20000 Page Size: If no value is specified, the default returns 20000 per page.
- |
ResponsesUse a localhost mock server (i.g.: Prism CLI - @stoplight/prism-cli)
- http://localhost:4010/api/dashboards/va-system-threat-architecture-details Use the hosted Prism mock server
- Response samples Content typeapplication/json
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